
professor #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Forced Suburb Integration is the next Obama Push

This could be the real reason the feds want to snoop on people so badly. They want to annex the suburbs into the cities so the cities can rape the tax base to rebuild the cities. They hope to get white people to move back into the cities while forcing the ghetto dwellers into the burbs.


The leftist organization behind the push is : Building One America

JGARCYA #conspiracy givemegossip.com

i believe most american crisis events are false flags...

but what i want to know is...

why don't the actors come forward and say...

i was a paid actor...here is my paycheck stub...

it would be so easy to infiltrate this system of false flags...

apply...sign any document with all rights reserved...partake in the event....don't cash the check...

take undercover video of the players behind the scene..

if i lived in boston i'd apply and do just that...

f*ck the us corporation!!!

exposed shadows #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Trees Are much more then you think... the Nervous System!

Trees bare witness to everything.. silent and towering cut down and burnt,,, they are truly the silent watchers,

Trees are far more important then we give credit... here is why...

TREES are a part of a system that keeps everything going... they are the peripheral nervous system or PNS

The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the central nervous system to every other part of the body

Axons-- are the root system of trees...The function of the axon is to transmit information,

The central nervous system --is so named because it integrates information it receives from, and coordinates and influences the activity

Trees see all and send that information back ,,and tells earth how to handle the information . more we cut them down and burn them without replanting... the more information is being sent that we humans need to be handled...

then we get earthquakes....tornadoes ...tsunamis.. ect do to the earth reacting to the information being sent to its Central nervous system... as of now we are a termite on this planet.... and clearly earth is letting us know this..

Telcove #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Our Sun is a Stargate

[link to truedemocracyparty.net]

All suns are stargates. Well this is an interesting theory. An ancient Mayan artifact found in 2011 shows the sun being used by space crafts as a portal to enter our solar system. How did the Mayan people even dream of such a thing? Why would NASA censorship need to be involved with this story unless it contains some truths? Could the winged orb, planet X foretell of an incoming planet sized ship that just pops out of our sun?

MUSTAFA #fundie givemegossip.com

what CAN WE DO to make Jesus COME BACK quickly?

I would like to see Jesus return before it's too late.
I am very old and my pastors have been promising me that Jesus will definitely be back before 1960 and then kept delaying the date every 7 years.

In the ancient times of old testament stories, God used to get quite angry with people doing the wrong things and used to come down hard on the villains with floods, wars, pestilences, locusts, droughts, turn them into pillars of salt and other general Acts of God deterrents.

I think that we have now evolved and civilized to the point where God is pleased with our behaviour so he is no longer concerned about having to return?
after all he did say : I will return within this generation?
but that generation went and no-one came?
Have we been stood up?

If we all start behaving badly and run amok maybe he will come to bring back law and order?

Flowers #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The truth regarding these 10 commandment monuments being erected on government property

Not many topics arouse the emotions and fury of all citizens than that of the placing of the 10 commandments on government property.

There is more than meets the eye (or the media stories) regarding this ladies and gentlemen.

Has anyone, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Agnostic or any other belief system actually looked upon these 10 commandment "monuments" that cause all these issues up close?

A brief investigation of them is in order no? If we are going to get worked up, regardless what side we may be on, should not we at least look at them?

They are generally donated by high level masons. Filled with occult and illuminati symbolism.

And they are not even the full commandments. They are condensed to remove the signature of God from commandment #4 (in other words, by what authority God even gives these commandments to men)

Here is a picture of the monument in Oklahoma. Dripping in demonic symbolism.

Please take a few moments to look.

[link to i.imgur.com]

We find not only the all seeing eye, an upside down American flag and the star of saturn(hexagon). We find the symbol of Constantine the sun worshiper, the "chi roh".

At the bottom we see who the "monument" is dedicated to.

[link to www.mikeritze.com]

Take 20 seconds and read his "Civic Activities"

Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen of all faiths, creeds and colors, we are being played.

Christians are being played against Atheists.
Atheists are being played against Christians.
Secularists against the religious.

We are all being played against each other.

Everyone #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Do not let the P.C. police change the way you view the world. Don't be offended by anything anyone says. Soon, they will have to adopt a whole new global language based on neutrality and not offending anyone, anywhere.

Georgia guide stones call for this new language, so we know it's in the cards.

Crime, danger, lawlessness are coming to America.

Dreamcrusher #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The masses are asleep willingly ... The shills reinforce the sheep 's belief that this couldn't happen . The reality is the Father of Allison Parker is/was a Broadway actor . All involved but Vester are JEWISH .

