
Dave-BNBIH #fundie rr-bb.com

The US may well be nuked before the Rapture. I see this as a very real possiblity [winking smiley face]

But,,the nukes will hit the 'sin' capitals of this nation, just as Katrina wiped out the 'Oldest Sin Capital in the US'. Look to Los Angeles, San Fran, Chicago, NewYork, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, etc...

And if there are Believers there at the time, it will be because they did not LISTEN when He told them to leave. In these days we need to be in fellowship with Him more than ever before in our lives, and learn to heed His warnings, for doing this may well enable many more to be Raptured than if we just try to do it our way[winking smiley face]

Also, the Believers that happen to get caught in this go straight to the Presence of the Lord, anyway [smiley face]Talk about a quick turnaround, [winking smiley face]LOL The body quits functioning, they 'done falled over', then Rapture, BANG! No time for a grave,,LOL[smiley face]

Sheprdboi #fundie rr-bb.com

(how to greet Jesus in heaven after the rapture)

What can you say? What doesn't HE know? If I can lay at my Father's feet like my dog use to do by me, I would be so grateful, there is nothing one can say...

Glory in print #fundie rr-bb.com

Now you know how I feel...Its frustrating at times to talk to the unsaved about the things of God...There minds and hearts are blinded from recieiving the truth...It is written that the natural man cannot recieve the things of God, because he is spiritually discerned....Talking to the unsaved about spiritual things is sometimes like talking to an animal they hear you, but they just don't understand....Also I have noticed that if you talk to a little kid about God, and then go talk to an adult who considers themself highly educated, and intellectual that the little kid oftentimes can understand a whole lot better than the adult can.

turtle #fundie rr-bb.com

I think im going to start carrying a peice of bacon around with me.
and when some muslim store clerk is rude or just a jerk i will put the bacon in his hand when he reaches for the money.
Then as im leaving the store i will say stuff like.

O MAN ..i hope Allah lets you into paradise even yjo you touched pork.
o boy i hope you can still have 70 virgins..

funmudder #fundie rr-bb.com

(Response to a Rapture Ready mom who is upset her son is learning evolution)

Creationism is touted as a part of Christian religion so is mostly banned. Some Christian teachers are more sympathetic, but over all, evolution is forced down throats as absolute fact-despite the lack of any evidence at all.
This is true even in the Bible Belt of the south.

I suggest you start giving a balanced education on this because the push is on to: enlighten kids out of their parents dark age understandings [/sarcasm]

Go to Answers in Genesis. Piles and piles of information from scientists that support creation. If you can, try to find Ben Steins movie "Expelled" It is a real eye opener to what your child will be force fed as 'truth'.

antitox #fundie rr-bb.com

(Home Depot employee fired for "One Nation Under God" pin)

Pretty bad, huh? It's looking like that in order to be a modern American, you are supposed to despise America.(eyeroll smiley)

It's just going to keep going backwards until true American patriots are run out of the country.

seeker42 #fundie rr-bb.com

If someone is proposing a [scholarly] book about Christianity and denies that Jesus is the Christ, or denies that Jesus ever made the claim to be divine, I would put the book down and find another book.

Inprayer #fundie rr-bb.com

No offense but if they relied on logical thinking they would come to faith.

After all if one looks at existence and looks at all the "theories", the only one that makes sense is that we were created.

It's the emotionally hurt or damaged that seem to become athiests. At least this seems true to me.

I've dealt with a lot of athiests. They react emotionally rather then logically to things.

BarbT #fundie rr-bb.com

[Fundies are responding to the news that same-sex partners of military members could get benefits from the military.]
The absurd idea of two males becoming co-husbands in a "marriage" is something no one even remotely imagined just 50 or 60 years ago.

The fact our own military now supports this atrocity as if it's "no big deal" is proof that Satan has made significant inroads into a once strong and apologetically masculine American institution. What's next, I wonder .... a remake of "The Longest Day" where a guy marries his buddy before the invasion of Normandy?

PeterSung #fundie rr-bb.com

God literally took 1 whole day to create mankind. He also took only 1 day to create the heavens, 1 day to create all life on earth, etc...But the point is God dedicated 1 WHOLE day to create just mankind, in His image. That is a pretty significant statement right there. That He took the same amount of time to create man and woman as He did the whole of the heavens. Kinda shows how much He took in caring to create us.

