
Grtful1 #fundie rr-bb.com

[Kim Davis, the Rowan County, Kentucky clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, was jailed in contempt of court.]

My hubby came out of his man cave and said "GOOD!"
I asked "What was that about?"
He said "That lady got thrown in jail"
I asked "What lady?"
He said "That court clerk that wouldn't issue the marriage licenses."
I said "Ah, then you know that we stand on opposite sides of that issue, don't you?
He said "What do you mean?"
I asked "What would you do if it was ME that was the one that was thrown in jail instead of her?"
He said "What? You would do the same? She's an government official, she has to follow the law."
I said "God's law is above man's law. I would have done the same thing, Jeff. What if it were ME, instead of that woman, Jeff? What would you think then?"
Him "I don't wanna talk about it anymore"
Me: "Jeff, you're going to have to make a decision very soon, time is very short and you don't have much left if you want to make the decision before the Rapture."
Him: "I'm done talking about this stuff. Anyway, I'm going where ever you go anyway. You're good enough for the both of us."
Me "It doesn't work that way and you know it"
He walked away.

Geri7 #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

I totally agree! I was just witnessing to a homosexual last Saturday at a dollar store. This one store sells Gladiolus bulbs and I went inside to pick up a few bags real quick, who was to know I would be there witnessing to both cashiers. The Lord made the crowd leave before I checked out. You talk about perfect timing - I had both their attentions. The homosexual cashier behind me had no customers so he turned around and just started to talk to me as the other cashier was busy replenishing her cashier box with coins but she was listening to our conversation. Before you know it I’m witnessing to him and her at the same time and handed out Bible tracts. When the homosexual took the tract he said “I know I will never make it to heaven and then laughed”. I replied “why not? Jesus loves you and died for you. All you have to do is pray to Him, confess your sins and ask Him to be your Savior. Once you do that, you will have a place in heaven, in fact you will have a mansion and will be walking on streets of gold with perfect weather - always sunny, green grass, glorious flowers everywhere (I held up my Gladiolus bulbs) , nothing dies and all the wild animals will be tamed. Don’t you want that?” He got real serious and said “yes, that actually sounds so beautiful”. As I was heading out of the store, he quickly came around the checkout counter and whispered in my ear “thank you”. I noticed earlier the false jolly side of him stopped when he heard the words “Jesus loves you and died for you”. These homosexuals know deep down their lifestyle is a sin and they are not really as happy as they portray to the public. They are hurting deep inside and need Jesus. They need to be told Jesus loves the sinner but hates sin.

son of dust #fundie rr-bb.com

[The other fundies have been reacting to the news that a fossil of a four-legged snake ancestor has been found.]

Humans supposedly evolved into an upright walking position because we had to have our eyes above tall grasses on plains. Lately, it seems that we evolved up in the trees, then ventured into the water but, unlike dolphins, porpoises, and whales, thought better of it and went back to the land.

One of these days, they'll get it right.

Jannette #fundie rr-bb.com

Scientists find a fossil of a four-legged snake in Brazil and the fundies are claiming it as proof of Genesis 3:14 "So the LORD God said to the serpent, 'Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.'"

If this is related to that verse, wouldn't that have happened back in the Garden of Eden? So snakes had legs back then, died (in Eden?) leaving this fossil behind, and then after sin came in and all that happened, bam they had no more legs afterward, just regular snakes.

I don't see how that timeline would work since there was no death before sin (no four-legged snake fossils then). Or maybe this losing-their-legs thing happened slowly over some generations?

Homesick777 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On a report that the Boy Scouts are going to allow gay men to be Scout Leaders.]

What does same-sex marriage have to do with allowing your CHILD to be groomed to be gay or even molested by gay scout leaders?

Will there be a big box on the application that says, "I am sexually attracted to minor children," so they can be vetted and denied?

Another big box that says, "I prefer to focus on ages ranging from ___ to ___."

Will there be a chapter in the handbook and merit badge for Groomed to be Gay?

Will there be a chapter in the handbook and merit badge for Molested by the Best?

Will Explorer Scouts be required to be both Gay AND Molested? And assist in teaching the same?

I've heard that stats show a molester molests in excess of 40 children before he is caught and stopped. The multi-million dollar lawsuits will destroy the BSA in no time. They don't have deep pockets like the Catholic Church.

Perhaps this where the APA gets the go ahead on their philosophy that sex with children is good for the children? A moment for teaching tenderness, male bonding and mutual experiences as only two males can share, designed especially for those in fatherless homes -- and any other children the leader selects. Something for which there is no civil recourse if molesting is no longer deemed a criminal act and has the Federal stamp of approval.

