
janet heddings #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

I would definately say that this museum will be a good thing. We have plenty of people teaching evolution as fact with no regard for the true FACT that it is only a theory that cannot be proven. There are many things science cannot explain but the One who made the universe is the One who can explain it. People do not have to go to the museum if they do not wish to, yet children have to go to school and listen to years of teaching about the "science " of evolution. Isn't this a little lop-sided? And now people are complaining that this will hurt children. I will definately go to the museum as soon as I get the chance. Ken Ham does a wonderful and very scientific job of presenting the facts. I would recommend any of his writings to everyone. Thank you.

Sensei Kurt #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

How can they hate someone so strongly they don't even believe in? It always amazes me at how much atheistic believers will go to suppress anything that will bring their beliefs into question. They have given up on scientific debates ( I have been to several) because they do so poorly and end-up looking foolish in the eyes of the general public. So they resort protests and hate speech. At the Creation Museum, I read their quotes and posters of the protesters and it shows me their ignorance and bigotry against God, Creation and those that believe that this world is by design. The most ridiculous was Ed Kagin and his ironically named "Free Inquiry Group" (F.I.G.) statements, "... is a form of child abuse and 'terrorism' that could plunge America into a new dark age." Perhaps he would rather promulgate the notion to our children that we are products of chance & random processes and life has no purpose and no meaning, and that we are simply re-arranged pond scum with no more meaning

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