
Dr. David Tee #fundie patheos.com

The thing is Dr. McGrath is telling people to NOT use the very thing element God said to use. God said, faith pleases Him; The JUST shall live by FAITH; and then we have all those people held up as examples for using FAITH in Hebrews 11.
Now as to the distorted idea behind those charts we can see that a person who drew them up prefers secular science over the way God wants science to be used. Their bias is clearly seen in their demonstration of their ignorance of what Faith is.
Faith doesn't exclude new information, it excludes the lies told by secularists and those who pursue alternatives to the Bible. That is why God said to get wisdom and understanding so that one can use discernment correctly when confronted with ideas that contradict the Bible and see when the blind are trying to over-rule those who have clear sight.
Genesis is true book containing true answers science doesn't promote itself in that manner. There in lies one of the problems with using secular science--it doesn't have the answers for the world and is completely useless.
Another problem with that variety of science is that it is redundant and wastes valuable resources. We already know how everything came to be but since unbelievers reject God's word, they have to come up with something to fill the void in their lives. Thus they waste billions chasing an unprovable and unverifiable idea.
People are suffering because of this fruitless pursuit of knowledge we already have and that helps make their version of science wrong.
It is also wrong because it is not the truth and it has no hope of becoming the truth.
Now we come back to the question Dr. McGrath and others refuse to answer: Where in the Bible or even history does God grant permission to take secular or other versions of science over His word? and a new one: Where does God say blessed are they who use science over faith?
Science used correctly and within the rules of God is helpful to the world, sadly, too many people get lured away by the lies of the secular world and science is abused and mis-used for the secular agenda--turning people away from the truth.

Richard Hansen #racist patheos.com

I've visited sundown towns, but even those are losing their racial composition. Vidor, Texas for instance is now only 91% white. Harrison, Arkansas is 95% white, and Petal, Mississippi is only 95% white. Vidor has a wonderful Dairy Queen, by the way. When I was driving through Texas, I stopped there for an Oreo Blizzard and enjoyed he taste. (this isn't relevant, but I'm a conversational person. Do you like Blizzards? ^_^)
They're not sundown towns anymore, I'm afraid. The government wouldn't declare anything about these lands at all. Private contractors will decide if they want their community to be all-white or all-bisexual or whatever they so choose.
There is actually an all-white private school backed by the Council of Conservative Citizens of Mississippi. It's called Carrollton Academy and was able to bypass any worries about race by enrolling one Asian student. 406/407 students are white at that school. (:
Any racial community would need to be private. We don't want the government segregating anyone. We're all about free will here.

Dr. David Tee #fundie patheos.com

i think you do not grasp biblical teaching and seek to charge God with things He did not do. Romans 5:12 tells us how death entered into the world via sin thus since God i snot sin He had nothing to do with it. Then you misunderstand the words in Genesis 1 'God saw all that He had made and it was good.' Obviously He did not reate disease, sin, or death.
disease organisms did not evolve but came as a result of the corruption that entered the world at Adam's sin. Ridley did an excellent job in pointing out the little bits of corruptiuon that affect the genetic code in his book Genome. He, of course, attributes that corruption's existence to the wrong source, just like you did, but he documents it quite well so that we can see what took place back in the Garden of Eden.
Let me illustrate: you build a wood table, you kep it inside from harms way and after a bit of time termites were allowed in. Did you create the termites to attack your table? Did you open the door to let them in? Would you like to be falsely accused of doing it even though it was your table and you thought it was good?
Think about it.

Dr. David Tee #fundie patheos.com

Evolutionists love to omit details in order to make their alternative theory work. There is no evidence for the claimed tranisitional process. It is all read into by unbelievers who do not want God to exist.
Oh and I am still waiting for the scripture that says it is okay to use science over God's word.

Dr. David Tee #fundie patheos.com

It is Dr. Tee to you and no permission has been granted to address me otherwise. First off, those who go with alternatives to the Bible are not Christians unless they are new believers and learning the difference between their old beliefs and biblical ones.
Secondly, You know nothing of scripture. Science is not is not what God said to use. He said--use faith-- as that pleases HIm. So you reject what God says pleases Him to go with something He did not say to use.
the only arrogant one is you.

Dr. David Tee #fundie patheos.com

Your problem Mcgrath is that no divine command or teaching states we are to follow scientists or their conclusions. They are mere humans subject to the sin and corruption that entered the world at Adam's sin.
There are divine commands and teachings to follow God, Jesus, and the Bible. In fact, there are verses teaching us to NOT follow the unbelieving world. Since Darwin rejected God and in his own words stated that his 'conversion' never took, anyone following any form of evolutionary teaching would be following an unbeliever and deceitful teachings.
Your choice is not to repent and turn back to God or continue following lies.