The hand and shirt do not match the time stamped pic of the shooter , registering 6:00 am on the frame of the shot . The $ 9000.00 cam footage the Pho-tog is using has been compressed for the population to see a grainy digital print

A coffin at the VESTER suicide road side event witnessed by the BBC crew - FORCED TO DELETE under threat of arrest or Seizure of CAR AND VIDEO CAMERA EQUIPMENT .

The 12 minute PRE-EVENT TWEET by Fiance , eulogizing Allison . WTF








Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

You misinterpreted the entire Biblical story of Noah. When the ark rose high above the earth it meant it hovered in the air. From one earth to another earth. The previous Earth was what we call today "Mars" and it was destroyed.

It was a story about space travel, not one planet.

That is why they found water on the planet called Mars.

There was a rainbow in the atmosphere of Earth when Noah landed because he was on another planet.

Noah is a space dude. Same with his children.

CYRIL #conspiracy givemegossip.com

THE SOONER WE BLOW UP THE MOON, we can start living longer

during the course of my research I found an interesting anecdote :

in biblical times, before the great Universal Flood of Noah, humans enjoyed long life spans of around 1000 years.

After the flood, the life spans dropped off to around 40 years.

I realized, just like a flash of lightning during a thunderstorm, that the reason for the drop in human life span is quite simply due to our humble Moon.

Before the flood, the Earth had no Moon.
God suddenly introduced a Moon into our solar system, for the simple reason of shortening our lives.
This life shortening happens by the unnatural imposition of added gravity to our body.

Pre- Flood, humans were like giants ( even the bible says so )
huge man and women making huge babies living for several hundred years like Mathusala.

Since the additional lunar gravity was introduced, our bodies shrunk and we needed 500% additional food to eat and fuel and energy to get around.

Without the lunar gravity, our cars, trains, trucks and aeroplanes would need only 1/10th of the fuel and energy we are using today.

Governments and the Illuminati and TPTB, they all know this.
This is the reason why they have been stockpiling nuclear weapons.
They will not be used to blow other Countries up, but they are ready to go at a moment's notice in a concerted effort by all nuclear countries to blow up the moon.

This epic event will be the much awaited advent of the Millennium.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!

The International Space Station, just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a Freemasonic hoax, a complete fabrication done with special effects, models, pools, zero G planes, and various camera tricks.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy #fundie givemegossip.com

History today asks the question
Why nobody in the middle ages noticed either avery
Or Stonehenge until a one man did.
In the whole of the roman histories no roman historian gives mention of it
And in John Aubrey's own time no one was aware of it.
He is famous for discovering it, literally discovering it.
In light of the above evidence of photo fraud and clear evidence of first construction in the 1950's from a empty very flat surfaced cleared area,
Isnt it also suspicious that it was only in the 1970's John Aubrey and his work was given any acclaim whatsoever, before this he was discarded and considered a nutter into psychic phenomena inaccurate biographies, and "folklorist"
Why was it that he was suddenly brought out as a great scholar in the 1970's , with his published works fallen into obscurity and with accusations of his own works changed by his fellows, how can we in fact trust anything he purportedly wrote?

[link to www.historytoday.com]

Is John aubrey The Man who discovered stone henge A reliable SOLE source for the existence of an old stone henge??
He was the first source or something nobody previous to him had ever noticed!
Of was he even a source at all?
After all, it was only the 1970's after what we know was the real building of stone henge in the 50's that his name was dug up and his alleged work of "discovering" out of the obscurity and the supposed myths of England ,the great unmissable stonehenge henge that the romans didn't even notice even though they camped near there, that Aubrey was made publicly known as the first archeologist and discover of the unmissable Stonehenge that nobody noticed except for myth stories that could have been forged into older histories, or merlin making stones fly out of Ireland!

What some who knew him well says of his character

"a shiftless person, roving and magotie-headed, and sometimes little better than crased. And being exceedingly credulous, would stuff his many letters sent to A. W. with folliries and misinformations, which would sometimes guid him into the paths of error".

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Such a man , discarded a obscurer until so long, until needed in the 70's
Who wrote books on Aubrey's papers also included "Architectonica Sacra"; and "Erin Is God" ???
An occultist no doubt , i contend could have gad his works altered
By the same gang that built stone henge in the 50's
As thry could have altered the myth histories and made up stories of merlin and his flying stones, because the fact is NOBODY NOTICED STONE HENGE IN ANY WAY UNTIL AUBREY WAS SAID TO AND ONLY THEN IT WAS IN THE 1970's that anyone saw his writings !

What AUBREYS reputation was in regards to his published works.

The only work published by Aubrey in his lifetime was his Miscellanies (1696; reprinted with additions in 1721), a collection of 21 short chapters on the theme of "hermetick philosophy" (i.e. supernatural phenomena and the occult), including "Omens", "Prophesies", "Transportation in the Air", "Converse with Angels and Spirits", "Second-Sighted Persons", etc. Its contents mainly comprised documented reports of supernatural manifestations. The work did much to bolster Aubrey's posthumous reputation as a superstitious and credulous eccentric.