Homesick777 #fundie rr-bb.com

The huge fine was intended to financially destroy the business and it's owners. FAIL. The next outrageous step might be for the liberal court to reconsider the fine and instead impose the death penalty on the bakery owners, totally disregarding all applicable laws. The $135,000 fine was just as much a cruel and unusual punishment as a death sentence. The only difference is the method used to carry out the cruel punishment.

There IS another way around this -- only allow sharia muslims to own bakeries. The huge sign on the front door would clearly say: NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO LGBT, NO CHRISTIANS, NO JEWS. The local politicians won't see anything wrong with this policy because it aligns itself with the owner's religious beliefs.

GLBT customers asking for a wedding cake to be designed, baked, decorated, delivered and set-up at the reception for their guests (baking is only part of the service required) would be charged with a religious hate crime and jailed for even asking the muslims to do such a sacrilegious thing. Occasionally, potential GLBT customers might have their heads handed to them. Cake toppers?

and there's more...

A very large young man and his obviously very pregnant girlfriend barge into one of those urgent medical care service businesses. He goes room to room searching, grabs a doctor who happens to be a Christian and pro-life supporter, and drags him into what appears to be a treatment/surgical room.

In a loud, threatening voice the boyfriend demands that the doctor immediately perform a medical service -- an abortion (legal in this imaginary state). The doctor hesitates. The young man grabs a small piece of medical equipment, hits the doctor a few times knocking him to the floor and stands back waiting for his demand to be met.

Should the Christian, pro-life doctor be forced to comply? The abortion is simply another type of medical service that he performs every day, but the abortion demand violates his Christian principles. With our crazy, mixed up legal system, the doctor might receive a stiffer sentence for not performing the abortion than will the boyfriend for assaulting him. The law is nothing but surprises today.

No, the LGBT couple did not have the advantage of holding a threatening piece of equipment over the baker's head, but they had something even more dangerous -- the fist of the entire legal system in the State of Oregon. The family held strong to their Christian beliefs. Pray for the family and support them financially as God directs.

The Bride MUST stick together. It's now US vs. everyone else.

Homesick777 #fundie rr-bb.com

As the flames of Islam spread throughout the world, including the US, the example set by their “prophet” may serve to establish the new normal in the post-Rapture world.

In a new world of unbridled perversion and unspeakable sexual pleasures, there's no reason to think that many men, including non-muslims, would not desire to take half a dozen or more of these young girls to be their wives.

I don't think it's off topic to also mention that widespread global sex slavery is going on right under our noses today, giving one physical ownership of human beings of all ages. Marriage, being devalued to have less and less meaning each day, may one day be used as a tool to reward one's better slaves or turn rebellion into consent.

And just when you would think that everyone is satisfied with access to a marriage license, the time term (till death do you part) will come under attack as unreasonable, and we could see "Marriage Permits" being offered for perhaps 6 months, 3 years, and a 10 year term for the real adventurers.

tardisdoctor #homophobia #fundie rr-bb.com

One thing that bothers me about the homosexual lifestyle that no one talks about these days because it's not politically correct, and may soon be a crime, is the mental health aspect of it. I have friends who are licensed counselors who have told me that the removal of homosexuality from the DSM as a mental illness/disorder was done for purely political reasons. Everything I have read and observed about homosexuality causes me to agree although psychology is not my field of work. The Bible's prohibition against homosexual behavior is because of God's love for us. Again, it's not a popular opinion these days, but I have personally never encountered an incidence of homosexuality that did not arise from trauma caused by sexual, physical, mental, or emotional abuse. Never. If you start looking at the life of a homosexual, the pattern is that the brokenness of a trusted adult or authority figure in one's life resulted in trauma, producing further brokenness that leads to homosexual behavior in a certain percentage of the population. I think the term "conversion" therapy is inaccurate; instead, what counseling actually does for the individual who experiences unwanted homosexual ideation or behavior is healing for a wounded soul. A soul wounded by sin. Underneath all the pride (shame) is a heart hurt by innumerable and severe grievances. This is why God hates sin and explains why we also cannot tolerate sin. Sin always damages; sin is contrary to God's natural order (which man corrupted and introduced to the human race back in the Garden of Eden).

