
Like homophobia, but for bisexual people

Jason Whitlock #sexist #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #fundie angrywhitemen.org

In a bigoted rant, BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock complained that “women are not going to give up their power.” He also claimed that he would rather live in a “segregated society” under Jim Crow than “a world controlled by the alphabet mafia” — a derogatory term for the LGBTQ community

“This is the society women have built, the feminist movement has built,” Whitlock said. “And we’re lookin’ at a handful of Democrat, leftist men that are coming to grips with that.” As proof he cited Democratic strategist James Carville, who, in May, suggested that “preachy females” were hurting the Biden campaign

“They’re coming to grips, these men are,” he said. “And it’s too late for many of them. They’ve set all this stuff into motion. I don’t know if you can dial the clock back. But they’ve set all of this into mo[tion]. They’ve empowered women to the point that women are not going to give up their power”

Whitlock also advocated repealing “the whole 20th century,” including “LGBTQ rights and everything.” This, of course, would entail repealing major civil rights laws, but Whitlock said this would be better than the alternative

“Repeal it all,” he proclaimed. “And I say that knowin’… I’m… This is a fact: I would rather live in a segregated society than in this godless, pedophile, perverted society that we’ve built. I’d rather deal with Jim Crow than a world controlled by the alphabet mafia. Yes I said it. And I believe it”

Dave Williams #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #biphobia #transphobia #enbyphobia 9news.com

The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” read, in part, “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children.”

The message to Colorado Republicans was headlined with an image reading “God Hates Flags,” a nod to the anti-gay slur on the picket signs of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.

The party’s message was signed by chairman Dave Williams. A post from the Colorado Republican Party on X, formerly Twitter, read simply, “Burn all the #pride flags this June.”

jamesradcylffe #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia identitydixie.com

[From “The Simple Truth Behind Cultural Marxism”]

The idea of Cultural Marxism as a byzantine 12-step method for converting the West to economic Marxism is bogus. Marxism, at least in praxis, was an ethnic power-grab. It was primarily foisted upon the unwitting masses of Eastern and Western Europe by a supermajority-Jewish international cabal[…]
The Marxists won. Not just in Europe, but virtually everywhere that had wealth. Jews waltzed into power and affluence. Now, Marxism was a problem. Take from the who and give to the whom?[…]Hence, Cultural Marxism. Within every poor West Virginian coal miner and White guy spinning the roulette wheel, there was a raging White corpo-fascist just begging to become wealthy and suppress the masses

They actually pulled this stunt in Russia, classifying the peasants who didn’t like the idea of communism as kulaks[…]Great minds think alike. Or, maybe they just went to the same synagogue in Krakow

Paleoconservative conventional wisdom holds that Adorno, and the rest of the Frankfurt School decided the masses in the West were just too damn happy[…]and needed to be culturally broken down until they revolted and established Marxism[…]I’ve got a simpler thesis. Marxism already won. They had to change the rules to protect their power[…]
Jews knew they needed some camouflage, so they enlisted women, ethnic minorities, degenerates, and even White men with a taste for bureaucratic or managerial power[…]
As a result of this senior/junior partnership, we have a system where non-Whites, particularly Jews, are free to maintain power and wealth, as they are oppressed, and various Whites, having little power or wealth, are oppressors. We’ve squared the circle (kikel, perhaps)[…]
Cultural Marxism was just the Jews’ way of slamming the door to the command center closed behind them and avoiding getting hauled out and sent to the gulag themselves. If we know anything about history, it’s that Jews really don’t like manual labor

Charlie Kirk #biphobia #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Did you know there are 145 days on the calendar celebrating LGBTQ?

Feb 19-25 - Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March 21-25 - LGBTQIA+ Health Awareness Week
March 31 - Transgender Day of Visibility
April 6 - International Asexuality Day
April 13 - International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)
April 14 - Day of Silence
April 26 - Lesbian Visibility Day
May 17th - International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
May 19th - Agender Pride Day
May 22 - Harvey Milk Day
May 25 - Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
June 23 - Stonewall Day
June 28 - International LGBTQ+ Day
July 14 - International Non-binary People Day
July 16 - International Drag Day
September 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week
September 23 - Celebrate Bisexuality Day
October 8 - International Lesbian Day
October 11 - National Coming Out Day
October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week
October 19 - International Pronoun Day
October 19 - Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)
October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week
October 26 - Intersex Awareness Day
ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER - Trans Awareness Month
November 5 - Trans Parent Day
November 8 - Intersex Day of Remembrance
November 13-19 - Transgender Awareness Week
November 20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance

And this isn't even a complete list if you include other designated days from the UN and other worldwide institutions and authorities.