[link to en.m.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Why was Aubrey not noted until the 1970's

And then we have a real proven promotor of forgeries!
Promoting the forged myth itself!
I contend the actual idea of an ancient myth is a myth!

Stukeley, William, 1740, Stonehenge A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids. London

Stukeley was also involved with Freemasonry and instrumental in British scholarship's acceptance of Charles Bertram's forged Description of Britain.

William Stukely the anglican catholic freemason stooge , and promotor of forgeries and fairy tale druid temples

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

So with men like this dug up to prove a myth that we know was built from scratch in the 1950's and stone henge being such a massive unmissable structure on a flat plain!! that nobody before them ever noticed
Apart from merlin myths that are forgeries themselves
How can any sane person believe in stone henge
Stone henge built by idiots for idiots in the 20th century of vatican idiocyA history of forgery forgers quacks and the practitioners of the occult
Who rule over idiots

Don't be an idiot
Believe in jesus christ the son of the living God
And be wise enough to forsake your conning fraud making thieving pagan overlords who produce only fake stone temples of idiocy for you to marvel at like idiots.

ninjakitten #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Yeah so aliens in outer space pay to mess with humans then broadcast or elsewhere . We are one big amusement to them . Not to mention they create other beings and send them here. I wonder what they will say when heaven breaks through their false reality and changes everything . Oh yeah and vampires are real

hidingthistime #conspiracy givemegossip.com

This was my post, I just realized I wasn't signed in, I want to follow and wanted to add, I never knew Robin leach was still alive another one I thought died in 2008... and I also notice a pattern with 2008 and 1989 people....

Like Bernie Mac, Micheal Jackson, Farrah Faucett, Ed Mac Man (died like 5 times that one) and George Carlin all died right around the same time in 2008-2009 as well, it was all a bit shocking....felt like someone was trying to ruin MY past, like generation x's past... personally.

Also, to add ALL of my schools from my childhood are different or burned down or torn down, so I can not go back and look at my schools etc to jog my memories, and also every house from before 2008ish ( Which is when I started noticing the changes) The most important 2, one is a parking lot now, and the other burned down and is now Over 55 condos...so again a lot from my personal past that I can not prove...

I also have huge gaps of memories gone from 1992ish until 2008ish...

I am starting to wonder if we are clones brought to a new fake earth from the real one, and somehow some of us kept our memories...lol

Also a few friends that died are now alive and one died again and a few other peoples houses changed locations ..

NOW I looklike a loonie! lol... :P

Russell #fundie givemegossip.com

We all know the nations use the 1582 AD Pope Gregory XIIII Catholic calendar system and then mix in all the other religions and you get a mess of chaos and shootings and suffering. Also known as Babylon(confusion)

So in order to unite all nations as one in God and Jesus Christ the nations need to use the NJC system
If the Nations wants to be saved they need to add new life.

This is what needs to be done for a Christian America
[link to newjerusalemcalendar.com]
And a Christian world
[link to newjerusalemcalendar.com]

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

the lion was only a ritual.

All just a ritual. We have all experienced the emotional sacrifice of a lion named cecil. It is very possible that this never even happened. It was only a mass ritual of a sacrificial lion. And we have all given power to it. Most have no idea of what is going on, really.

Elsie #conspiracy givemegossip.com

It's said that the male aliens can reproduce with the female humans, barring some issues with size. The alien offspring is a little larger than human females are built to deal with, but many times they can be delivered successfully.

The issue with female aliens and human males not being able to reproduce is mostly unknown, but it's assumed that it also has to do with size/potency. The human male's sperm is not potent enough, and the offspring would be too small. The alien male's sperm is apparently... very strong.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Carlyle group (the joint Bush family & Bin Laden (binladen) family company. They have been great friends & business partners for decades) & Blackstone (Rothschild) We behind the disappearance of MH-370

[link to www.voltairenet.org]

it was taken to Diego Garcia

That following Thursday in TX where registered, they solely won the patent for the cloaking device & other tech chips.

Carlyle group has HQ in the CIA mecca the Ronald Reagan bldg in DC near WH, who are their neighbors...

Mossad SITE intelligence group.. THE very group behind EVERY release of ISIS vids, Al Qaeda vids, & all the fake Bin Laden vids.. FACT!

who also is their neighbors there? ISIS ! yep a CIA contractor..

NOTE all the early ISIS vids that showed USA AZ & TX power poles & transformers.. and that white toyota truck they forgot to photo shop out the sign for the TX plumber.

UNderstand this..