Some may yet come to find healing in Jesus Christ when even "marriage" does not satisfy the longing in the homosexual's heart. I think it would help us in our prayer lives to understand that much of the push for societal acceptance (beyond the spiritual/demonic reasons for the push to accept sin as normal) is because of the rate of mental illness in the homosexual community. Many people think the incidence of mental illness in homosexuals is because society doesn't accept them enough and so it stands to follow, according to their logic, that acceptance of same-sex marriage will decrease incidences of suicide, alcoholism, promiscuity, etc. In reality, because the prevailing/majority religion of our day, secular humanism, says there's no such thing as sin, it never occurs to them that these behaviors and illnesses exist because the homosexual lifestyle is sinful and is one produced out of sin and is therefore under the curse of sin (I want to make it clear that it's not God who brings this curse...it is solely because of evil...but God does not rescue us from our consequences, that is, we reap what we sow). Same-sex marriage will not heal the emotional wounds in the homosexual's heart because covering up one sin with another does nothing to quell the damage dealt to the heart inside. Sin cannot, will not, and has never healed sin. Only the blood of Jesus can do that.

Since sin leads to suffering, I wonder if we won't see just the opposite effect - an increase in the co-morbidity of mental illnesses associated with homosexuality. When that occurs, the heart of man will continue to ignore the real factor - SIN - and instead will go after those who preach and teach - TRUTH. For all of their outward pride, the inward shame still eats them alive, not to mention the sadness they experience caused by past hurts and "old" wounds that have never really healed and, therefore, are still fresh in their hearts and minds, wounds that have not scarred over, wounds that still bleed. We need to pray for these hurting people, speaking the truth in love; and, in this way, we have compassion on the LGBT crowd more than the apostate church who seeks to approve their sin (which is not up to them but rather is up to God who, by the way, never changes. Never believe the lie of the world and the apostate church that we are "homophobes" or hateful people. We know and have a love of the truth). Not all the wandering hearts in the LGBT community have been overtaken by evil, and are just as lost and confused as we once were. Still, many hearts will be hardened because the SCOTUS ruling validates an invalid lifestyle/union not blessed by God.

This ruling has ramifications for our brothers and sisters in Christ doing God's work to undo the damage caused by sin. They will eventually be told that they cannot offer or provide their services to homosexuals, even to people who experience unwanted same-sex attraction, lest their licenses be revoked.

standfortruth #fundie rr-bb.com

Galatians 6:9 comes to mind. I have a family member that was living in a homosexual relationship with another woman for over 20 years. I never stopped praying for her and when she asked for approval for the way she was living I told her the truth in love, that I loved her, always would but I could never, would never accept her sin and that more importantly God would never accept it and I just tried to show her Christ's love. I tried not to debate her, just gave her the verses to read. She would scream at me and throw all kinds of hateful words my way, yes it hurt, but I'm glad God put it in my heart not to give up on her.

There came a time when she told me she and the woman got married, I was grieved in my soul but I continued to pray. We lost contact for a few years and then she came around again. Something had changed, she was no longer happy in her sin and she revealed that her life had been a living hell as a result of living that lifestyle. She had gained 150pds the woman had stolen everything she had and she was miserable and hated her life.

I knew the Lord was bringing her to a place in her life where she had no where to turn but to Him. She had always been the 'man' in the relationship, shaved head, shaved her face, tattoos all over her arms, men's clothing, the whole nine yards. But within a span of a few months I saw a miracle take place before my eyes!

The physical change was a thing to behold, she lost the weight, grew her hair out, dressed in feminine clothes, her voice even became soft, a beautiful young woman began to emerge, but the biggest change was her heart! She had given herself to the Lord and He had changed her life and saved her. She is a wonderful and dynamic witness to what God can do in a persons heart. No one is beyond the reach of the Lord, and He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the saving knowledge of Him.

Was it something that I had told her a long time ago that finally took root??? I don't know but I do know this, the Lord answers prayer and he is still in the business of saving sinners so don't give up, keep planting the seeds and stay the course especially when the going gets tough. You might think the things you say aren't getting through but you just never know how the Lord is working in someone's life. Be not discouraged, be of good cheer, stay the course, this is the Lord's battle.

WarriorX #fundie rr-bb.com

[Another fundie has said that animals never engage in homosexual sex.]

That's why I've been saying that promiscuous straight are as bad as animals while homosexuals are WORSE than animals.

MaryGold #fundie rr-bb.com

This rainbow thing....can't help but think it will somehow be integrated into the mark of the beast....no business without this rainbow plastered on their doors will be able to sell someday, imo.....

