[Source is very NSFW. I omitted some pictures for this reason.]
Hey, I’ve got some free time. The idea of Asian women as a resource is a good entry point into understanding my view of the world. So, here’s a complete, ideologically sound, hot, and incredibly racist explanation. You’ve been warned, don’t complain if you read any further:
The standard history of White colonization goes something like this: White people discover America in 1492, conquer, kill, and colonize, establishing big colonial empires over the next 300 years or so in the first colonial age. Then, in the late 1800s, the Scramble for Africa happens, as the major European powers quickly invade and snap up different bits of Africa in the second colonial age, or Imperial age. Sort of around or between the two, European powers establish footholds in Asia (Goa then the rest of India, Indochina, Hong Kong, Singapore, then the Philippines etc.) but they never colonize the major nations of the Asian heartland.
If White men are so superior, why didn’t they conquer Asia? And then, an even more mysterious question: if they could conquer Africa, why didn’t they do that first? Why colonize the continent thousands of miles over the sea before getting around to the one right next to them hundreds of years later?
Here’s the problem with conventional history: for all the talk of postcolonial deconstruction of the blah blah blah, our concept of colonialism is still rooted in a medieval idea that land ownership is the definition of control. Who owns what is defined by a map: if your color has painted over this piece of land, you have the power, and if it doesn’t, you don’t control it. This is a fine heuristic. Obviously, owning land is an important part of power. But it isn’t the only way that power can be expressed, because land is not the only natural resource.
Why did White people colonize America? What are the natural resources of America? North America in particular is a beautiful land, full of natural harbors, fertile fields, and awe-inspiring landscapes. It’s of a temperate climate, and its forests and plains were relatively easy to chop down and irrigate. However, the people on this continent were pretty much useless. So, we summarily executed the natives, raping a couple to blow off steam, and moved into our new home.
Contrast: what are the natural resources of Africa? The northern half is mostly desert and scrubland, the southern dominated by jungles. Who the fuck wants to live in Africa?
But Africa did have one obvious natural resource.
[picture omitted: nude African slave woman]
The resource Africa provides in abundance is labor: it is a continent full of strong but slow-witted natural slaves. We took pack animals from Africa and shipped them to the American land. This, too, was colonization. Though Europeans barely made inroads into the African continent itself, we extracted the resource we wanted most. We colonized the land in America, but we colonized the people in Africa. It was only when technology advanced far enough that we could extract mineral wealth from Africa that the “scramble” really began, as modern mining pulled the gold, diamonds, and assorted treasures of Africa that had previously laid hidden. Even then, we colonized beneath the earth, not on its surface, and even now that colonial powers have “left” Africa, we still control the mines. The rare earth minerals that are powering your cellphone come from African mines, worked by African slave laborers, who send all the profits to rich white men.
What about Asia? What are the natural resources of Asia? I’ll give you a hint:
[picture omitted: nude Asian woman]
Asia isn’t actually blessed with an abundance of natural resources. As large as it is, it’s mostly desert and plateau, better suited to steppe nomads than a real civilization. Even places like Japan and Korea are mainly impassable mountains. Lots of people live in Asia, but that’s because while Whites prefer a spacious home and field to call their own, Asians pack themselves into dense, hive-like cities (the parallels between Asians and insects are striking) so swarms of inferior humans can live on inferior land. Nor does most of Asia have precious minerals or crops, and the areas that do, such as the Spice Indies, are where White men did the most direct colonizing.
Asia’s most obvious resource? Asian pussy.
Historians are often prudes, and don’t want to acknowledge the role that sexual conquest plays in history, so you may be skeptical, but let me remind you: Asian pussy is like no other pussy on earth. Asian women aren’t just hot, they’re perfect fucktoys: small, weak, adorable, smooth, tight little packages of gooey submissiveness. There’s plenty of historical evidence left out of textbooks that Asian pussy was a major factor in bringing white men east. [Link NSFW] There should be no doubt that people will kill for Asian pussy.
But we didn’t have to kill for Asian pussy. We just had to conquer it. And while confused historians only see conquest where there’s violence, White men are smart. Taking land requires an army. Controlling slaves requires slavemasters. Taking pussy just requires control over their culture. Control over their minds. (EDIT: someday I’ll do a long, fun post about exactly how achieved did this, but not today. Just look up the Opium Wars and figure it out.)
Of course, that isn’t the only resource, but I’d say most of Asia’s resources can be summed up as human resources. Not the department at your office, but the idea that even tasks above manual labor can be classified as a resource: tasks like fucking, but also tasks like high-level manufacturing, making art, cooking, singing, dancing— these are all resources that Asia produces, but the white man owns. Niggers are too clumsy and slow to manufacture specialty electronics, but who has the nimble fingers, cunning, and obedience to produce our fancy electronic goods?
Insects. Even the smartest of Asians (and I don’t mean to downplay at all how smart Asians can be!) developing new science and medicine do it for the benefit of rich white men. They are devious, but not creative. Intelligent, but submissive. They aren’t laborers, but secretaries.
A white man today with even a little money can hop on a plane to Asia, maybe even flying Korean Air, which constantly reminds its passengers that Asians are the tiny, subservient supporters of white supremacy. He can see all the local sights he wants, visit their quaint but charming temples and saunas, gorge himself on the local cuisine and get drunk off their liquor, and, most importantly, help himself to all the tight Asian pussy he can handle. Sweet young Asian snatch just fucking throws itself at any white guy it can find. That isn’t a trip to a country he was never able to colonize. It’s a victory parade through all the resources so thoroughly colonized we didn’t need to conquer their land.
I want you to understand that I mean this literally. Obviously, a human is not identical to a plot of land or a barrel of oil, but to understand the world, you must understand that they can all be classified as resources. Native land, African labor, and Asian pussy are all resources the white man has taken from their previous owner and put to work for his own benefit. If that isn’t colonization, nothing is. When I say we colonized Asian pussy, it’s not a metaphor. We colonize the land, the soil, the body, the mind, the soul, the culture, and the pussy. Asian women belong to white men. Owned.
And so our questions have been answered: White men are efficient, and colonize only what they need. It’s really quite neat how efficiently we divided up the world, and remarkably lines up with the standard urban planning delineations: residential, industrial, and commercial. We took the best place to be our home, the most profitable land and people to be our factory, and the most charming, pleasing, and fuckable race to be our entertainment. Put simply, America is the white man’s house: not our ancestral home, but the dwelling we built. Africa is the white man’s wallet: we dip our greedy fingers in their whenever we like and turn up endless gold, silver, coltan, tungsten, dutiful laborers.
And Asia? Asia is the white man’s Kleenex. The white man’s cumrag. It’s the tissue we use to wipe off our cock. Enough white jizz has been spilled on this continent that this is close enough to literally true as well. It’s not a whorehouse: whores work for money, and Asians are so mindfucked they follow the white man’s command without thinking. White women are for procreating, Asian women are for masturbating into, and all the weird things Asians do, the weird anime and Kpop and skin-lightening creams, are the white man’s jizz trickling down through your culture.
Man, I just remembered I have followers who think I’m not racist. Hi, guys!