Rom831 #fundie rr-bb.com

How about you produce a human from a primate. You choose. Any primate. Have at it and get back to me. ;) Seriously, evolve me something. Not a fly from a fly or dog from a dog, but a real evolution like is required for your 'theory'. Primate to human, lizard to bird, cow to whale, fish to frog, reptile to mammal. I want to OBSERVE it happen, see the TEST results, and be able to REPRODUCE it. Those are, after all, the steps of the Scientific Method. Anything less would fall outside science and into philosophy (or science fiction).

Ashley #fundie rr-bb.com

I don't know about the rest of you but sometimes I literally have to force myself to think of something else!

It's like I get so excited about the rapture I think I'm going to jump out of my skin, my heart starts to race, and I cannot concentrate on another thing. For example I will be brushing my teeth and thinking about the brush falling into the sink because we'll be gone. It's as if I have to tell myself, "Calm down Ashley!"

Can't help it but my heart is already there and now I'm wanting my body to join it!
How much longer, Lord, shall we wait

tenor #fundie rr-bb.com

I would rather be looked at as stupid or illogical and know that If 'If' were true, I would be alright, rather than to be looked at as 'logical'and intelligent and face a possible eternity in hell. As the illogical flames of an illogical hell burn me for eternity and seperate me from an illogical God whose illogical son died for me and rose again, will I find comfort in the fact that it isn't logical?

SumSam #racist rr-bb.com

I googled my user name and found there's a village in India called Sumsam and a bunch of Muslim guys in Turkey and Pakistan called Sumsam Ali!

Now they tell me! Shoulda googled my username before I took it!

Mailman Dan #fundie rr-bb.com

I love the big bang theory. It states that there was a big explosion from nothing. Wow! I'm impressed. All it lacks is..well, everything. Preexisting elements must have been in place for it to take effect. (thats known science)

><>KarateMom<>< #fundie rr-bb.com

We are all born with that 'God Spot' that only He can fill. Even the atheists and agnostics have to admit that something in their lives is missing, because they can't quench the 'God Spot' with anything else in this world.

The God spot that is created in each and everyone of us gives me a reason to believe that all these tribal groups that have never heard of the name of Jesus, will still have a chance to accept him. I know this is not in the Bible, but neither does the Word speak of such people. I do believe that somehow they will know...maybe by messenger angels...before they die and have a chance to acknowledge Jesus as their Lord. Thats MHO.

waitingforhim #fundie rr-bb.com

If the Rapture is immenient than it could be tonight - right? I look for His soon coming for His church to be sooner then you think - like any day now He can come - that's what immeniency means isn't it...? If it's 'silly' and childish so be it. I'm so glad to have this joy and enthusisam for His soon return. What a Blessed Hope we have.

Scilent #fundie rr-bb.com

I was told by my professor that, yes the Holocaust was evil and wrong, but God will often use evil (not having created it, however) to further His own ends.

My professor who traveled to Israel many many times during his career, said that Israelis themselfs have told him, that God used Hitler and the Holocaust as a whip to drive the jews back into the land.

Think about it... it if hadn't occured, most of those jews were well off in the countries they'd lived in. Many successful professionals. They would have had no reason to go to Israel. They were comfortable where they were.

Hitler and the holocaust were a whip used by God, to push the Jews back to their land.

I believe it 100%.

OtherSideOfTheBoat #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

Homosexuality is wrong. It is a sin. God says so. To push homosexuality people have to ignore that fact that homosexuality is a sin. They have to reject God. Freedom of religion is their right but our founding fathers that penned these rights also realized homosexuality was, and is, wrong. Homosexuals have to ignore the better judgment of our founding fathers and throw out family values. Even ignoring this, homosexuality is still indecent and immoral. To defend homosexuality you must reject decency and morality. If there is no sin, no God, no tradition of our founding fathers, no sexual decency and no sexual immorality, then how can anything be wrong? If it is acceptable to be a homosexual, then how can we condemn polygamy, pornography, sexual harassment, sexual language, bestiality or any other form of sexual behavior? Why do teenagers need majority capacity? They need it for long lasting, greatly significant or special things. If there is nothing special about sex, there is no sin or God, family values do not matter, the law is changed as with homosexuality, there is no morality or decency then there is really no need for majority capacity or an adult mind. After all they understand it well being trained in school. God said both are wrong. I agree. They should be compared together. If we just ignore someone practicing the sin of a homosexuality then what reason do we have not to ignore the sin of a someone have sex with a consenting and knowledgable minor?