Now that the world is thoroughly addicted to social medias, lines are being drawn....lots of unfriending going on due to ones view on this lifestyle. Those who applaud it are pasting the rainbow screen over their profile pictures. The world is rejoicing, literally in the streets, with painted rainbows all over their faces. The White House now has an official icon for Twitter: a White House that is rainbow colored....no joke...

I still think that original sin had something to do with this particular sin...where Adam ate of the fruit also. Satan has always perverted what God has made, and now he is making a false promise with his six lined rainbow.

I think persecution will come to all those who do not embrace this depravity....it started with a florist not being able to sell anymore....watch as all businesses with a spine are forced to close their doors because they won't display the rainbow friendly emblem on their doors....then to follow, those that will not be able to buy without compliance.
....and just out of curiosity, Google (with its rainbow letters) Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry + rainbow and see what comes up....there has been much pre-programming.....

ksnyder #fundie rr-bb.com

I didn't realize this issue was being decided this weekend. Instead, me and a dozen women went down to a Christian convention in a very large city. Sat, while we were in this giant arena we (about 10,000 people) sang "Victory in Jesus" There was a gay pride parade circling us. The Spirit was defiantly with us and you could feel the worship. But as soon as it was time to leave we were bombarded with this large gay pride parade. We couldn't even leave the parking garage because of it. At first I felt sad and frustrated because it's like seriously who plans two large events like that at the same time! But I felt God over me saying not to worry. Don't be upset. See, we still have the victory. No matter what the world throws at us... no matter what parades itself down the streets, we are still His. We are still saved by grace. For a long time I worried about this world but we have to just stand together.

And this morning.... my pastor stood at the pulpit and stated, "Even if it's illegal, I will not stop preaching the gospel. I will always teach the truth and if I am arrested... you take care of my family. Because what ever prison I go to, it will be the most evangelized prison around here."

I can still remember that feeling... that feeling of being surrounded by 10000 people singing praises to God. All the voices that mix together into one unique sound. We are not going to change evil. But even if it's marching around us with it's pride we can know that we are the ones on our way to Heaven. We have already won throw Jesus.

SnatchedUp #fundie rr-bb.com

I highly doubt they will go after the Muslims, as they ultimately have the same daddy. It's like the demons are whispering into the gays' ears after they're rejected by Muslims that they not go after them as they are on their side. It doesn't matter that Islam fundamentally goes against everything liberals stand for besides defying the Judeo-Christian God or that guys like ISIS are showing real hatred by throwing gays off of buildings to their deaths. All of that just further shows the movements' true, anti-Christian colors.

As for Obama, I think he's always approved of homosexuality and was lying throughout the 2008 election and afterward until he could finally reveal it.

SavedWretch #fundie rr-bb.com

Agree that I think TPTB in Washington just crossed God's red line and are not just shaking their fists at Him but are also giving Him the middle finger and laughing. I'm starting to get an idea of just how terribly bad the Tribulation will be ESPECIALLY for those left behind here in the USA. No wonder this country is not mentioned in end times, I do believe there will be nothing left after God pours out all of His wrath on the unrepentant among us.

TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com

By supporting something that is an abomination to God and lighting the people's White House with the rainbow symbol stolen from God, this administration, this court, and these evil, wicked, ungodly people celebrating this travesty, may just have opened the door for a different kind of flag to fly over the White House - the ISIS flag

Indyted #fundie rr-bb.com

Things have happened rapidly over the last 5-10 years......especially this last year. Why the rush? Why the rapid increase of events? Is it possible that something big is going to happen and happen soon? Is it possible that 'someone' knows that something is going to happen soon and that 'someone' is prince of this world?

Don't get me wrong. I do not believe that the devil knows exactly when the rapture occurs. Only God knows that. But being the accuser of the brethren, the devil has access to God's throne and can see what is going on in Heaven. God may be getting ready to tell Christ and the angels to get into position.

I maybe wrong but with events rapidly increasing as they are, one has to wonder if something is on the horizon.

savedatcamp #fundie rr-bb.com

had a hard time getting to sleep last nite and starting thinking about these same things..I think we will see gay activists presenting themselves at Bible believing conservative churchs. Sitting in the pews, waiting for words from a Pastor that they can use to call them out. Asking to be married, and if the Pastor refuses....well we all know where this is going. The 1st amendment will be ignored as well...the courts have been taken over by the progressive left ( this started in the 60's). We are moving into very perilous times. Home churches will become the norm if the Lord tarries. I am so amazed and saddened at how fast and far we have fallen.
Hang on tight to Gods word, His Grace and mercy. And pray.