We will be judged.
3:38 AM · Apr 2, 2024 · 496.8K Views
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Lauren Chen #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia angrywhitemen.org

BlazeTV host Lauren Chen condemned Pride Month on the latest episode of her online show, Pseudo-Intellectual Live. During an interview with fellow BlazeTV personality Auron MacIntyre, Chen said she wanted America to “be on the list of countries where it is not socially acceptable to signal support for pride”[…]
Referring to Pride Month as “Hell Month,” Chen complained that her birthday falls in June and that the pro-LGBTQ celebrations put “a damper on it.” But she said that “this year pride seems to be a little more subdued than it has been previously,” and asked MacIntyre why he believes that is

MacIntyre blamed backlash after last year’s mass shooting at a parochial elementary school in Nashville[…]
Chen pointed out that car manufacturer BMW once again used rainbow versions of its logo on social media, including X (formerly Twitter). She also claimed that when asked why its Middle Eastern social media accounts don’t do this, BMW responded that it’s not “culturally acceptable” in those countries

Chen called this admission “refreshing” and said she wanted this anti-LGBTQ attitude to expand to other countries, like the U.S

“But, so what I want for America, and for every other Western country, is I want America and Canada and the U.K. to be on the list of countries where it is not socially acceptable to signal support for pride,” Chen said

“That’s what I want for the future. I want it to be like, you know, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, America, Canada — these are places where we don’t want our brand associated with pride because we know the public will reject it,” she added. “Because that’s how — honestly that’s how sick of pride I am. And that is how depraved pride I think has always been”

MP Mohamed Ali, Salim Said, Athman Ahmed and the Anti-LGBTQ Movement #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

Kenyan anti-LGBTQ activists are now prohibited from calling for the murder of the country’s LGBTQ+ community, the country’s High Court said in an order. The order is temporary while the court hears a case on whether city legal officials can allow anti-LGBTQ+ protests that encourage violence against queer Kenyans

The interim conservatory order was placed following accusations that members of an organization, dubbed the “Anti-LGBTQ Movement,” as well as Parliament member Mohamed Ali, have called for the murder of LGBTQ+ individuals and their expulsion from Kenya

Mamba Online reported that, in a demonstration last year, Ali cited the Bible and Quran to justify killings, while calling for the American government to take in LGBTQ+ Kenyans

“We do also call upon the head of state, his Excellency President William Ruto, to come out strongly against LGBTQ machination,” Ali said[…]
Kenya currently outlaws consensual same-sex relationships[…]
The High Court order, implemented by Justice Olga Sewe, bans any calls for violence, conversion, or expulsion of LGBTQ+ individuals, with specific individuals — such as Ali and activists like Salim Said and Athman Ahmed — being restricted from this type of hateful rhetoric[…]
This order is temporary, with permanent decisions awaiting the results of the lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed against Mombasa Police Inspector General Japhet Koome for allowing anti-LGBTQ+ protests in his city. The lawsuit was filed alongside another suit against Said, Ali, Ahmed, and the Anti-LGBTQ Movement for their role in instigating violence

Selwyn Duke, Joseph Rose and Peter Frohwein #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #racist thenewamerican.com

[From “Putin’s Paradise? As Expats Flee a More Soviet America, Is Russia Now More Like 1950s U.S.?”]

Carlson has some company in his sentiments — American expats[…]
Joseph Rose, stated when asked about life in Russia, “I often say it feels like our positive vision of 1950s America”[…]
Peter Frohwein, 62, would like to start a new family but says that he “wouldn’t seriously consider” doing so in the U.S[…]
Rose, “I do think it was God leading me to where I needed to be[…]I would say that Russia is becoming a bastion of Christianity and that America is becoming the opposite”[…]
The expats did not take issue with President[…]Putin[…]Some[…]see Putin through rose-colored glasses[…]
Koffler points out while addressing the expat situation that Russia is no paradise, calling it “an authoritarian state”[…]Unfortunately, this increasingly describes the “Soviet” West[…]only with a different (rainbow?) flavor[…]
This apparently is what drove expat farmer Arend Feenstra and his wife Anneesa to flee Canada for Russia with their 10 children, as the sexual-devolutionary (“LGBTQ”) persecution in their native country just became too intense[…]
The irony here is that while America was founded by people fleeing religious persecution — people who’d been considered troublemakers in their native lands — now anti-woke “troublemakers” are sometimes fleeing to Russia seeking religious freedom