ISIS is an Israel & USA run operation, & gets funding also from UK. They are a hired, created, armed, rebranded Al Qaeda. FACT Al Qaeda was the rebranding of Mujahedin, our proxy army that is fully documented were ALL OURS. CIA ran database like pentagon for their soldiers (pay, training, advancement etc), & THAT database was called Al Qaeda.. so when they rebranded, they thought funny to use that name.. This is a well know FACT & stated by many politicians around the globe.

You can watch vids on Youtube where Gen. Dempsey, Clinton SAY USA is Al Qaeda.. understand this.. it has clearly been stated live on CSPAN

NemoGravitus #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Can quantum Science prove Obama is from kenya?

I mean, this new science can tell us a great deal about everything..so perhaps there is some way to utilize Quantum mechanics to get the answers about Obama we need..and if you follow string theory...then technically there is and altenate universe where he is from kenya...and perhaps it goes deeper than all that, maybe obama is the obama from the altenate universe and he has replaced the original obama...Have you ever stared at your hands for a really long time? are you sure those are your hands and not somebody elses?

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

do crisis actors think of reality differently once they find out about all the hoax shootings?

are they like to themselves, "the illuminati do exist." And do you think they watch those hoax shooting debunking videos on youtube and analyze their terrible crisis actor performance? do they think to themselves, "How can anybody fall for my poor crisis acting skills?"

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The result of Agenda 21 is that land-use will be optimized and negative effects to the landscape will be minimized.

The dark underside of Agenda 21 is that white suburban neighborhoods will be decimated and all-white neighborhoods will be dissolved.

They are sneaky.

Anonymous Gossiper #magick #wingnut givemegossip.com

Why the Masons wanted Donald Trump in the Presidental Race

Donald Trump is Teddy Roosevelt reincarnated

Hillary (Mary, Queen of Scots) and Jeb Bush (Rutherford B Hayes) still see Trump as a Real Estate Tycoon.. not as the Electrifying Politician he is

That is why they are shocked by the people's support

Hillary and Jeb got blindsided because they don't see across time

They are too focused in the now to plan reality 250 years in advance

And that is why they will lose

Cheesecake #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The universe, the Sun, Planets. I bet it's all artificial.

I was out in the garden this morning to make sure my clothes were drying nicely in the morning sunny. it was so lovely out; blue skies and not a cloud to be seen and then it struck me: how artificial the sun and the light seemed. almost like a fake light that you see in movie sets. it made me wonder if any of it is actually organic and real? I'm not saying the sun is a massive light bulb, but that its been specifically designed and built as it were. An im not even suggesting theology, buy maybe, just that its been built.

Anonymous Gossiper #fundie givemegossip.com

Pealeontologists are now even doubting if dinosaurs ever existed !!
and stone henge is fake as it was built entirely from scratch in 1953!

Ha suckers so much for your attemots to deny Gods truth
And invent your pagan stone lol temples!
Down with the papal antichrist!
Jesus is lord of all creation Forever

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Yes, one time I did see what I would call fairies, gnomes and brownies. They were perched and busily engaged in various activities within a hedge of bushes.

They were startled to see I had seen them, and they acted very annoyed that I was watching. This went on for about 20 minutes. A long enough time that I had plenty of time to question the reality of what I witnessed.

They started 'blinking' out, and I stopped watching.

I will say I was very tired that night.

I can't tell you any more than that. But it did forever more revise my understanding of the real world. I became a real reader of quantum physics books back then and tried really hard to understand what it could have been. I have finally come to accept that there are many dimensions in this world, and I just happened to have an anomaly of consciousness and it allowed me access into one that I should not have seen.

in harmony #conspiracy givemegossip.com

I am seriously thinking about living with a Bigfoot group in about 15 years when I retire. Im a vegaterian and love the deep forests that are far away from any civilization. I also use only natural medicines and Im sure Bigfoots have excellant medical knowledge. So I wont have to worry about medical care.

Anyone else thinking about retiring to a Bigfoot group? Any one here ever spend some time with them? I look forward to hearing your experiences and advice.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Re: Body Of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism, Found Floating In River

Since when does a doctor, w/ access to all kinds of medicine, decide to commit suicide by shooting himself in the chest?? Totally suicided, people need to open their eyes! Damn flouride & chem trails.

Big Fanny #conspiracy givemegossip.com


I think they are from the same family but lose the power when they procreate out of their tribal bloodlines. That's why tptb are promoting interracial marriages so they can eliminate the illuminati. Or just one guy is doing it so he can have all the power, greedy asshole.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

I was a Gray Alien in past life

I ascended when I was a pirate through negative love (acceptance) of my fellow pirates.

I've had three incarnations,
the first I was a male miner of sorts using a relatively unsuccessful hybrid,
I died early as a counsel decided that the host body was causing me too much pain.

