
stonelifter #fundie occidentaldissent.com

I think the popularity with vampires is based on anne ric. She recast them into the perfect men for modern women, wealthy, effeminate, hair always just right yet super bad ass, super sexy, in touch with their feminine side, their bite is sexual pleasure beyond orgasm etc. Its all the silly shit that gets women wet rolled into one package

and it’s part of the war on Christ. The 1st vampire story people know about is; he became a vampire when he cursed God and now he’s “free from morality” and near God like in power himself

which makes sense because feminism itself is part of the war on God and Christ

Joe #racist occidentaldissent.com

My Catholic faith is in my blood, it was passed down in the blood, but my blood is that of the Caucasian, the European, the American.
The “faith” of the Vatican is now the same “faith” of the communist jew. We are all to be integrated and race-mixed and we are to support open borders, and bow down to the jew commies who unleashes the africans on us.
This is treason against us– not faith.
The Light of Christ (not the jewish jesus), The Holy Spirit, Redemption and Salvation was given to the white race.
If the pope loves the africans so much, he should undo all the electrical wiring and plumbing in the vatican and castel gandolfo, and the pedophile priests can spray graffiti on all the art and all the treasures in the vatican and castel gandolfo, and the pope and his priests can go live in the darkness with the africans, and go fuck african boys up the ass in the jungle. See how far they get with the africans.
How dare the vatican do this to Italy, to Europe, to America.

oscar the grinch #racist occidentaldissent.com

“How come Netanyahu can say ‘threatens Israel’s social fabric.”, but Mitt can’t?”
Because Nazi! Because Hitler! Because slavery! Because Leo Frank was lynched by a mob of hideous anti-Semitic redneck apemen, and then they wouldn’t let my Uncle Shlomo in their country club or marry the nice blonde Epsicopalian heiress, and back in the 1920s my Uncle Moishe got punched and called nasty names by Big Red Hannigan down on Delancey Street!!

Why can’t European leaders come out and say multicultural and illegal immigration are dragging down the education system and social fabric?
Because the Holocaust! Because the Crusaaaades! Because the Spanish Inquisition!!

Don’t you know anything?! Why do you hate those Somalis? Why won’t you take our Sudanese infiltrators off our hands, and let them live in Minnesota and rape the shiksas? You owe it to us because Uncle Shlomo!! Why do you want to kill sixmillionjews?! Why? WHY?!! WHYYYYYYY???!!

Fr. John+ #racist #homophobia occidentaldissent.com

Let’s see. The Liberal Left, largely composed of Jewish Papers, Jewish Billionaires, and Jewish moguls in the Media and Hollywood, are all for gay marriage.

Let’s see. The NAACP, started and run by Jews for almost 90% of its history, now “comes out” in favor of Gay Marriage. Does the Negro actually feel this way, or have they been conditioned by their Kosher Massas?

Let’s see. Some of the most ‘well-known’ comedians, and x-rated film stars, are- or have been- AIDS, you know– Jewish- in fields where such facts, if well-known, could only ‘turn off’ the White lower-middle class who watch that trash, and view that porno.

Adding up the totals, you’d almost think that Jews were the premiere Kulturkampf forces in the West, and that their own sexual tastes are often perverse, insatiable, and degenerate… nah… They’re the chosen people, right?

That’s why they’ve been stoned, ostracized, and kicked out of every country in Europe, more than once, right? White [sic] ’anti-semitic’ prejudice, and nothing more, right!?!?!?

Ummm….. no.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

[On Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina.]

There are about 72 million people in these 7 states. 31.5 million of them are African-Americans, Hispanics, or Asians. The 7 state region as a whole is about 56 percent White. Of the Hispanics, the majority of the 1.8 million Cubans in America are in South Florida, and most of them are of Spanish ancestry, really no different from Italians in New Jersey.

The Asians wouldn’t be problem. The vast majority of them would almost certainly hit the nearest exit ramp as “shit gets real” in this area. The numbers show that the Hispanics are concentrated on the periphery of Dixie. Most of them live in the border counties in South and West Texas.

The 14 million African-Americans present the largest problem. The greatest challenge would be putting them down and restoring white supremacy. An ethnostate won’t be made here in a day. It could easily be created though in an independent nation-state over an extended period of time.

The solution isn’t the restoration of Jim Crow: it is South African-style-apartheid. Segregation was a system that evolved in the context of the Plessy decision. It was effectively the Compromise of 1896.

In an independent Gulf Coast Republic, the blacks would be stripped of their citizenship and voting rights, they would cease to be the social and political equals of Whites, and they would be confined into any number of the counties they have ruined which would be transformed into “homelands.”

The Indians are already on reservations in the Western states. Why can’t we put the blacks on reservations in the Deep South? There would be “White zones” and “Bantu zones.” Gradually, the “White zones” would expand over time in much the same way that the Jews have created Israel.

The White population would flourish and quickly rebound. Deprived of the welfare state, the black population would stagnate or decline. Millions of blacks would emigrate to the United States or other foreign countries.