Of course, it’s tempting to, depending on one’s point of view, call these expats sage or stupid[…]
As for Putin, for all his faults, he has defended the family and Christianity and criticized “transgenderism,” homosexual propaganda, and the moral relativism permeating civilization[…]
What’s more, since demography is destiny, America’s continuous irrational, nation-rending (im)migration renders us an unstable land; in contrast, Russia’s demographic stability ensures that it will continue being Russia — even a century hence

Will the West still be the “West” when that time comes?

MP Sam George and Ghana’s parliament #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia france24.com

Ghana’s parliament on Wednesday unanimously passed a controversial anti-homosexuality bill that has drawn international condemnation

“After three long years, we have finally passed the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Act,” said Sam George, one of the main sponsors of the bill on X, formerly known as Twitter

The bill, which was introduced in the parliament in 2021, not only criminalizes LGBTQ relationships, but also those who support LGBTQ rights

African countries still widely criminalize same-sex activity, mostly because of colonial era laws. But a raft of recent bills and proposed laws across Africa have looked to clarify and, in some cases, strengthen those laws

A recent CNN investigation uncovered alleged links between a US nonprofit and the drafting of the homophobic laws. The group denied those links

The bill in Ghana still needs to be signed off by the country’s president before it becomes law

The United Nations human rights chief Volker Türk called parliament’s passing of the bill “profoundly disturbing” and urged the government not to sign it into law

“The bill broadens the scope of criminal sanctions against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transexual and queer people – simply for being who they are – and threatens criminal penalties against perceived allies of LGBTQ+ people,” he said

Responding to the passing of the bill, UNAIDS executive director Winnie Byanyima warned that if the bill did become a law it would “affect everyone” and hamper the country’s fight against HIV and AIDS

Conservapedia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie #biphobia conservapedia.com

In 2007, Conservapedia creates its Homosexuality in animals myth article.

Liberals tout a supposed "gay penguin" in a California zoo.[18] Liberals rabidly deny someone can be an ex-homosexual. Ex-homosexual is faced with a $10,000 fine, spends $7,000 in legal fees, and is forced to go to pro-homosexuality classes by a liberal judge who claimed he engaged in aggressive behavior in a discussion with a homosexual man (during his discussion the ex-homosexual man was holding a baby).

In 2009, the alleged gay penguin in a California zoo starts a romance with a lady penguin and abandons his supposed male penguin lover. The homosexual activist Wayne Besen claims the penguin is living in denial and not an ex-homosexual male penguin. (see: Homosexuality in animals myth).

Emma 🌼🏳️‍🌈 #biphobia #moonbat twitter.com

i've read SO many disgusting comments today. swifties are heartless and cruel. this is why bearding is so harmful to us @taylorswift13
, especially considering that you KNOW your influence.
and i also need people to stop calling me biphobic. TAYLOR HERSELF is the one doing CONSTANT lesbian flagging in literally everything she does. she is not ALLOWED to date men.

wakeupmypeoplespiritrain #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #ufo #quack #homophobia #conspiracy #ableist #biphobia beforeitsnews.com