Then I incarnated as a female genetic engineer,
I participated in some food lathering orgies in my spare time.

My first two life times I spent underground,
the mining one I was mainly in tunnels,
where as the genetic engineer female I spent mostly under ground buildings.

Then I incarnated as a space ship helper "android" gray alien,
I had Nordic Orion masters,
but I rarely looked much above their waist,
I was getting my orders from a higher ranking gray group leader.

I died in the soviet union in the early 80's from a rifle wound to the chest,
reincarnated as a homo-sapien.
To help we with you ascend.

I can still interact with the gray hive mind -- either directly or through memory.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

CNN wants to start a race war by comparing southern whites to Hitler and the killing of Jews. They are starting a race war right now by insulting white Americans. We will see people starting to revolt to protect their history, watch the "protests" and see if whites dont start speaking up. Do we really want to do what Roof wanted?

NemoGravitus #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Why space exploration might be completely irresponsible and possibly dangerous for the human race

Ok, first pretend that there were no sea creatures on the planet, since we can not survive in water, we could never imagine anything could, the same goes for space, we cant imagine anything evolving and living in space because we cant but there could be, imagine something that that evolved in space and think about how much room there is in space for something to grow...imagine how big it could get. we are the size we are because of how much room we had to grow. imagine a squid like creature the size of 50 suns and we alert it to earths location or come across it in space. it wouldnt even have to want to get us, it could just be curious and accidently destroy us in its approach, Ok that was the dangerous part, the irresponsible part would be imagine a planet the size of a peanut with a full poppulation of a tiny seven billion people just like us and one of our space ships completely destroys it without noticing....se what im getting at?

Flyingdreams #conspiracy givemegossip.com

With all this push regarding the Confederate Flag. How long before they decide that the American Flag is not appropriate to fly? Think about it. How much of Americas history is emphasized on the negative of slavery and racism. Schools are pretty much indoctrinating kids to be self-loathing Americans. Nevermind the positive. All you need is to portray flag waving Americans as racists. Look at the recent flag stomping and burning challenges recently. All they need is the right vehicle to push this in the right direction. So the confederate flag is perfect. Once they succeed in forbidding this flag. Don't be surprised if the old red white and blue follows behind. Only question is: What flag will they replace it with?
The North American Union Flag perhaps. Now with the TPP being voted on it would make sense. I saw a vid that mentioned that Dan Page vid a while back that mentions all the things he said would happen have been happening. Next up a new constitution. Of course you know that will happen. With Rove talking about getting rid of the second Amendment. Why not just rewrite a new one. New Constitution New country new flag. Makes sense.

Anonymous Gossiper #homophobia givemegossip.com

*BOLD 1, great point, that's why their depravity should remain in their closets, not celebrated in a boisterous manner every summer in their pride parades that are, of course, gov sponsored and fully allowed. Remember don't ask don't tell? OUT the door with that; the homosexuals need others to know they're homosexual, especially the innocent children, which they would love to take home and snuggle.

*BOLD 2, yes, that would be every person who registers as LGBT. Sick and demented. Not child-raising material. Children need a healthy atmosphere, one where there are 2 parents of opposite sex, as nature obviously intended. Raise them in an unnatural way such as with 2 homosexuals, and you wind up with an imbalanced child. It should be a litmus test for parenting that if you don't even know what it takes to conceive and bear a child, IE, using your sexual organs properly, you shouldn't raise a child so that it becomes as confused as the sick person who has adopted it. It really isn't a matter of fear or misunderstanding either; homosexuals and homosexual advocates love to use the term "homophobe" to describe those with anti-homosexual sentiments, however, we are only disgusted and sickened, and more so that at an ever earlier age, children are being introduced to LGBT homosexual concepts that will turn them as sick as those promoting it.

*BOLD 3, the human species was doomed from the beginning, and we are only seeing a decline in intelligence and morality, as evidenced by the rampant homosexuality going on in today's society. It is a regression of intelligence, and leads only to population reduction, not growth. Homosexuals can't even have pure thoughts, let alone unbiased ones when it comes to their perversion.

Unikitty #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The occult revealing of the Thundercats cartoon show (80s version).

The entire work of this cartoon is based upon Masonic and Luciferian practices and concepts.


Lion-0 the young "Lord of the Thundercats", receives his phallic sword as a boy on the brink of his teen years.
It's power source is an All Seeing Eye at it's center. A reptilian eye, showed as a cat's eye... that "speaks'
to Lion-o and gives him telepathic and intuitive vision. It's demonic and alive and is a gateway to another place or person.

His sword is small and when he uses it's power it becomes fully erect and larger. Exactly as a penis.

One day he will master his sword and it will submit to his hand. As a boy, it is too much for him to handle, it leads him at first.