Tomás Brewster #conspiracy patheos.com

That's incorrect, dissenting groups deny the fringe groups, especially those that espouse to Robert Gallo & Luc Montagnier's constructed HIV theories of AID$.

Here is how silly it get's, start a movement about the existence of Santa & Bigfoot and see how crazy this sounds... no different with 'HIV", Robert Gallo(up for scientific misconduct twice) never purified any virus from the original isolation protocol, Luc Montagnier the french scientist who won the 200 million dollar law suit against the Reagan adminstration and Gallo's team over the phony HIV antibody test kits said the same thing "We did not Purify". so what is it that the U.S. Center for Disease Control and National Institue of Health been selling all of these years? Fear.

Gay people demanded the pills AZT & Antiretroviral drugs and they got what they asked for.. I am gay and it's not surprising to see poppers sold as VCR head cleaner or some other novelty, Lung Disease in a bottle.. we can thank the gay industry for their wonderful betrayal against GBLT!

Doug Wilson #fundie patheos.com

(Corrected the author's name, author is Doug Wilson--not Fred Wilson)

Because we have forgotten the biblical concepts of true authority and submission, or more accurately, have rebelled against them, we have created a climate in which caricatures of authority and submission intrude upon our lives with violence.

When we quarrel with the way the world is, we find that the world has ways of getting back at us. In other words, however we try, the sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts. This is of course offensive to all egalitarians, and so our culture has rebelled against the concept of authority and submission in marriage. This means that we have sought to suppress the concepts of authority and submission as they relate to the marriage bed.

But — our banished authority and submission comes back to us in pathological forms. This is what lies behind sexual “bondage and submission games,” along with very common rape fantasies. Men dream of being rapists, and women find themselves wistfully reading novels in which someone ravishes the “soon to be made willing” heroine. Those who deny they have any need for water at all will soon find themselves lusting after polluted water, but water nonetheless.

--from Fidelity: What it Means to be a One-Woman Man, by Douglas Wilson

isalcordo #fundie patheos.com

Darwinian evolution has two major premises: a) chance or random events isclaimed to have initiated life and b) survival of the fittest of that organisms which eventually evolved to produce us humans.

Now, it has never been shown or demonstrated by science of lifeless matter spontaneously acquiring biological life as we know it.

While survival of the fittest is an every day occurences, like big fish swallowing up the small fish, random events as the INITIATOR of life is a complete denial of the role of the CREATOR OF LIFE or God or of His divine personalities.

Darwinian evolutionists should know by now that LIFE IS NOT INHERENT IN MATTER, otherwise today's rocks that have existed billions of years ago or billions of years old would be teeming with COMPLETELY NEW LIFE dateable to within decades or years that can be counted using the fingers of just our one hand from this very day.

Without God seeding matter (earth) with life and guiding life's evolution from dust and organic matter to the point of producing all the plants and the animals, and eventually us humans, the earth would have remained BARREN to this day. Evolution CANNOT begin until God seeded this earth with that seed of life.

See my earlier post on this article.

Dr. I. S. Alcordo, Ph.D.

Joe #fundie patheos.com

If I saw the Holy Spirit "come upon" a gay person, I would expect that gay person to no longer be gay. So that would tell me that God does have a problem with it.

John C. Wright #fundie patheos.com

Just for the sake of contrast, I’d like to see an evolutionary sociobiologist say something along the lines of: “Being an atheist, like being a sociopath, is a defective mutation of the genes human beings use to recognize meaning in life.
Robbed of this basic faculty of human thought, atheists tend to retreat into paranoid fantasies of superiority, as if their inability to grasp reality were a result of greater, rather than less, intellectual activity.

“Consequently they tend to be bookish, and selfish, and to cut social ties to family and friends: but this crippling isolation and arrogance, ironically, allows some of them to score well on I.Q. tests, which do not, after all, measure those social skill tribes of hunter gatherers need to survive.

“The fact that no civilization and no tribe in the history of the world has been atheist, except for a very few malign Twentieth Century regimes of unparalleled savagery and bloodshed, might indicate why atheist has had no influence on the philosophy, art, culture, law or advancement of civilization since the dawn of time. Natural selection culls this unfavorable mutation, and only in the luxurious modern day, when science can keep alive even worthless and backward members of the bloodline, has it been possible to keep alive a statistically significant moiety of this evolutionary dead end.

“Sufferers of what is now called ‘The Dawkins Syndrome’ are generally acknowledged to be harmless irritants in their host sociieties, but, as the case of Russia and China make abundantly clear, when this dangerous ‘meme’ of self-centered defensive arrogance spreads to others, the result is genocidal levels of mass murder.”

