
Kravenhead #fundie answerbag.com

People can become an atheist for many reasons. It could be a result of anger, frustration, resentment etc. due to some unpleasant experience, relating to a church or religion (although its not likely you'll get an atheist to admit it). Another could be the individual's inability to rationalize the concept of God. We all have a tough time with that, even the clergy have difficulty with the logic. I don't think we can reasonably fault, any person for that, because I don't believe anyone can fathom infinaty or omnipotence and omniscience, we just can't corral those concepts in our minds, so we can see them clearly. The belief in God, in my opinion, is reliant upon reasonable probabilities and faith, not the rationalization of impossibly imagined concepts. Many atheists are just trying to be rational, with out applying the unknowns to the equation.

[Dear god: if you really exist, please, give me one sign by making irony and stupidity hurt. Ahmen!]

Charmaine Jay #fundie answerbag.com

creation speaks louder than any words, just look at how we are made, just look at our planet, i think the size of fruit testifys to a creator, grapes are just the right size for our mouth and oranges come insections to share and the largest fruits are not really to big for us to handle, then look at the taste buds, well we never needed them to survive, they are an added bonus, these are just a few points, i am sure you could come up with loads more. But even after all the explaining and proof some people never listen just look at Gods own people the isrealites they saw the red see open and many more miracles yet they still never believed, so seeing is not always believing

Kevisaurus is a Carnotaurus today #fundie answerbag.com

[Question: Who does an atheist turn to in their darkest hours?]


God of course. The last recourse of the desperate is and has always been that which they feel | hope will help them of their hour of need. The most renounced of atheist will pray for their salvation to their version of the all mighty when they are in the direst of straits. Sadistically, this could be proven in a purely empirical experiment with most devout of atheists, without a dout

LionPride #fundie answerbag.com

In answer to: Does Hell have a front gate?

No, you have to use the back door. Which is why it will be full of homosexuals. Ever wondered why the slang for gay guys is "flamers" Things that make you go, hmmm.

I loVe GOD #fundie answerbag.com

Can anyone prove that you have a brain??
We dont see it, feel it, OR hear it..but we believe we all have brains..and we take great lengths to prove to people we have a brain..But why? who asked? Same with this question..who is it gonna satisfy to know there is no God? Would u feel good to know that when you die nobody will care about you??
So if anyone can prove that there is no God..there are gonna have to go through some damn hard a*s walls to prove it..! :)

[This is in reply to: Can you prove there is no god? This is proof that a dumb question deserves a dumb answer]

ilikecandy #fundie answerbag.com

The best description of Heaven and Hell that I have heard was:

In Hell there is a room full of luxarious food all the best a person could imagine every person has a plate and sppon but the spoon is too big and a person cannot feed themselves so everyone is walking around hungary and with skin and bones

In Heaven it is the same scenario as above except instead of everyone trying to feed themselves people feed each other so nobody is walking around hungary and there is plenty for everyone

[Ooooh, I have a feeling that the people of Hungary may not agree with this version...ROFL!)

singwell-is back but taking it easy #fundie answerbag.com

[This was in reply to: Do you believe in god?"]

Yes, because of Jesus. We can know without doubt that the Gospel records give an accurate summary of his life and teachings (textual criticism/ confirmation from other contemporary documents). He made many claims to be God:
I and the Father are One
He who has seen me has seen the Father
Before Abraham was, I am.
Only God can forgive sins (and Jesus did)
Only God can calm the storm (and he did)
Now if Jesus made these claims there are three possibilities:
1)He was lying- in which case, he was not a good person, not a good teacher
2)He was a lunatic- I might as well follow The Great Poached Egg
3) He was who he said he was :Lord and God.

Someguy #fundie answerbag.com

(In response to the question: Do you believe in evolution?)

No. Like most evolutionists, they will say there is evidence and show you a 500 page book full of big words and difficult to understand theories, but never offer up the evidence. I have stopped asking for it and have assumed it just does not exist.

Saved by the precious blood of Christ #fundie answerbag.com

[on feminism]

Negative. I am against it because I believe the Bible. I have a deep respect for women, but I hate feminism as much as any other sin. Feminism usually leads to Lesbianism, too. I believe that a man should be a man and a woman should be a woman, not the other way around as we see much of today.

I hope that this helps. :)

-In the service of the Master.
Thank you and God bless you!

Snoopy #fundie answerbag.com

No humans R not still evolving becose they never evolved becose they were created by god and R perfect and donot need to evolve Is that clear- people who beliefe in evolutionR evil and i bet yous are all athiest.

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