Garfield #fundie rr-bb.com

{Help we're being oppressed!}

It looks to me like the media and almost everyone in Hollywood spends at least 80% of their time trying to figure out more ways to attack Christians. They figure if they do it often enough, Long enough, and loud enough, they can get the majority to come around to their way of thinking. They know what they are doing and it is only going to get worse. I think we need to prepare ourselves for more frequent and hostile attacks on our faith as we get closer to his return.

caligal #fundie rr-bb.com

We are going to a wedding soon, and we are going to get new bodies and robes. The robes will be shining white and spotless and our bodies will never grow old or sicken or get dirty....ever.Our bridegroom is the most perfect person in the entire universe.....which He made by the way. He is the most wonderful and mighty and worthy Person to ever live......He is our Lord God Almighty. He chose......us. Can you get your head around that? He chose us to be His beloved. You and me and all the millions of belivers who live or ever lived. He knew us before we were concieved, and chose us. He loved us from the beginning. HE LOVES US. We are his bride, His beloved, and He is getting ready to come for us. We are going to a wedding.........and we are going to marry the King Of Kings,Lord of Lords, The Holy Lamb of God, Jesus Christ our Saviour, the only Son of God. We are going to a wedding, the biggest most beautiful wedding to ever take place..........ever.

Bone_Mender #fundie rr-bb.com

Perhaps they [former unbelievers] will check in with people that they knew who were christians. If that happened, then they may find your toddlers. Otherwise, I fear for the worst.

TresWright #fundie rr-bb.com

"Don't believe in God? You're not alone."

The above "inspiring" phrase is popping up on billboards around the country. My wife just told me that one will be going up in Dallas, so I guess I'll have to start carrying a barf bag in my car for the drive to work It's being brought to us by the wonderful folks at http://freethoughtaction.org/ On their site they encourage people to also express this sentiment on t-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, etc. Satan must have a big ol' smile on his face right now.

By the way, interestingly on the way home I heard a news report in which they said a recent Newsweek poll showed that 20% of atheists and agnostics pray EVERY DAY.

Emily #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

But after being born again, I knew immediately that homosexuality is wrong. But the deception to believe that its okay and normal is very intense. Not to mention the fact that there is very strong support for people to "come out" as homosexuals. If they do come out, there is a huge sense of family, community, support and solidarity. I think this is actually a great "selling point".

Christiangrl777 #fundie rr-bb.com

I'm 20yrs old and have never been in a relationship and I'm a virgin saving myself for marriage, and I've had people laugh and make fun of me for being one. i do want to get married if thats what God has planned for me, but there's not much time left so i don't see it happening. Christ will have to be my Bridegroom. i am so eager to go Home so i can never sin again, i hate sinning so much, but with how evil the world has gotten it just gets harder everyday and i just have to continue the fight.

Rom831 #fundie rr-bb.com

[When someone says he can't be serious about literal 'storehouses of snow' above the upper atmosphere]No, I'm not joking. You say they aren't there because we can't find them. I say we cant find them because they are supernatural. Same as the Space shuttle having never bumped into heaven in orbit. You see the physical result of the supernatural [i.e., snow].

JenGC #fundie rr-bb.com

(about the statue of the virgin mary breastfeeding jesus)

It seems to me that they are doing it on purpose. Almost like they are challenging God. Look! I say all religions are the same. Look! I say that it is OK to show Mary's breast! Look! Look! Look!

DJHere #fundie rr-bb.com

I must take a moment to point out that you do not commit the error of circular reasoning when you use the Bible to prove the Bible. The reason is very simple. You see, the Bible is not one book! It is a collection of 66 books written by more than 40 authors over a period of 1,600 years. Therefore, if you quote Jeremiah or Isaiah to substantiate Daniel, or if you quote Daniel to verify Revelation, you are not involved in circular reasoning. Instead, you are quoting altogether independent sources who happen to be bound together between the covers of the same book.

jcnmyhart #fundie rr-bb.com

I have studied 'evolution' and the evidence. The conclusion...evolution is an unsupported 'theory' put forth by a man who was limited in his (Darwin) research at the given time. The evidence now concludes far more intricate, intelligent than we ever imagined! Go to Institute for Creation Research...I have been to Dr. Morris's classes on 'creationism' and let me tell you, I would love to see the top 'evolution' professor refute the evidence! Praise God!