AWillow #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Supreme Court ruling in favor of same sex marriage.]

the whole point of our country after we unfortunately got rid of the poor indians was to have freedom and the right to vote and make the country our own and leave the dictatorship of England. well now it os back to a dictatorship in my opinion

how can the supreme court filled with liberals and unGodly people dictate what is going to happen to all the states ? what happened to the right of our individual states having a say or the general population of the country being allowed to decide on this!? this is pure dictatorship and disgusts me.

look how God will not protect us now and with the candidates that are running for office on both sides - we are doomed. i think that is why we are not mentioned in bible prophecy towards the end and we either lose our power as a world power or we will be destroyed and God will take away his protection on us

I live in LA and work in entertainment and yes christians are pretty much extinct here especially in the high ranks. so sad and I really want the rapture to happen because I am sick of this world!!

billiefan2000 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Supreme Court ruling in favor of same sex marriage.]

and the war on us christians has started

next the churches and prayer ministries will be targeted for believing in the bible

this isn't about tolerance for the LGBT movement, it is about censoring Christians

KBFweb #fundie rr-bb.com

This is the part that bothers me the most. If the Bible allowed for gay marriage, then fine. But it doesn't. A God who created and blessed America is being spit on by those who are oh so proud of themselves in doing so. As a Christian this morning, I can't help but to think "why bother?" Why bother fighting anymore? Why bother trying to get the gospel out there to friends and others who are not believers? How can I warn them about God's judgment when America has been turning her back on God since the 60s and God appears to be silent. Even now, will anything happen to this country that can't be easily explained away by citing natural weather patters or predictable financial patterns? If the Rapture is God's next supernatural break into this sinful world, fine. But get us out of here, Lord...and soon please. I feel lost in a sinful world of relative silence from the God above.

TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com

Well, he achieved his goal today. We only have to look at the empires of Greece and the Romans to see what happens to nations who view homosexuality as an acceptable, "normal" practice - they collapse. I've always wondered how God could not have mentioned a nation as great as the U.S. in bible prophecy. I believe, brothers and sisters, this is why. I also believe there are going to be grave consequences for this country because of this decision. And even graver consequences for God's church should Jesus tarry. Someone else mentioned that this isn't the end for those who practice the perversion of homosexuality because what they want is to rid this country - and the world - of those who disagree with them and refuse to accept them as normal. They want the Word of God that calls their perversion an abomination to God silenced. But, God being God, that's never going to happen no matter what these deceived, evil wicked people do. The U.S. has served its purpose to help birth the nation of Israel, that job is now done, which is also probably why we have the most anti-Israel POTUS in our history. Frankly, I don't look for that relationship to improve under the next liberal lunatic that's going to be elected - Clinton or Bush. Like I posted in another thread, it's time to turn the lights off and shut down the building because the fat lady has sung. It's way past time for us to go Home.

Time Warp Wife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

Well, he achieved his goal today. We only have to look at the empires of Greece and the Romans to see what happens to nations who view homosexuality as an acceptable, "normal" practice - they collapse. I've always wondered how God could not have mentioned a nation as great as the U.S. in bible prophecy. I believe, brothers and sisters, this is why. I also believe there are going to be grave consequences for this country because of this decision. And even graver consequences for God's church should Jesus tarry. Someone else mentioned that this isn't the end for those who practice the perversion of homosexuality because what they want is to rid this country - and the world - of those who disagree with them and refuse to accept them as normal. They want the Word of God that calls their perversion an abomination to God silenced. But, God being God, that's never going to happen no matter what these deceived, evil wicked people do. The U.S. has served its purpose to help birth the nation of Israel, that job is now done, which is also probably why we have the most anti-Israel POTUS in our history. Frankly, I don't look for that relationship to improve under the next liberal lunatic that's going to be elected - Clinton or Bush. Like I posted in another thread, it's time to turn the lights off and shut down the building because the fat lady has sung. It's way past time for us to go Home.

SnatchedUp #fundie rr-bb.com

With this, America has effectively defied God. God won't tolerate it for long. This is a sad day, but I can't say I'm surprised at all.

Justice Anthony Kennedy said "no union is more profound than marriage," but being one of the majority, he has no idea just how profound it really is. He thinks he's honoring it, but he's actually mocking it. Without a doubt; the Supreme Court has failed the United States of America. It's failed her for decades, but this is the last straw.