Satan’s Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Retroviral MRNA Black Goo 666 Low Vibe Vaccines Have Cain’s Vampire Immune System DNA/GENES (Sinister Fallen Angel Bioshock Plasmids And Splicing Protocols) Within The Vile Curse-Alls Which Are NOT Cures!: (Satan’s Main Vile Man Of Sin/The Son Of Perdition Has Been Satanically Mutatively Monstrously Vaccinated With His Curses) Sinisterly Gay Barack Hussein Obama Has A Black Chimeran Vampire Master Clone Called The *IMAGE OF THE BEAST* Covertly Waiting In A Ancient Antediluvian Atlantean Retro-Engineered Deep Underwater Fortified Plasma Domed Base Called The Leviathan (Which Has *The Dark Knights Cloning Program* Cain Like Monstrous-Beastly-Chimeran-Vampiric-Black Goo 666 Body Loaded With Barack Hussein Obama’s Vile DNA/Genes On Stasis Also Known As The 8th Horn-King-Sinister World Leader) That Will Be Metaphysically Infused With The Cast Down Fallen Angel Spirit Of Satan Himself Deceptively Emerging From The Ancient Sodomittish Sea As The Bloodthirsty Murderous Chief *Cloned* Antichrist <...> Many Foolish People Being Removed From The Lamb’s Book Of Life For Sinfully Wickedly Taking Part In Satan’s Diabolical Irreversible Multiphase Vaccinations Process Of His Horrific Nightmarish Monstrously Mutative Beastly *Cain Like* Vampirism – REMEMBER THAT IMMINENT APOCALYPTIC TUNED GAMMA-RAYS WILL SUPERNATURALLY EXPOSE ALL OF WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU AND OTHER FLESHLY CREATURES AT THE SPIRITUAL/DNA/GENETIC LEVELS – SO PLEASE DON’T SINFULLY PUT SATAN’S VACCINATION CURSES/CURSE-ALLS INSIDE OF YOUR TEMPLE
You Will Die In A Short Span Of Time Diminishing Your Life Due To Deadly Mutations – Be Overtaken By The Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Activated Demonic Zombism Airborne Vaxx A.I.D.S Plagues Plandemics That Many Sheeple Sinfully Unwisely Gullibly Wickedly Took As The CoronaVirus Covid-19 Vaccines Which Are All Part Of Satan’s Irreversible Multiphase Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir Cures-Alls Of Monstrous Extremely Mutative Death

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #biphobia gab.com

( @EB_ )
Periodic reminder that homosexual marriage *never* passed any time it was put to a vote

It was forced on us via judicial fiat because jews ultimately wanted it

People who participate in same sex dating or marriage should not be allowed to have children.

*Same sex Marriage should have never been allowed in the first place.

( @robert_e_lee )
@EB_ There is no such thing as same sex marriage. That's as ridiculous as a man pretending to be a woman.

( @Maga100000000 )
@EB_ - there is no such thing as same sex 'marriage'. It is an IMPOSSIBILITY

( @Plumbbobsquarepants )
@EB_ and sin in our churches should not be tolerated.... take your globo-homo civil unions back to the justice of the peace..."holy matrimony" is between a man and a woman...nice try faggots!

( @LO_OK )
@EB_ jews will ALWAYS side with Satan. We call it judaism but it's satanism plain and simple. It should NEVER win!

( @Kimberlyann_45002000 )
@EB_ the only thing inseminated in a homosexual "marriage" is shit

@EB_ It is true there has NEVER been Legislation that legalized Homo marriage, just like there was NEVER Legislation that Legalized Abortion. The Judiciary Branch passed a "Ruling" NOT a Law they over stepped their authority like they did in roe vs wade then 30 fukkin yrs later said oopps my bad the 10th amendment.... So now we have to wait 40yrs for their fuk up to be fixed, 🤨 we aren't gonna make it 3yrs come '24 election Nothing can stop whats coming

( @MichaelGi )

( @Its_all_in_the_Reflexes )
@EB_ People who participate in same sex anything should not be allowed to breathe....

Clarence Thomas #transphobia #quack #homophobia #biphobia #fundie #wingnut washingtonpost.com

In written dissents, Alito and Thomas said the case presents important questions of free speech that have divided lower courts.
“There is fierce debate over how best to help minors with gender dysphoria,” Thomas wrote…

In Thomas’s five-page dissent on Monday, he said Washington’s ban [on conversion therapy for minors] had “silenced one side of this debate” by restricting the First Amendment rights of medical professionals. “Licensed counselors cannot voice anything other than the state-approved opinion on minors with gender dysphoria without facing punishment. The Ninth Circuit set a troubling precedent by condoning this regime,” Thomas wrote.

Kamuroshiryu #biphobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com

No one should be ashamed of making straight ships between fictional characters and this is where Genshin Impact sets the most despicable example since My Hero Academia. As a hetero lad, I could not care worth a fin if LGB ships exist but if there are artists that are threatened to delete a straight ship off of Pixiv or any other art site by cyberbullies, then I must express annoyance to it.

Dr Jordan B Peterson #biphobia twitter.com

Thank God
For the Legacy Media



In honor of Bisexual Visibility Day (also called Celebrate Bisexuality Day), we’ve compiled a list of some of the most noteworthy books featuring sexually fluid characters and themes from the past century.