The power flows though him for the fist time. And the sword controls him, as the penis and desire for sex and pleasure become his driving force and "power".

After crashing (falling from heaven/space), he quickly has the body of a man, now able to wield his sword. But his mind has not experienced the growing process.
This is representing masturbation. He thinks he is ready to wield his phallic sword but has no real experience. The legendary boy king is now
the lord.

He screams for his cats... hoes. Thundercats, Ho. Thundercats are loose. The God of fertility Pan.

The cats he calls for are his women/witches. They are his whores, his breeders, his concubines, now his phallus has made them loose.
Virgin whores. Right there in the catch phrase! This is not a stretch (pun intended) but a truth! The King needs women to seed his bloodline in the new world!

When his phallus is aroused and full of power (blood), he calls for them and they cum to take his reptilian seed.

The Lion King.

This touches on the occult legends of Osiris/Isis and the phallus. The Holy Wand/Sword myths. Jesus/Mary. Isis/Horus.

Mumm-Ra is a priest who communes with "Ancient Evil Spirits".
Covered in the symbols of DNA and the Caduceus. Representing the power unlocked in knowing thyself.

Gnostic teachings. DNA access. Genetic transmutation and engineering.

Mumm-Ra the ever living, is immortal and has the knowledge and gnosis of the past civilizations.
Lives in a Egyptian pyramid with a light, energy capstone.
More phallic/DNA references, as after Mumm-Ra uses his power, he is spent and needs to rest.

Lion-o, The Boy King who wields the Holy penis and Mumm-Ra represents the phallus and the DNA that flows through it.

The connection is the reptilian eye and snake headed DNA strand. This is all so clear and obvious. These symbols aren't hidden, they are constantly shown multiple times in every episode.

These symbols have nothing to do with children, accept from an aspect of sex, breeding and creating a special bloodline.

Again, the source of this power and DNA is clearly shown as REPTILIAN.

Lion-O's all seeing eye, reptilian sword and Mumm-Ra's helix, dual headed snake symbol.

To make all this even worse and more obvious, the pilot episode is based on the concept (yet again) that a son/sun man who would be king...
escapes a dying world (Superman) and must lead his people to a New World (NWO) by finding a new place to settle and SEED.

They find a little blue world, 3rd planet from a "little" sun! Ancient Alien Astronauts, Sumerian creation myths.

The remaining cast clearly fill out the supporting cast under Satan. The usual suspects.

Tygra is a stone mason. A builder. A brother in arms, knight Templar type who serves the Lion Lord.
In one of the first episodes, Tygra surveys the rock base and says this will be a good solid place to build our base.
In a later episode he is shown as an architect, with plans for the base and a clear picture of the cat tower facing the sun in the design. More phallic worship and Egyptian symbolism, sphinx, and astronomy.

Cheetara is a mystic, witch. A mother, sister, wife, trinity to the boy king.
She guides him, gently and at times seductively to "focus" his power. To help master his sword!

Panthro is an engineer. Uses technology to build their machines and gadgets.
In one of the first episodes, he reverse engineers their crashed spaceship (!) into a vehicle they can use.

The twins are tricksters. Magicians. They use smoke and mirrors to elude and confuse their enemies.

These are the same practices used by the masons and illuminati.

So what is this all doing in a children's show?

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

What if the lush Sahara Desert was purposely blasted away to stop humans from being their own shaman?

What if humans breathed deeply Earth's breath, organic breath. What if the spores and pollen of Earth were meant to waft and swirl around the globe and everyone was AWARE.

And now---it is illegal, forbidden. You are forbidden to take your brain to alternate areas of thinking which are offered freely in nature.

Did someone blast away a lush area off the globe to stop Africa contributing to the air Earthlings breathe? Today, what comes across the Atlantic, from the winds of Africa is sand and dirt—.

Just some thoughts.

Anonymous Gossiper #fundie givemegossip.com

Homosexuals are a lot like kaleidoscopes; they adorn themselves with seemingly innocent, fun, neon, and vibrant colors that attract children to them (such as a lantern fish attracts their prey), and, just like kaleidoscopes, homosexuals are utterly useless to mankind, and could be completely done away with without the majority of the population even caring at all. Am I right or am I right??

Don't Chip me Bro!! #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Re: Scientists Unveil Genetically Modified Insects with ‘Kill Switch’ Genes

I wonder if the gene information can be carried to another with an insect bite.

If everything on earth is so closely related, why wouldn't the same gene kill switch work for multiple species??

This is a really good example of Genetic Corruption that we do not have the understanding to mess with yet, but still do...

This genetic Corruption could be propagated to EVERYTHING!!!

Something eats the mosquito, then carries the gene...and so on...

