
Emerald Robinson #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #fundie emeralddb3.substack.com

In case you think you’re merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or something more innocent, I’ve got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.

Let me repeat: After. Disney. Employees. Were. Caught. In. Pedophile. Sex. Bust.

This is not an isolated incident with Disney. In fact, you might say that Disney employees get arrested for child porn crimes and child sex crimes on a regular basis.

This is the very definition of pure evil, of course. What right does an entertainment company have to intentionally turn your kids into homosexuals? The answer is: none. We have left the boundaries of rationality and capitalism altogether — and nothing can excuse or explain it. America’s parents are now confronted by people who want to commit felonies on their children under the guise of tolerance.

This is Sodom and Gomorrah stuff. These demons recognize no legal or moral boundaries regarding your kids — and they openly acknowledge as much. The LBGT community has essentially merged with the pro-pedophile community.

It’s time to boycott Disney.

It’s time to stop tolerating the intolerable.

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