
Gunslinger808 #conspiracy ar15.com

All Part of the plan.

With the solar minimum coming there was no way they could explain it away, so [Greta Thunberg] and her incredibly intelligent helpers designed the Wuflu to keep people home.

That way when global temperatures go down they can say it was due to minimal use of carbon fuel.

She waiting in the wings to claim credit for saving us from ourselves.

10mmFan #fundie ar15.com

They are making us regret not giving Hussein 8 years of unadulterated hate and resistance. We should have burned the WH to the fucking ground. Now the left is doing what we should have done!!!

tweeter #sexist ar15.com

(Same Anita Sarkeesian thread)

pretty sure I wouldn't be wasting my time if I hit her in the face with a snow shovel

if ever given the chance to do so, I would be sure to record audio of the event. just in case I wanted to cheer myself up with a new ring tone

A_G #sexist ar15.com

(On the same Anita Sarkeesian thread.)

I'd ass to mouth that fucking militant slut whore skank tramp bitch cunt before pissing in her ass and shooting my load in her hair so it's harder for her to clean up.

richtherake #sexist ar15.com

(On a thread consisting of Anita Sarkeesian pics interspersed with rape and cunnilingus jokes.)


You ignorant fucks don't even know what that dumb cunt is about.

Rage bang her for me. I couldn't get it up near that bitch with a midget licking my pooper.

Lawless_Flogic #fundie ar15.com

(Reply to "Why has Trump not issued a pro gun executive order?")

Originally Posted By BigMat:

To use your analogy- if your house is burning down you use a firehouse and save everything you can while you can- not bicker with the rest of the firefighters about which painting to save first.
To use it harder, let's consider the four elements of a fire: fuel, heat, oxidizing agent, and chemical reaction. Fuel would be the 2nd (goes away the longer it's burned). Heat would be the efforts of the left (energy). Oxidizing agent would be the Left itself. Chemical reaction would be the workings of the law. Combine the 2nd with the left utilizing the law to exert its energy and the 2nd is depleted.

I'm not willing to take away the 2nd. It's currently illegal to kill leftists for being leftists. They're not going to stop unless they're killed.

Why the fuck isn't anything being done about the law?

Apparently, it's impossible that the people in power don't give a shit and aren't going to help us.

Udder_Catastrophe, Demosthenes99, Ballista, freudianslip, NavyIS2,cervantes44 #fundie ar15.com

Udder_Catastrophe: Say you were nailing some chick on the regular, and she claimed to be pregnant with your child. Would you try to convince her to get an abortion if you found out she was a Bernie Sanders supporter?

Demosthenes99: Better abort all of them just to make sure there will be no more liberals.

freudianslip: Fourth trimester abortions!!

NavyIS2: Of course. Why wouldn't you?

Balista: It's a pretty common practice actually.

Black women (historic liberal voters) abort more babies then they deliver annually. Some black women can expect to have up to 10 abortions during the course of their lives.


According to the report, in 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies. With abortions surpassing live births by nearly 5,000, African American women in the city clearly terminated pregnancies more often than they carried babies to term. Black women terminated pregnancies at a rate of 67.3 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 49, a rate far higher than any other racial or ethnic group.

cervantes44: There is no moral high ground to be had. Some would argue it isnt actually a living being and I dont like liberals therefore my answer is yes.

Call me whatever the fuck you want. Liberals cheer on our deaths and laugh when conservatives die. They take pleasure in hearing about bad things happening to people who believe the things we do. I've seen it with my own eyes. Liberals cackling at conservative icons and pundits having tragic things happen to them. Hence, I don't care about said liberals and ill sleep well tonight. Consider that the lot of you buy into the whole "bomb the everliving fuck out of isis AND their families" (as do i) so its not like its much different. I am not so blind that I do not see the obvious fact: that plenty of my fellow "Americans" wish my death just as much as jihadists.

Drakich #conspiracy ar15.com

The Madison Ave quality production values of their propaganda is part of what made me conclude that ISIS is a CIA front group.

That and the fact that the founder was in US custody for years.

We intentionally funneled weapons directly to ISIS from Libya.

We trained many of their recruits.

We allowed Turkey to allow those recruits and those weapons to transit through Turkey.

Whenever we would "bomb" them we would give the target hours of advance notice.

Also consider that their propaganda is considerably better than what Saddam Hussein had, Syria has, or Al Qaeda, or any of the other regional players has.

The state sponsor for ISIS is the US. Or at least it was under Obama.

MajorStumpDemon #racist ar15.com

[I'm still waiting or an atheist to cut someone's head off for not converting to atheism....image]

messikans do it for simply being in the wrong club or selling product without a license..

they use a chainsaw (thats actually pretty inventive though i've seen a pig done that way on the interweb and mayhap they got the idea there) sometimes.

and the messikans are much more prolific than the mooslims. they're ahead in the head cutting off game. at least for now.

not sure which part of the world i wanna stay out of more...

they're all savages, regardless of religion. its genetic or has something to do with a harsh climate for all i know.. heck the ancestors of the messikans used to snatch the hearts out of living folks. supposedly one party they did 20,000 hearts in a sitting..

eta .. methinks we need to focus more just south of us than across the ocean. there's plenty of shitholes need cleaning up close to home.

dayv27 #fundie ar15.com

I used to have a female roomate (not even worth posting pictures) who got food stamps. She didn't have a mailbox key. Everymonth when her envelope came, we made her go and say thank you to all 3 guys who lived in the house and had jobs and paid for her meals before we would give her the food stamps.

arowneragain #fundie ar15.com

Further, as a Christian, my job isn't to 'prove' anything. Sure, we have proof - Christian Theism is the Ultimate Fact of the universe, without it nothing could exist - but the evolutionists have decieved you if you think 'proof' is the issue.

It's absurd to try and 'prove' what you, I, and EVERY PERSON EVER BORN already know. Could I offer 'proof' that met their desired standard (I can offer proof - but I can't offer proof that meets their artificial man-determined standard), it would only 'prove' what they already know - that there is one God, He created this world, and we are all sinners born at enmity with Him.

arowneragain #fundie ar15.com

[re: I may point out in Scripture where something is cogently said, but I never reply to a question like "Why do you believe God exists?" by saying "Because the Scriptures say so." First, it's not very convincing]

Scripture says it is.

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