Mike Johnson #homophobia #biphobia edition.cnn.com

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has a history of harsh anti-gay language from his time as an attorney for a socially conservative legal group in the mid-2000s

In editorials that ran in his local Shreveport, Louisiana, paper, The Times, Johnson called homosexuality a “inherently unnatural” and “dangerous lifestyle” that would lead to legalized pedophilia and possibly even destroy “the entire democratic system”[…]
In another editorial, “Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do,” he wrote. “This is a free country, but we don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices”

At the time, Johnson was an attorney and spokesman for Alliance Defense Fund, known today as Alliance Defending Freedom, where he also authored his opposition to the Supreme Court ruling in Lawrence v. Texas[…]
“States have many legitimate grounds to proscribe same-sex deviate sexual intercourse,” Johnson wrote in a July 2003 op-ed, calling it a public health concern[…]
Johnson wrote in support of a Louisiana amendment banning same-sex marriage saying it could lead to people marrying their pets

“Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and[…]are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone,” he wrote. “Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle. If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. There will be no legal basis to deny a bisexual the right to marry a partner of each sex, or a person to marry his pet”[…]
Johnson again predicted same-sex marriage could doom America

“If you were shocked by the moral lapses at the Super Bowl you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Johnson wrote. “Experts project that homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic”

Timothy Fitzpatrick #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia fitzinfo.net

[From “How the West could co-opt Zionism to rein in Islam and the Left”]

World Jewry is behind the radical Left and the Islamo-African invasion of the West, but Zionism has a script to follow, and it is one that could be exploited for Western gain

Zionism is a tool for world Jewry (elite Jews)[…]For many average Jews (especially conservative ones), Zionism is the end[…]These are the kind of Zionists with which the West could ally in order to help battle world Jewry’s greater plans of using the Left and Islam to clear the world of whites, Christians, and conservatives in preparation for their world Communist Hasidic empire

The Zionist script is fundamentally nationalistic, moralistic, and ethno-centric, which is what the West had been up until about the 1960s when world Jewry introduced their immigration schemes and cultural Marxism. World Jewry doesn’t care for nationalism because world Jewry is cosmopolitan[…]
The trick for us is to use the Western-friendly aspects of Zionism to keep Islam and the Left under control[…]World Jewry knows that Zionism does not have the full support of the West and conservatives, and it prefers it this way so that it doesn’t have to push too hard in advancing the conservative values that little Jews want[…]World Jewry just advances Zionism enough that it suits their cause of keeping the Middle East perpetually destabilized[…]draining America and Britain’s reserves, and in turning the world against the West[…]
World Jewry fears the little Jews realizing that they are being played by their elder brothers, so they must meet their demands[…]
More Jews would have to support Zionism[…]Zionism is losing a lot of support in Israel itself, as many Israeli Jews are moving toward the Left. The evidence of this is the growing support for LGBT, unfettered immigration, and anti-Zionism in Israel. The popular anti-Bibi rhetoric is an effect of this and not some awakening to the Soviet Israel control over the region as it might seem

Cookiecuttermaxy #conspiracy #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Fuck it you know what Imma just say the most out-of-loop comment regarding LGBT and other shit, here comes nothing

If you want a minority to stop existing, then go ahead and shove LGBT down their throats, go ahead and do so. LGBT is literally implicit soft eugenics, there's a reason why people of color for a long time were against gay marrriage

Japan for this reason alone had to state the marriage is between a man and a woman

I mean it makes sense, I am for all lgbt people existing, but if we normalize then our CURRENT CIVILIZATION would cease to exist dipshits

But hey if the left wants religious, racial and ethnic minorities to stop existing, by all means normalize the shit out of lgbt culture and abortions

Makes sense, their memo never really changed, they just gotten more politically-cautious about it