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Reality is neither completely real nor completely fake. It is somewhere in between.

The only thing holding people back from knowing or witnessing this is their inability to understand that which is not presented based on their previously determined reality.

It takes time to understand because it's mostly "dimensional" stuff. You understand what you can bear witness to however most also believe in an omnipotent dimensional God. It creates a cognitive dissonance to try and understand it because to understand the 4th dimensional "God" (as depicted in the bible) (could be 3rd+ though) means to usurp God's authority.

Any "God" of the 4th dimensional including the space lizards who consider themselves Gods is no God at all. 5th or higher would be where such a character would come from. 5th is the architect level basically able to tinker with 4th dimensional attributes. 6th would be akin to a God that could be omnipotent as well as change things retroactively in the past. At least these are my understandings of the topic. If they take a physical form they are probably 5th dimensional characters; 6th and above wouldn't need it.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Do people really believe that contrails last for hours and then spread out causing a thin haze covering the sky.

Day after day, month after month, year after year every fn time we get a warm sunny day, a fleet of jets fly over my house leaving these trails that linger for hours then spread across the sky blocking the sun and the next day it is cold and raining. They don't let up, it's impossible to get 2 sunny days in a row anymore, when we use to get 2 or 3 weeks in a row of sunny days. It's kinda hard not to notice something isn't right.

If it happens to be just contrails that do this then fluck contrails.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

HAARP Used to Devastate Texas With Unprecedented Thunderstorm - HAARP clouds spotted this morning in Houston

Last night's storm that put several Texas cities in a state of emergency was not natural. It was reported by the weather reporters last night as gaining it's energy from the high upper atmosphere.

If you looked at the radar data last night it was too perfect. Storms meeting with other storms at just the right places leading to storms hovering over Houston in place for several hours.

They've been trying to hit Houston all season but kept missing, I've been expecting this storm for a couple months now.

These clouds were spotted all over Houston the morning after.

So I Am #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Jade Helm and Dam Breaks in Bastrop

I am not that advanced in computers, however you should know; Bastrop, Texas protested and questioned government officials about Jade Helm in their Community just a couple weeks ago.

Now a newly constructed dam (3 years old) has broke. Flood waters from the break so far killed 5, with 12 still missing.

Lame stream media covers the flood and the river rising, but fail to mention why the reason why so many homes were wiped out in the first place. In fact they are calling family homes, cabins on the edge of the river.

Who goes to a cabin on the week end, when you know it going to be raining hard all week end... and next to a river? Wouldn't the park then have closed them down? It is clear in the pictures that these were not cabins. The people on camera are calling them homes, and "lived there" too. What is going on when the Lame stream media can't report on what really happened? Something tells me this was part of Jade Helm or retaliation for questioning the government over it.

Superflyscot #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Why I know the moon landings were fake

The USA knew that the Roswell aliens were inter dimensional but knew that the concept would be more difficult to accept than aliens,which the public were soaking up at the time in movies. So they happily perpetuated that myth through alleged whistle blowers.

So they made money and more money and more money desperately, bankrupting the world economy,desperately to find a way to escape the coming apocalypse the beings imparted to them.

This is the reason for the current economic climate. The USA have bankrupted the whole planet for the sake of their research,because they know what will come.

This is why CERN is funded more than space travel,which is impossible given our current technology due to the Van Allen belt.

It all stems from Roswell. This whole economic house of cards has been developed and propped up by the USA for decades until they get the answers they want.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The Kardashians matriarch made a deal. Just look closely at her Christmas cards. A lot of symbolism in them.

They are the perfect distraction away from real-world issues and individual spiritual growth.

They are created false ideal and pathetic role model for young girls (and boys). Over and over they teach women that it's about naked bodies and self-promotion. Their shallow, selfish me, me, me behavior is scraping the barrel for sure but is having a disastrous impact on young people.

Why do you think they are so heavily promoted each and every day? Who is behind this? They are as dumb as rocks but the Sheeple fawn all over them and that is how a dark agenda is implemented. Turn people into stupid, material-obsessed, narcissistic shells. Make it fashionable to toss the white male aside, use your children as accessories.

What possible upliftment do they provide Humanity? What messages are they sending your children, Society?

Let's remember Kanye's mother - Illuminati sacrifice? Also, Scott Disick - was at least one of his parents a sacrifice for Fame and Fortune?

FAME - False Admiration Masking Evil.

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The mass vaccine campaign is not about eradicating disease, it's about infecting you with permanent DNA-altering, weaponized, disease-causing substances.

If it was really about caring for us then all their BILLIONS spent on developing vaccines would be focused on the actual viruses, and ways to eradicate them; infect them with self-destruct mechanisms, make it so the Virus can not survive. It kills itself.