Meanwhile, Satan is laughing in his cosmic lair. He's chipped away at this nation bit-by-bit over the decades. This will now be one more key factor to take America out of God's blessings and let America's star fade, so that the satanic, globalist agenda will get a boost. This ruling will also open the floodgates for persecution as Christians will now be practicing civil disobedience. However, we'll have the last laugh as Jesus comes to take us out this sin-decayed world and God's plans for the same world's restoration really kick into gear!

BarbT #fundie rr-bb.com

This has been the goal of Satan all along. Since Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948, a miracle God made possible by using the USA to win WW2, I believe Satan went after our country with a red-hot vengeance in order to destroy the Gospel.

In less than 70 years he has finally succeeded in rendering us another S & G. We are done.

God'sGraceInMe #fundie rr-bb.com

[Regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling]

I fear this won't be enough of a "victory" for the LGBT community. I fear that it will only embolden them to go after churches/Christians that don't support it. This time, the law will be on their side. Things are starting to get really scary around here. Now, more than ever, I am so grateful to know that God is in control and I belong to Him!!!

dpetty121263 #fundie rr-bb.com

This is the final nail as now anything goes in defining deviancy down and God will not be mocked...if he doesn't bring terrible judgment upon the heads of Americans then God owes Sodom and Gomorrah a huge apology..

TimeWarpWife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[On the Supreme Court issuing its decision on same-sex marriage in a few days.]

Personally, I believe the spiritual tipping point and the beginning of the end of the United States started in 1963 when the Supreme Court banned school prayer. What we're seeing now, with the same court most likely supporting homosexual "marriage" or kicking it back to the States, which most have already overridden the will of the voters who rejected it, is the death knell of this country. Truthfully, this nation deserves Barack Obama as its leader because as a whole it has been shaking its fist at God for the last 52 years. I believe God has reached His breaking point and the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" in this country, instead of it being seen as what the bible says it is - perversion - is going to be the last nail in this once great country's coffin. Turn off the lights, it's time to go home, the fat lady has sung. It happened to the Greeks and Romans and now it's happening to this country.

tiffanybw #conspiracy rr-bb.com

[The other fundies have been complaining about efforts to remove the Confederate flag after the Charleston shooting.]

This entire thing, and what it has sparked, it almost makes me think that the Charleston church shooting was orchestrated, probably by the government. I know that that is tin hat. I know it goes along with another million conspiracy theories from JFK, to 9-11, to the shooting of all those poor children at Sandy Hook... it's like they use events, one by one, to take away more, more, more of our constitutional rights. We are already at a point where in honesty there is no freedom of speech. It's already started. Only that it slowly gets worse, worse, worse. The entire time keeping us distracted with stupid things like Confederate Flags, and most will say, 'Oh well. I don't care about Confederate Flag. Means nothing to me.' Eventually they are going to take away something that DOES mean something, mean everything.... our very individual rights and freedoms, and God. They will try.

By the time they get there, it will be too late. We will be like the frog in the pot of cool water who realizes too late that the water is boiling and there will be nothing we can do about it. Every day. This world. I look and wonder how long God will leave us here. How much worse will things get in the USA before He comes to get us? Things have gotten way worse for others in other countries already. Rights taken away, no freedom, genocide. I wonder how far it will get here before Jesus comes to take us home.

Florian9 #fundie rr-bb.com

[After the other fundies have been talking about rising temperatures.]

It's because it's "Global Warming"[smug laughing smiley] That's why it's so hot!

I was in and around Seattle last month during Memorial Day week and it was abnormally hot for that time of year (80 degree range). Most homes don't have AC there and my hotel was just an oven.
Down here in the South, we're hitting close to 100 degrees at 5pm almost daily. God blessed us with rain today though--thank you Lord!

macrohard #fundie rr-bb.com

[In response to another fundie asking the others if they think belief in aliens is going to be used to explain away the Rapture.]

I think that there have been times efforts by Hollywood towards indoctrination of aliens being friendly (like ET the Extraterrestrial). That alien was more than likely to depict Christ more than any other alien I have seem in movies (healing, death, resurrection, miracles). But then again Hollywood also throws out movies like Alien that pretty much show them to be quite demonic in their actions (possession).