In the distant future, after the culmination of a successful struggle for independence, after we have reestablished white supremacy, after we have used our independent national government to impose an apartheid system, after the White population has rebounded and the toxic poisons have been expunged from our culture, after generations of Whites have invested their lives in this great nation building project, then at last we would arrive at the White ethnostate in the Gulf Coast Republic.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

Norwegians Sing “Children of the Rainbow”


Hitler was justified in conquering this country.

Lillebjoern Nilsen’s ”Children of the Rainbow,” a Marxist song that Anders Breivik hates, is a Norwegian rendition of the Yankee Pete Seeger’s “Rainbow Race.” Seeger also likes to perform the communist Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land” which asserts an imperialistic claim over the Gulf States.

Both songs reek of the degenerate Unitarian Universalism of the Northeast.

Mighty #racist occidentaldissent.com

The day after Obama was elected, I was immediately turned on to Rush and Hannity. I was looking for answers of some sort and CNN was too busy masturbating to Obama. I wasn’t racially aware at the time, but I had good racial instincts. I called the NAACP and told them black people no longer needed a crutch.

Anyway, in short, FOX left much desired after about a year and a half. I wanted to know more about White people, so I google searched “KKK”. Eventually, I found Metzger’s site(at the time his site was a Godsend. I never heard pro-White advocacy before — it was music to my ears), then OD and SBPDL.

Then I discovered and read Culture of Critique and for the first time, I could see.

Dutchman #racist occidentaldissent.com

The niggers and spics are the orcs and the jew is the Eye of Sauron. Once Sauron is gone the orcs go back to being directionless hordes beyond the Black Gate.

Sometimes I think Tolkien was a prophet and the LOTR was a tale of the future.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

As I said yesterday, John Brown has been reincarnated as a Norwegian. This is Harper’s Ferry, 1859 all over again – initial shock, righteous indignation, universal condemnation, omen of war, martyr, saint.

These “counter-jihadists” are repudiating Breivik in exactly the same way that the abolitionists squirmed (of course, to save their own necks, as panic set in) when Brown burst onto the scene of history and took their anti-slavery principles to its logical conclusion. John Brown was also convinced that he had a historical destiny.

The Harper’s Ferry raid was a complete military debacle, but the overreaction to it was an icebreaker that forced the contentious issue of slavery to a crisis, contributed to Lincoln’s election, Southern secession, and the War Between the States.


They are all condemning him now. Just like Abraham Lincoln said John Brown was a lunatic — four years before the Emancipation Proclamation. Geert is already sounding Lincolnesque.

In the long term, when the jihad Breivik prophesized really does break out and discredits the EUnuchs, when the shit really hits the fan because the controversy isn’t going away, and will only intensify from this point forward, they will all be lavishly praising him like Emerson and Thoreau.

A hundred years from now, Anders Breivik will be remembered in Europe in the same way that John Brown is today in America, as the omen that came before the storm, which will make his victims little more than a historical footnote.

Eye of Horus #racist occidentaldissent.com

Gosh, it would just be a Shame if Millions of Niggers and Joos were to ALL have a terrible and unfortunate accident! What if one day in the middle of a midsummer Race Riot Millions of Fed-Up Angry Whites were to suddenly SNAP and go on their own Rampage? I understand that after the Vibrant Mulatto from Kenya stole the Election in 2008, that Millions of Guns have been snapped up by wary Whites in anticipation of African-Style Government!
You know, I’m not sure the Military or the Police really like African-Style Government. They might just sit this whole thing out, while some Justice was served—

Denise #racist occidentaldissent.com

Every-one would be better off without the spawn of Satan. Every-one. Not just us. It’s really that simple. Life would not be perfect. Humans are not perfect. But Kikes are something else. When you study their overall history – they are ALWAYS maliciously screwing things up. The fly in the ointment. The poison in the well. Always.

We don’t need them at all. That’s all you need remember.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com


A bunch of African-Americans (niggers) think the new Atlanta suburbs in Fulton and DeKalb counties are “too White” and have filed a frivolous lawsuit against the State of Georgia in federal court to revoke their city charters.

The African-American plaintiffs claim their “voting rights” are being violated, not because Bull Connor or the Klan is stopping them from voting, but solely because they are outnumbered by racially aware, White conservatives who understand the politically incorrect connections between “diversity,” crime, and fiscal irresponsibility in Fulton County.

“If we look at this realistically, there is some white flight going on. The creation of these Sandy Springs-type cities enables white voters to get away from black voters.”

Of course it does.

No one in their right fucking mind wants to live under the incompetence and corruption that comes with an African-American controlled city government. While niggers aren’t exactly zombies, they have overrun Atlanta in much the same way. They also have reinforcements coming from up North.

This is what Martin Luther King really meant when he talked about his dream: in Black Run America, White taxpayers exist to service blacks. To use a metaphor, you’re zombie food!

stonelifter #racist occidentaldissent.com

the similarities between detroit and the congo are more than genetic. Both groups have gone feral because they’ve bought into the jewish ideals of marxism/cultural marxism.