But Big Pharma's answer is to vaccinate Billions of humans, and each and every beautiful newborn, so round and round we go while the spooky viruses live on. How perfect for them, keeps them in business.

The vaccines develop into diseases and you suffer and die while Big Pharma reigns supreme.

Just like the Cancer industry, they will never cure cancer - too much profit to be had. In fact, they create it.

QuantumLove #conspiracy givemegossip.com

The World's Greatest Healing Substances / Resources - What big Pharma / AMA wants to keep from you

Let me first say there's a huge campaign of disinformation to keep you in the dark of these healing items before you. There are many shill websites created and funded by the medical establishment and big pharma to keep you doubting these substances.

I can assure you from my 15 years of research and experimentation, these 100% heal and work. Do your own research, and weigh the good info with the bad, and always come to your own conclusion.

1. Blood Electrification . This therapy might be one of the greatest cures available. I have personally used this device and made one for less then 20 bucks.
Suppressed Medical Discovery: This video just had to be immortalized after Bob's death so people all over the world can help themselves to inexpensive and highly effective treatments rather than put our trust in the corrupt and useless health industry

2. Cancer Tutor is one of the best comprehensive websites with just about every cancer protocol, describing in detail what you need to know. [link to www.cancertutor.com]

3. Colloidal Silver You can buy a kit to make it on amazon for 60 bucks. a few drops a day in the ear, nose and eyes and you'll never get sick. it's also the perfect food / body / house germ killer. I make this stuff fresh weekly, and it really works. I have seen it CURE pink eye in a few hrs.

4. Apricot kernels have the highest level of B 17 in the world which100% absolutely kills / prevents cancer cells. Watch the video .. a world without cancer... and learn the politics behind it all

5. Oil Of Oregano p73 . Learn how Oil of Oregano acts like nature's antibiotic by killing viruses, bacteria, yeast infections and other microorganisms.

6. Vitamin D3 ... 90% of all humans are very low on this, and it's very important to take. The chemtrails are also blocking the sun, so we much supplement.
[link to www.naturalnews.com]

7. Hemp seeds = The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source on The Planet

[link to www.ratical.org]

... These seeds are the perfect match for the human body . I eat these daily. Perfect blend of protein, fiber and oils.

Hemp Seed Benefits, The Protein-Rich Super Seed

8. Turmeric / Curcumin
Turmeric Compound Boosts Regeneration of Brain Stem Cells, and More
[link to articles.mercola.com]

9. Probiotics - Every human needs to take a quality probiotic supplement or at least eat fermented foods
The benefits of Probiotics
[link to www.naturalnews.com]

10. Digestive enzymes Everyone should take these unless you eat only 1 type of foot at a time, and do not combine foods. Enzymes are Key to Health and Wellness
[link to www.naturalnews.com]

11. Walking Barefoot Outdoors
Thread: Here Is Why You Should Practice Walking Barefoot Outdoors
Here Is Why You Should Practice Walking Barefoot Outdoors
[link to www.lifeadvancer.com]

Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

I was sent a link from a buddy, which I tried to post and I was banned over it :/

The link stated that this:

On Friday, 17th of July, 2015, there will be seven "dirty" explosive devices detonated in seven different U.S. cities; Miami, New York City, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland. The death toll will approach 100,000 from the initial blasts and countless other fatalities will later occur as result from radioactive fallout.

The bombs themselves will be delivered via trucks. These trucks will pull up to stadiums hosting NFL games in each respective city. All stadiums to be targeted are open air arenas, excluding Atlanta's Georgia Dome, the only enclosed stadium to be hit. Due to the open air, the radiological fallout will destroy those not killed in the initial explosion. The explosions will be near simultaneous, with the cities specifically chosen in different time zones to allow for multiple attacks at the same time.

The 17th of July will mark the final day of Ramadan. ISIS will automatically be blamed for the attacks. Later, through the leaders of ISIS will issue a video message claiming responsibility for what he dubs "America's Hiroshima".

In the aftermath civil wars will erupt across the world, both in the Middle East and within the United States. Global economies will screech to a halt. General chaos will rule

I have not seen anything here about it.

CYRIL #conspiracy givemegossip.com

I have figured out how time travel will work in the very near future.
Initially we will send people around the planet by matter transfer.

Later on, as more and more intermediate rely space stations are erected, we can keep going to the Sun and beyond.

To start off with, I have just sent my wife from Sydney Australia to Shanghai in China
the whole process took less that one hour.

First I scanned her with a full body 3D colour scanner and then emailed her to a 3D colour printer in Shanghai for a faithful 100% full scale reproduction

I think now that we have the technology, the Rapture, long awaited by christians worldwide, will take place via 3D printers.

YAHWEHS WIFE #fundie givemegossip.com


[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]




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