Paladin1776 #fundie rr-bb.com

Strong Delusion - Demons Posing as Extraterrestrials?
I keep hearing that all this worldly interest in aliens is part of the end times deception, possibly the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2:11. It sounded crazy at first, but now I'm noticing a lot of anti-Christian and friendly alien propaganda in these alien movies, like "Paul", and others that have Rapture-like events, like "Knowing". There is occurring a distinct separation between what is considered plausible science fiction, which is embraced, and religion, which is ridiculed. Could this possibly be programming for the left behind so they don't accept the rapture? People seem to have more faith in the mystery of outer space than they do in God. What better way for Satan and his demons to come out of the closet, and marginalize Christianity, than to pose as extraterrestrials with advanced technology capable of abducting or evacuating us from Earth? Science and technology is what is palatable to the world today, after all. And they posed as gods in earlier times, before the flood, so why not again but this time as an advanced species come to take some of us away and help "advance" those remaining?

And now we've also got the New Horizons and Dawn spacecrafts finding strange things in the distant solar system. Perhaps there is some carefully planned fake "reveal" of "evidence" of "aliens" in the near future?

cjbo12332 #fundie rr-bb.com

Why so hot?
In the PNW (Pacific NorthWest) it is going to heat up this weekend. 100 on Saturday and 95 on Sunday. June used to be still rainy with the occasional sunny and 75 degree day. Not the scorcher it is going to be this weekend!

I really think as the time draws closer to the Lord's return, and the birth pangs get closer and closer together, the earths climate will change. We have already seen it. With massive snowfall in the east, devastating flooding in the midwest & south. And a drought in California and neighboring states.

Florian9 #fundie rr-bb.com

[After Acts made a comment that most horror genre monsters could be seen as mocking Christianity.]

I think you're right on with those conclusions Acts. I have no idea why my wife enjoys "vampire" movies. I used to enjoy the thriller genre, actually I was fascinated by it.
Over time I grew up, and it's just boring to me now I guess. What makes my spiritual eyes open up in disbelief now are the actual reality shows showing these morons going after "spirits" and "ghosts", or "bigfoots/monstors" (which I think are also supernatural IMHO).

They have no idea what forces they are fooling with.

Acts5:41 #fundie rr-bb.com

[Another fundie has claimed that vampires are of the Antichrist, or something like that.]

You could make a good argument that most of the horror genre is a direct opposition/mockery of the Bible.

Zombies: resurrection
Vampire: communion/resurrection.
Ghosts: "It is appointed to man to die once, then the judgement" - not to hang around bothering people. Those who play with ghosts are playing with demons.

Raynbowz #fundie rr-bb.com

Did you know vampires are antichrist in nature?
The premise of the vampire is that you drink someone's blood to live forever. In Christianity at the Last Supper, Jesus directed His disciples to drink of His blood, and while it did not directly say they would live forever, it could be implied (if you squint). I used to be very into vampires, but no more!

WILLIAMBEASON1842 #fundie rr-bb.com

Looking at his picture left me believing that he is demon processed. His face and eyes to me have a look of death from lack of a better word. It is possible that he is processed by satin and needs the demon cast out.

Shadowfeet #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Charlie Charlie game]

It's just like "slender man". Another you tube thing that led two girls to stab another one. It was on the news sometime last year. The girls said "slender man" told them to do this. Of course the media and other specialists tried to analyze and reason why the two girls would do something like this. I felt strongly it was demonic influence and from the details it seemed this slender man thing is similar.

The enemy is after our children in this last days from the stuff that's going on.

sbtgf #fundie rr-bb.com

[Fundies have been talking about the Charlie Charlie game]

I was telling a coworker the other day about this very issue. As I was explaining to her how the challenge worked , she looked at me and said "well did they summon anything ?" Then she goes on to answer herself, "Of course not". You see many of these kids have parents who don't believe in demons who think on an empirical level that this is all hysteria and nonsense. I tried to tell her that this was real but I could tell she was skeptical. So the devil wins twice.... That is truly frightening. We have lots to pray for in this day and time.

Patty13 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Charlie Charlie game]

Just saw an article on this today. I can't post the link because it's not from an acceptable source but it said children have been hospitalized for mass hysteria and mysterious bruises after playing this game. Of course scientists are downplaying it saying it has to do with gravity.

kmendel #fundie rr-bb.com

[On June being being LGBT pride month]

Interesting that Obozo chose the month of June............the traditional month for hetrosexual marriages. He is one evil dude. I shudder to think about what he will do next. And, over the next nineteen months. I'm also not so sure that he will leave office then. It would not surprise me if he invents a "situation" that sidetracks elections.

Scilent #fundie rr-bb.com

I was told by my professor that, yes the Holocaust was evil and wrong, but God will often use evil (not having created it, however) to further His own ends.

My professor who traveled to Israel many many times during his career, said that Israelis themselfs have told him, that God used Hitler and the Holocaust as a whip to drive the jews back into the land.