Brian Ramirez #fundie patheos.com

hey that exodus text isn't saying the woman miscarried its saying she went into labor prematurely.
Exodus 2122 “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out[she gives birth], but there is no harm[to either the woman OR the child], the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 But if there is harm[miscarriage or injury to the woman],then you shall pay life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot," emphasis added She and the baby are NOT hurt in verse 22. In verse 23 it is clear that causing a miscarriage is a capital offense; life for life. You have to read the text. As for the passage in Numbers 5, God causes miscarriages and he is the only person who can. I don't think it is not our place to kill unborn children even if it is our own. A parent can be arrested for neglecting their child because that child has a claim on the parent for life support. It's the same for unborn children. We just refuse to recognize "fetuses" for what they are, people.

Also just because some christian wrote in a magazine 30 years ago does not make the Bible contradicting in anyway. That person is just failing to interpret the text but he's not perfect neither are you. Even Christians are going to have their differences and thats ok as long as we can agree on who Jesus is and what he's done.
If your dog meows does that mean its not a dog anymore? If you change a quarter for two dimes and a nickel does that mean you don't have twenty-five cents anymore? People mess up stop holding it over their head and forgive them lest you be found in their place, roles reversed.

Teresamerica #fundie patheos.com

Okay, if dominionism means spreading morality and Christ's Teachings I fess up.... I'm all for Dominionism. We are supposed to have freedom of religion and not freedom from religion as most Lefties ascribe to and have imposed on the public in our culture.

Are there going to be any atheists or secularists and liberals left in Congress if Perry or Bachmann should happen to win the presidency? According to the Constitution the people have a right to elect their representatives so this over hyped article on "dominionism" is a total exaggeration of their choosing to have Christian people assist them in the WH. Should Obama have all commies/liberals and sexual perverts like Kevin Jennings assisting him? Is Obama and his cronies committing the ultimate commie dominionism over the people now? Oh yeah.

How Not to Help Children

A mark's guide

David French #fundie patheos.com

It is past time to admit a very hard truth: America’s poverty problem is also a depravity problem[...]

For many, many years I spent time “in the trenches” reaching out to at-risk youth. At first I was the stereotypical naive idealist. ”All they need is love and a chance,” I thought. Working in mentoring programs, I spent untold hours playing catch, going to little league games, going to parks, and just hanging out with at-risk kids as part of a variety of programs. Seeing ragged clothes, I’d buy new clothes. Hearing that a mother couldn’t pay the light bill, I’d kick in and help. I spent night after night sleeping in homeless shelters, cooking dinners in the evening, pancake breakfasts in the morning, and fixing snack lunches for hard days on the streets.

I can’t remember when I first realized that I was accomplishing nothing of substance. A few car break-ins taught me that some guys saw me as an easy mark. A few pot purchases with the “gas bill money” taught me that others saw me as an ATM. Admonitions to “stay in school” had little appeal compared to drug-fueled orgies for kids as young as fifteen years old. I tried. God knows I tried. But it was all for naught.

Only one thing really worked. The Cross. There are kids today that Nancy and I worked with who are doing well, who are happily married, and who are pillars of their community. What made the difference for them? The Cross. It wasn’t about my words. It wasn’t about my effort. (After all, I tried just as hard or harder with other kids — who are now in prison or “baby-daddies” or both.) The kids who made it heard the Gospel, repented of sin, and were transformed through the renewing work of the Holy Spirit.

It’s trendy now for churches to put less emphasis on the Gospel and more emphasis on service. I’ve even heard Christians almost brag that their outreach efforts don’t include any proselytizing at all. This is tragic. Billions of dollars of “service” won’t change hearts and lives. We know that now. In fact, those very billions may very well numb the human heart to the gravity of its sin.

So, yes, let’s do “more,” but let’s make sure that “more” is aimed at the real source of American poverty — our depravity.

The "Self Containing Advocate" Award

Jeff #fundie patheos.com

With rare exception (and please, I have no interest in hearing from those of you who can’t wait to tell me, “I was once one of them and I got out!”), there is no reaching these people. Quarantine them and breed this cognitive and ethical deficit out of the genome. It’s the only way to ensure human survival.


If there is any hope at all for our survival (and it’s probably already too late), it lies in nullifying their influence. We need mandatory testing of intelligence, sanity and developmental level as a prerequisite for reproduction, or at the very least, for voting. The Western Europeans seem to be able to handle representative democracy; we’ve never really developed the knack. We need to run this place as a republic for a while (which I understand was the preference of some of the founders), in which power is wielded by an elite on behalf of the majority of the populace – except that in my version, the elite would be comprised not of members of a landed aristocracy, but of people with a few neurons to rub together. Naturally, this will never be done. This is the reason we’re screwed.

So, yes, I advocate the quarantining of fundamentalists. I make absolutely no apology for it.

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