
Em #fundie yahoo.com

Obama has allowed Illegal Aliens to stay, he stopped deporting them, he has had ICE back off deporting anyone and especially criminals. Obama is DEMONIC. Obama is an Illegal Alien lover. Obama is DEMONIC.

Obama said he would stop NAFTA while he was campaigning in 2008. Then he goes and pushes TPP, NAFTA on steroids through. TPP is against Americans, TPP is helping every other country except America. Obama made TPP go through. Obama is a DEMON. Everything Obama does is DEMONIC.

AmericanInfidel #fundie yahoo.com

the left has become so angry, intolerant and vicious. Since they own 98% of all consumed media, they will destroy your life at the drop of a hat; They will label you a racist, bigot, "gunnut" or "islamophobe"(no such thing). I grew up in marin county, a bastion of liberalism and "progressives". I voted for obama the 2nd time...(my mom was campaigning for him), i was just a kid at 19. I am ashamed to say I Knew nothing of politics, I was a low information voter. AFTER TRAYVON EVERYTHING CHANGED, I was horrified and confused by the chokehold that the administration had on the media and didn't understand how they could be spinning such divisive rhetoric 24/7. Then I woke up, Progressives had a nasty agenda that involved social engineering with a "rules for radicals" style approach. They wanted race riots, race-hatred and unrest which they could use to their advantage. Thousands of young people are waking up and they aren't happy.

Knee Deep in The Hoopla #fundie yahoo.com

Think of how bizarre America has become under the rule of the liberal regressive media, government, and school system. They are all pawns of the globalists-- they spread lies, propaganda, and fake narratives/fake history.

People 40 years ago would have never believed that someone opposing illegal immigration would be labeled a "racist" by the media and government. Blacks would have over 100 special privledeges/laws/organizations, yet still commit the overwhelming % of crime and complain when they are asked to obey the law.

You'd never believe, of course, that the people pointing out the crimes, rapes, and murders, would be labeled "racists" and "bigots".

Intelligent folks over age 30 can see through the lies, obfuscation, and fake history; but youngsters have fallen hard for the liberal regressive brainwashing. Then we have plenty of reality TV watching drone citizens over age 30 who are addicted to Hopium and fall for the media drivel.

America is finished. It greatly saddens me to say it, and I hope to be wrong, but I don't see a way back from this Twilight Zone we've entered. The globalists will not relinquish their control, and will continue using their media and government pawns to create racial, gender, and social strife

Zeno #conspiracy yahoo.com

The tried and failed political debate scam needs to end.

Let's do the math democrats have obviously won 92%
Of these political debates due to the fact they have controlled
Congress 92% of the last 100 years.

I believe the deceitful ( word game ) of college debate strips
Those honest candidates out of the race because they are
Not the best at being deceitful or dishonest word manipulators.

The conservative usually spends his time studying the problems
And trying to piece together the policy and direction solution we
Need to take the nation to get out of the recession or depression
The democrats created.

Yes even the Great Depression was democrats fault as they
Ran the federal reserve responsible for taking too much dollars
Out of circulation. That currency shortage caused the stock
Market to panic and drop in value at the drop of a hat. As
Word spread banks didn't have enough money to pay customer
What the customers had in their savings. As I said democrats
Destroy everything and then blame conservatives for everything
Only to find out years later oops democrats did that damage
To the nation as well.

End debates and elect based on what these candidates have
Accomplished in their career. That takes Hillary out of the running
Because she has accomplished NOTHING.

Parents and schools in Grundy County, TN #fundie yahoo.com

One mom says she’s facing violent threats for complaining about a religious instructor dubbed “Bibleman,” who has been leading religious assemblies at her kid’s local public school for 42 years.

The mom, a self-described atheist, says she was dismayed by the Bibleman’s monthly displays of Baby Jesus and presence in the elementary school at 1 p.m. – the middle of the school day.

So the mom reported the school and Bibleman (real name: Tennessee Horace Turner) to the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a foundation that fights for the separation of church and state as put forth by the U.S. constitution. In March, the FRFF sent a letter to the director of schools in Grundy County, Tenn. – and the assemblies were promptly suspended.

Since then, the mom has faced devastating accusations on Facebook, including death threats and a photo of a burning home with the message: “He was an outsider and against the Bible Man coming to our schools, so we threw him a house warming party.” (The mom wants to remain anonymous because of the severity of some of the threats, but has identified herself to FFRF. She did not return calls to Yahoo Parenting.)

“Parents have been very, very sad that after 42 years, there has suddenly been a change,” Dr. Willie Childers, the Interim Director of the Grundy County schools, tells Yahoo Parenting. “With it being a religious nature, it has also brought about some anger. People feel Christianity is under attack.”

According to Childers, the assemblies that featured Turner happened at all the elementary schools at varying times and parents who wanted to opt out were “provided an alternative activity.” But that does not preclude the children from feeling left out or being marked as heathens.

Childers says they pulled the assemblies to make sure “all of our schools were in compliance with the constitution.”

Chris Fox #fundie yahoo.com

The whole sodomite agenda is about gaining access to children, gender deception or some perverted agenda. The trans gender lie the right to deceive and violate your fellow human being. When did deceiving or violating your fellow human being become a human right, civil right or equal rights issue . Would it be ok for me to get trans race surgery run around deceive and violate lesbians? Or log onto dating sites claiming to give birth to white children. Its become the in thing for so called transgender to adopt children, log onto dating sites claiming to give birth to adopted children. Most of whom are been horrible violated. Homosexuality is a perverted, predatory and pedophile agenda not a human right or civil rights issue.

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