Think about it... it if hadn't occured, most of those jews were well off in the countries they'd lived in. Many successful professionals. They would have had no reason to go to Israel. They were comfortable where they were.

Hitler and the holocaust were a whip used by God, to push the Jews back to their land.

I believe it 100%.

jstone #fundie rr-bb.com

In my opinion, Climate Change is a tool with many intended purposes. Here are a few I can think of:

1) A reason to fund a global government, with industrial countries paying the most tax.
2) A reason to explain God's judgments in Revelation when they occur. (Scorching heat, drought etc.) They don't want anyone turning to God.
3) A reason to limit CO2 / economies making more people poor and dependent on government.
4) A reason to enrich the ruling class.

I believe we are seeing every judgment in Revelation has a deception forming in advance to explain it.

You have the antibiotic super bug to explain future plagues.
You have fracking to explain earth quakes increasing.
UFO's to explain rapture. Etc.

Tiger Lily #fundie rr-bb.com

Animals in Heaven and the Millennial Kingdom

I believe dinosaurs will be in the millennial kingdom and in heaven, too! We know from the Scriptures there are good things in heaven and there are animals in heaven. And we know God can restore human bodies, so why would exotic/extinct animals not "be delivered from the bondage of corruption," too? They are His and He preserves both man and beast. And if even the lowly sparrow has a place near His altar, why not His bigger creatures? And when His kingdom comes, His "will be done on earth as it is in heaven" where there are already animals.

At the very least, one would think that there would be dinosaurs after the MK, in the new heaven and earth when the Lord will make all things new and remove all sadness (including, presumably, sadness over not being able to see/interact with dinosaurs, if such sadness did exist). However, it seems much more like the Lord to have restored desired animals (pets, too) to His children in heaven already and the MK as soon as it starts. After all, He delights to give us things that bring us joy. And nothing is impossible with the Lord.

There are many good things in heaven
Ps 16:11 You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
1 Cor 2:9-10 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
1 Tim 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Gen 1:24-25 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

There are creatures in heaven
Rev 5:13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
Rev 19:14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.

Restoration of bodies/Delivery from bondage
Phil 3:20-21 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
John 5:28-29 "Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned."
Rom 8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

The animals are all His
Ps 50:10-11 for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine.

He preserves both man and beast
Ps 36:5-6 Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O LORD, you preserve both man and beast.

Even sparrows have a place near His altar
Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.
Ps 84:1-3 . . . How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young--a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.

Heaven's blessings to be mirrored on earth
Matt 6:10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

No death, no sorrow/All things made new
Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

The Lord delights to give us good things
Matt 7:7-11 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Ps 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.
John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Rom 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Eph 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ps 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Nothing shall be impossible with God
Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Earl Grey #fundie rr-bb.com

Report: ISIS Fighter Who 'Enjoyed' Killing Christians Wants to Follow Jesus After Dreaming of Man in White Who Told Him 'You Are Killing My People'

It has become a common occurrence over the years for Muslims in the Middle East who have converted to Christianity to claim to have been compelled to do so after dreaming of a person who they believe is Jesus Christ. Now, one militant belonging to the brutal Islamic State that has massacred Christians has converted to his victims' religion after dreaming of "a man in white" with a startling message, according to one missionary's account.

"He told this YWAM leader that he had begun having dreams of this man in white who came to him and said, 'You are killing my people.' And he started to feel really sick and uneasy about what he was doing," Fadely continued. "The fighter said just before he killed one Christian, the man said, 'I know you will kill me, but I give to you my Bible.' The Christian was killed and this ISIS fighter actually took the Bible and began to read it. In another dream, Jesus asked him to follow him and he was now asking to become a follower of Christ and to be discipled."

I found this amazing! It just goes to show that even some ISIS fighters may be in Heaven, yet people who claim they have lived "good" lives won't. It's all about faith in Jesus.

[Emphasis original]

Zelda2927 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the "Charlie Charlie" game.]

At my high school, I have heard people talking about the game in multiple classes. I saw it done once today. They set up the paper and pencils and asked if "Charlie" was there. No one touched the pencils and no one, that I could tell, blew on the pencils but one pencil moved and pointed to "yes" but they could not get a response again. I plan on talking to some of the people who participate in this game.

I was praying frantically the entire time they were doing this.

If "Charlie" continued to respond, I was going to get up and rebuke the demon out loud. That would have gotten me a lot of strange looks from everyone else, but I know that would have been the right thing to do.

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