Things are worse for negros in the congo because their isn’t a productive White population to prop them up, while detroit gets to bleed us dry through state and federal tax money. detroit “enjoys” the advantages of the modern world negros never created and cannot maintain. My guess is, detroit would turn into the congo damn near over night if White folks withdrew our money and have you

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

While The Negrophiles Ruled —

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Our 45 year old Georgia state flag was changed, dishonoring the Confederate soldiers it was designed to honor.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The battle flag was removed from South Carolina’s state house under threat of boycott, and placed at a Confederate Soldier’s monument. The boycott continues as the NAACP says they are still offended.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Confederate flags have been removed and banned from display at many Confederate soldier gravesites.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The Southern song and tune “Dixie” has fallen silent, and has been banned from our schools and colleges.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The Confederate battle-flag has been taken out of the hands of Ole Miss Rebel football fans because the football coach said it hurt his recruiting efforts.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..T-shirts honoring Southern heroes that include the banner under which they fought has been banned from many schools throughout the South.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Employees of some large corporations have been told that vehicles with bumper stickers displaying the battle-flag were not allowed in the company parking lot.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———.. Bell South has banned any likeness of the Confederate battle-flag from business ads in their yellow pages.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The “Confederate Naval Museum” in Columbus was renamed the “Civil War Naval Museum”.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The Confederate Rose was renamed to the Cherokee Rose.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Under pressure from corporate sponsors the “Confederate Air Force” was renamed. It is now the “Memorial Air Force”.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The University of Georgia’s “Dixie Redcoat Band” no longer plays “Dixie” and they are no longer called the “Dixie Redcoat Band”.

While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Former Texas Governor George W. Bush appeased the NAACP by removing a Confederate plaque from the Texas Supreme Court building which had been built from funds set aside for Texas Confederate Veterans. The plaque was placed there in the early 1900's to honor the Confederate soldiers who died defending Texas.

John #racist occidentaldissent.com

I have a dream, that one day the ggggggrand sons of former slaves will be ***king the sons of and daughters of Irish, Polish and Russian immigrants who landed here well after the civil war. The ggggggrandsons of former slaves will be drinking these successful white emigre’s beers, breaking into their houses and assaulting their kin.

[Martin Luther King, Jr.] was a sick fuck if you think about it. The likely consequences of integration was always a violent pogrom of poorer whites. He knew it was going to turn into a holocaust of the working class. He knew it going in.

Denise #racist occidentaldissent.com

"Hitler’s main accomplishment was to kill up to 25 million Russians and a few million Dutch, Brits, French, Poles, Czechs."

John- not to get into the Hitler thing again – but stop blaming the victim. He was the LAST White man to put up a defense. All the rest caved. HE didn’t get those Russians , or any-one else killed . The guilty ARE the GREEDY White Ruling elite, wot sold out for Sheeny gelte.

Get your priorities straight.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

Why should Southern heritage be defended? Why is Southern heritage relevant in the 21st century?

There is a simple answer: the South was right, the North was wrong, and American civilization is literally being destroyed because the North won the argument. The triumph of the North over the South meant the triumph of anti-racism over race realism, integration over segregation, guilt culture over honor culture, racial equality over white supremacy, abolition over slavery, liberalism over conservatism, urbanization over agrarianism, consolidation over states’ rights, etc.

As a result, the federal government is out of control, every important decision is now made in Washington, the Money Power on Wall Street is bankrupting the country, White people have been stripped of their freedom and dignity, African-Americans have been deified by DWLs, countless small towns, cities, counties, and major metropolitan areas have been destroyed the Black Undertow, and now everyone in the North and the South has pay homage to Martin Luther King Jr. and live under Black Run Amerika.

It didn’t have to be this way.

A strong education in Southern heritage (by that I mean the real thing) is the most powerful antidote in America to what “Pitchfork” Ben Tillman labeled “the virus of equality.” Traditional Southerners didn’t believe in the concept of “equality” or “diversity” and their social system reflected their own belief in “hierarchy” and “inequality” at every level.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

I Have a Dream — MLK Day is replaced by Robert E. Lee Day, and America acquires a colony in Africa and transports black people to somewhere like Liberia where they don’t have to suffer from institutional racism, white privilege, and structural inequality anymore.

John #racist occidentaldissent.com

The danger here, is to take on too big a task.

You can’t fix absolutely everything at once.

The main issue is to put the immediately threatening beast back in the cage. Jim Crow did that.

Indeed whining blacks consider the prisons to be a stealthy form of re-enslavement. We tend to understand the massive prison complex as a last ditch effort to protect civilization from black pathology.

If something like Legal segregation actually could be revived America would revive along with it. Looking at the defeated south in 1865 who would expected the coordinated and successful fightback they orchestrated will into the 20th century?

It’s just a matter of doing what needs to be done.

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