Conservapedia #biphobia #fundie #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Rick and Morty)
This adult animated series, whose titular characters were based on respective ludicrous caricatures of Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown and Marty McFly from the mostly conservative film Back to the Future (but soon grew into their own characters), is popular among liberals and atheist, Reddit-registered techno-libertarians alike for trying to pass a dysfunctional, atheistic family with a vulgar, drug-addicted, pansexual, alcoholic grandfather (Rick) as humorous. Worse yet, the series' volatile, fanatical fanbase is widely known for stirring up such controversies as rampaging en masse through various McDonald's restaurants in search of Szechuan sauce as if to imitate an example of Rick's unruly, disorderly behavior, which prompted several calls to local police departments, wasting tax payer monies: he seeks to claim the sauce in the episode "The Rickshank Redemption" by traveling back to 1998 when Disney released its China-set animated feature Mulan and McDonald's sold packets of Szechuan sauce with regular purchases as a cross-promotion of the film. Many of the science fiction elements of the show seem to contradict portions of Christian cosmology, such as interdimensional travel, allowing sinners to avoid the logical consequences of their actions. The institutions of marriage and pregnancy are not given the sacred coverage they deserve either. The episode "Rickmurai Jack" shows Morty as a 40 y. o. but looking much more older and much worse than a normal 40 y. o. and is called middle-aged, still too young to be in that age category, and this is weird considering that even Rick, who is 70 y. o. and alcoholic, is better looking than adult Morty here, not to mention his father who is 35 y. o. (just 5 years younger) and is good or normal looking, so ageism isn't missing in this series either.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gettr.com

One of the principal organizers of Dublin’s gay pride parade has decided to add the colors of Ukraine to the LGBTQ rainbow flag, presumably to ensure support for all ‘current things’ are covered.

( @mc_muffin )
Fuck off

Back in the closet

( @The_Real_Blake )
The alphabet people don't realize they are being used as a distraction. If the Marxist agenda is achieved, there will be no more use for them and they will be relegated to the trash heap. The new world order won't have room for people with mental disorders.

( @ravenjams )
Alphabet people are a bunch of mentaly ill people.

( @waronwoke )
At the end of that rainbow there is a massive bomb crater with a dumpster full of burning pedos at the bottom of it.

( @MarinaK )
Another confirmation that Ukraine is NOT the side to be on.

@oo_ChiChi_oo #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gettr.com

(submitters note: translated from original german, original below)

Welcome to the "best Germany EVER!" 😷💉🤡#FCKCDU #FCKCSU #FCKSPD #FCKGrüne #FCKFDP #FCKMauermörderpartei #NWO #COVID1984

can you believe that: In the future, the rainbow flag will also fly on the Reichstag

On two dates a year, the so-called rainbow flag is to be hoisted on one of the four towers of the Reichstag building. The Bundestag Presidium has agreed on this, as confirmed by the press office of the parliament. The flag with the six colorful stripes is becoming more and more a kind of national emblem of the GRD (Gender Republic of Germany), after a new flag decree by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (SPD), also allowed it to be hoisted in front of and on top of federal buildings.

Source: vk: Freedom of expression Art 5 GG

spoilerWillkommen im "besten Deutschland ALLER Zeiten!" 😷💉🤡 #FCKCDU #FCKCSU #FCKSPD #FCKGrüne #FCKFDP #FCKMauermörderpartei #NWO #COVID1984

Geht’s noch: Regenbogenflagge weht künftig auch auf dem Reichstag

An zwei Terminen im Jahr soll auf einem der vier Türme des Reichstagsgebäudes die sogenannte Regenbogenflagge gehisst werden. Darauf hat sich das Bundestagspräsidium geeinigt, wie die Pressestelle des Parlaments bestätigte. Die Fahne mit den sechs bunten Streifen wird damit immer mehr zu einer Art Hoheitszeichen der GRD (Gender Republik Deutschland), nachdem ein neuer Flaggenerlass von Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) das Hissen auch vor und auf Bundesgebäuden erlaubt hat.

Quelle:vk:Meinungsfreiheit Art 5 GG

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gab.com

(submitters note: in response to the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting )
( @WardenX2 )
Can't really deal with all the kvetching over the Colorado sodomy bar shooting when no one gave a shit about a bunch of little white girls getting run over by an anti-white maniac in Wisconsin.

( @JohnWick014 )
@WardenX2 Don't forget the murdered dancing grandmas.

I have zero fucks for any faggot or tranny or pedo that gets sent to hell.

( @Based_Honkler )
@WardenX2 Hell, I couldn't stop laughing.

( @CandiceMathers )
There must be another "anti lynching law" that is on the roster for a vote but for the LGB whatever mob. Hence the psych ops "operation BS for gun control".
Don't forget this happened before with Orlando's Gay bar.

( @Dubious_pug )
@WardenX2 to be honest. Even if they had cared about White children getting ran over in Wisconsin... I still wouldn't care about the sodomy club shooting.

( @katietardie )
@WardenX2 I have turned off the news recently and come to GAB for whats going on-didn’t hear about it and really don’t care about the freaks.

