Dr. David Tee #fundie patheos.com
The thing is Dr. McGrath is telling people to NOT use the very thing element God said to use. God said, faith pleases Him; The JUST shall live by FAITH; and then we have all those people held up as examples for using FAITH in Hebrews 11.
Now as to the distorted idea behind those charts we can see that a person who drew them up prefers secular science over the way God wants science to be used. Their bias is clearly seen in their demonstration of their ignorance of what Faith is.
Faith doesn't exclude new information, it excludes the lies told by secularists and those who pursue alternatives to the Bible. That is why God said to get wisdom and understanding so that one can use discernment correctly when confronted with ideas that contradict the Bible and see when the blind are trying to over-rule those who have clear sight.
Genesis is true book containing true answers science doesn't promote itself in that manner. There in lies one of the problems with using secular science--it doesn't have the answers for the world and is completely useless.
Another problem with that variety of science is that it is redundant and wastes valuable resources. We already know how everything came to be but since unbelievers reject God's word, they have to come up with something to fill the void in their lives. Thus they waste billions chasing an unprovable and unverifiable idea.
People are suffering because of this fruitless pursuit of knowledge we already have and that helps make their version of science wrong. It is also wrong because it is not the truth and it has no hope of becoming the truth.
Now we come back to the question Dr. McGrath and others refuse to answer: Where in the Bible or even history does God grant permission to take secular or other versions of science over His word? and a new one: Where does God say blessed are they who use science over faith?
Science used correctly and within the rules of God is helpful to the world, sadly, too many people get lured away by the lies of the secular world and science is abused and mis-used for the secular agenda--turning people away from the truth.