baileysmom #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia rr-bb.com

I agree completely. We should not be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for abortions. Abortion should be completely illegal. Every chid is a gift from God, and every child deserves a chance at life. We also should not have to be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for health benefits and health care for homosexuals. Homosexuality is a depraved, disgusting, unhealthy lifestyle choice, and if somebody is going to make the choice to be a gay or lesbian and catch who knows what kind of disease because they have so many sexual partners (I've read statistics that say the average is for them to have over 1,000 "partners"), I sure don't want to be the one footing the bill for there treatment. And I too get disgusted with the commercialization of Christmas. Materialism and pure greed is what it is. I wonder how many kids know the true meaning of Christmas and how many just think it's about Santa Clause and opening more and more and more gifts.

I shudder to think what our country is coming to.

WhiteH2OWoman #fundie rr-bb.com

Amen. Notice the titles of the big gay festivals. None of them contain the word "love."

Titles that I've heard include:

1. Gay pride
2. Southern decadence
3. Fantasy Fest

All of these festivals/orgies seem to revel in celebrating as many sins as possible, including pride, decadence, drunkenness, fantasy, and who knows what, probably astrology and tarot, too.

RapturiteSean #fundie #homophobia #dunning-kruger rr-bb.com

[After being advised to learn about other religions before making ignorant comments]Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to learn of or study other religions. We are simply told to preach the Good News and that faith comes by hearing the word of God. NOT by being able to debate the Quran. I believe homosexual acts are sinful. Why? Because I have studied homosexuality? No! Because the word of God says so.

Silver #fundie rr-bb.com

Original quote: I would love to see the RAPTURE on inauguration day of Pres Obama,it would steal the show!!! Jaja!!

People at the inauguration wouldn't notice anything until they left the event. ...and probably still have a tough time with traffic getting out. What? Am I saying that there are probably not that many Christians there supporting Obama? well.....yeah...I said it. What true Christian would?

His_Bride #fundie rr-bb.com

Your assessment about the lack of respect for God is something that I have been noticing for quite some time. It happens when people don't see the full character of God. They like to talk about His love and compassion, but they refuse to see His wrath, jealousy, and judgments. If we truly KNOW God, fully, we cannot help but fall on our faces before Him. We would never dream of adding any pagan texts to His Word. May God have mercy on us all!

ready2go #fundie rr-bb.com

I remember watching a program many years ago where this scientist had conducted experiments on humans and different types of animals. When the people died there was a noticible reduction of weight at the moment of death (the beds were on a scale) and with the animals there was no change in weight at the moment of death. His conclusion was that something left the body, but he wasn't sure what.

Angyl #fundie rr-bb.com

We know the rapture is coming...

any day, right?

If I get the urge to view porn, I just imagine that trumpet blowing while I'm in the middle of watching that and doing my thing...And you KNOW, one of the biggest questions every believer is going to be asked when we meet each other in heaven will be "What were you doing when the trumpet blew?"

Bethshaya #fundie rr-bb.com

In all seriousness, this is my sons favorite part of going to heaven. He's only 9, but says he can't wait to kick satan's butt for all the times he duped him into believing his lies. My son goes: Mom, I'm gonna get one of those cool sparkly shields of faith, and that Huuuuge sword of righteousness..you know ma, the one that will scare the 'bajiddlies' outta satan and then I'm gonna open up a can o'whoop on him. Then he prances out of the room. Gotta love it.

Jiggy37 #fundie rr-bb.com

Most of you have responded as if it was the life of a saved person who was going to lose it... the slightly more difficult hypothetical question is when the life of an unsaved person is at stake. Would I renounce Christ to save the life of an unsaved friend of mine, so that she might have a chance at life and coming to accept salvation? I would say that I wouldn't. What sort of example would I set if I were to renounce Christ before her?

Pendragon #fundie rr-bb.com

[Reviewing FSTDT.com]

Through their curiosity and yes even anger and hatred towards us G-d is allowing us to witness to them and to give them boblical food for thought. So as many laugh and crack jokes about it some will actually qeustion further and even some of those will find truth in what we talk about here. Isn't G-d amazing