( @citizenKIN )
@WardenX2 Considering that the actual investigators are still silent on the motive, he could have very well been a disgruntled fag himself. Many such cases.

( @EmilyDeasmhumhain )
@citizenKIN @WardenX2 I don't have a problem with sodomites killing each other and themselves 😊😊

( @BGKB )
@WardenX2 The gay bar shooting had an All Ages Drag Show

For DEAD TRANNY day of remembrance NOV 20

:honk: Don't get in drag queens faces, they smell bad. stay at long rifle range :honk:
An AK-47 can hit the broad side of a barn from inside the barn but a mosin nagant can hit the broad side of a TRANNY 2 counties away

Pick up your brass / shell casings , littering is for latinos & blacks

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Doubling of Deviants at Brown University"]

According to woke doctrine, we must embrace homosexuality because it is not a behavior but an identity. If you hesitate to endorse unhealthy sex acts that have been regarded as immoral for centuries, you bigotedly hate those who indulge in them. They can’t control what they do, because were born that way. Or maybe they can’t help what they do because they attended a pricey university:

The number of Brown University students identifying as LGBTQ+ has doubled since 2010, according to a new poll from the university’s student paper

About 38% of students at the Ivy League school identified as either homosexual, bisexual, queer, asexual, pansexual, questioning, or other — more than five times the national rate for adults not identifying as straight

Ivy League universities like Brown are finishing schools for our nomenklatura. In case you were wondering what students learn for $82,570/year, now you have an idea

The high-priced social engineers running Brown get results. However, the rest of the liberal establishment gets results too. Its relentless promotion of all things LGBT through the media, public schools, and government has produced a doubling in the percentage of self-identified deviants also among the general population — even if the percentage is lower outside the decadent ruling class:

About 7.2% of American adults identified as being non-heterosexual, according to a 2022 Gallup poll, up from 3.5% in 2012

Considering the cultural hegemony the Alphabet People already enjoy, imagine if social engineers are able to double the percentage again. Every month will be Pride Month

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #sexist datalounge.com

(in which people take various positions on the term “queer”; I'd actually tag this as heterophobia if I could)

>"Queer" now means straight people who want to larp as oppressed. To me, that makes it doubly offensive.

>"Queer" has a long history as a slur against gay men in particular, and they are the only ones who can "reclaim" it. Not women pretending to be gay men, not straight people who dye their hair cotton candy colors, not trannies, or enbys, or any of the other imaginary identities. Homosexuality is an orientation, not an "identity".

> "Queer" allows them to elide and obfuscate the stark disparity that exists between gay people and everyone else (bisexuals, while they experience same-sex attraction, still benefit from heterosexual privilege).

>Because you can't define it nowadays, it's meaningless as a word. I hate all this stupid 'non-binary' 'queer' nothingness.

>Back before many of you were born, we simply said "gay and lesbian." "Bisexual" was something people grew out of. There was no need to encourage it.

>it's been extra funny watching the bisexuals shriek on social media about how they're left out of everything or how they are stigmatized.

>"Queers" are asshole fake gays temporarily using the gay community to add some kinky flavor to their dull straight lives, and they are going to be the death of the real gay community.

> Go ahead and pretend to shamed when you’re misgendered when you foolishly try to look like the gender you are not. Your obvious body dysphoria is a sad condition and you should seek treatment instead of validation.

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Muslim Colonists in Belgium Reject LGBTism"]

Cracks are forming in the cultural Marxist coalition. LGBTists and Muslims can agree that Western Civilization needs to be torn down. But that does not reconcile Islam with the gay agenda:

On [May 11], the “LGBTQIA+” community in Belgium suffered a violent attack by teenage Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk. The Islamic attack occurred at an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) event held at the school[…]

One day it will get through to liberals that Muslims are exactly what they accuse Christians of being: violently intolerant of the sexual degeneracy liberals revere

Progressivism will be killed off by a poison progressives imported:

This is not an isolated incident in Belgium, a country that has changed dramatically over the past decade. Without any public debate, it has become a massive Muslim migration state due to the left-wing government’s open borders migration policies and the European Union’s policies in Brussels, Belgium’s capital[…]

A similar story is playing out in the Muslim colony of southeastern Michigan

Muslims engaging in hijrah (conquest by immigration) love open borders policy. The rest of liberalism they will eradicate the moment they have the leverage