
CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

I wasn’t aware of that sordid drama involving (Katie?} McHugh, but the theme of it strikes me as all too familiar. Women are poison pills dropped in the chalice of insurgencies fighting against the status quo.

Underneath all the rationalizations, men fight for beautiful, young women. Men don’t fight for land, or honors, or money, except insofar as those things earn them access to beautiful, young women.

Consciously, men will tell themselves otherwise and pen odes to loftier ideals, but the Darwinian primal impulse is the lure of fertile furrow.

As such, women should inspire, not aspire. Women, particularly young cuties in the bloom of their slender hourglass perfection, are inspirations to men to reach for the brass ring. An insurgency seeking to topple a corrupt establishment is best led by men, compelled by an unspoken and often unacknowledged desire to attract young cuties, intuitively grasping that a victory over the corrupt ruling class means more prime poon for those rebel men.

Women who aspire to leading roles in those insurgencies are suspect operatives, for they are purposefully abdicating their natural place in the cosmic order as inspirations to stronger, integrous men. Placing women at the ideological front lines is courting the disaster of gossipy in-fighting and betrayal; women are powerfully drawn to the glitter of social status, and a revolution in which they play a significant face time part puts them in close proximity to the enemy establishment tempting women with penumbras of reflected status. Women can’t resist the siren song of social elevation, attention whoring, and credentialism, however superficial and unearned. Presented with these irresistible offers, women will backstab allies to get at them.

There is also something to be said for distrusting women who have the same passionate drive as men to achieve in the world of men. Women who aspire to greatness in endeavors that are naturally and historically the domain of men are women who are, essentially, at war with their own femaleness. It would be the same distrustful reaction both men and women have to effeminate men who forsake manly pursuits to succeed in the natural domains of women. Identity crises in either sex provoke distrust in others. We are rightfully suspicious of men or women who choose to defy their sex’s norms and temperaments.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

We find that greater exposure to “high-achieving” boys, as proxied by their parents’ education, decreases the likelihood that girls go on to complete a bachelor’s degree, substituting the latter with junior college degrees. It also affects negatively their math and science grades and, in the long term, decreases labor force participation and increases fertility.

“increases fertility”. The key phrase.

If you want to arrest low White fertility, keep young women away from college and in the company of alpha males.

Game can make White women fertility great again.

We explore possible mechanisms and find that greater exposure leads to lower self-confidence and aspirations and to more risky behavior (including having a child before age 18).

This is written, of course, from an indignant femcunt perspective, but a more honest analysis of the study results would describe the natural desire of women to submit to powerful men, or to men who seem to have the potential to be powerful later in life. Chicks dig dominant men, and the “lower self-confidence” evident in women who are around alpha males is a feature of the feminine template of vulnerable desire to submit to a powerful man, rather than a bug to be removed from the DNA code.


The alpha male is rarer than the young hottie. Women instinctively know this and grasp this reality of the sexual market, so their bodies and minds promptly reorient to “catch the alpha male’s attention and birth his champions before he finds someone younger, hotter, tighter, and more feminine than a shrewish, careerist shrike” when an alpha male lands in their social circle.

Chasing after college and credentials and a “good career” are only serious considerations for women who are surrounded by uninspiring beta males.

Beta male providers get it coming and going. Women aren’t inspired by beta providers to abjure the credentialist cubicle farm life, and beta providers are made less attractive by the economic self-sufficiency of the women who chose career over love&ovenbuns with a beta.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

White liberals would be more ethnocentric in their own society. Part of the reason they are so outgroup-favoring in our societies is the fear of us.

So if you never had to fear “The Handmaids Tale”, you would feel less inclined towards white guilt. Additionally, the Bluestan(s) could write constitutions that explicitly define the fundamental values of society as left-liberal, so White Bluestanis could have a strong civic nationalism.

Look over the border at President AMLO, a white leftist, but also a strong ethnic and civic nationalist.

216 is an interesting commenter, but I believe he inverts the underlying motivations of Bluestan shitlibs here.

First, you won’t get anywhere analyzing White shitlib (SWPL, for short) behavior without understanding that psychological projection is at the heart of it. White liberals don’t fear White conservatives. Not really, at any rate. They may virtue signal fear of us, but they don’t really feel it.

What White liberals are doing is projecting their own desire, to viciously and utterly rule over White conservative “intransigents”, onto the latter. White libs accuse White cons of doing to them precisely what White libs do to White cons. If any group has justifiable reason to fear a despotic overthrow of its cherished values and preferred social arrangements, it’s White conservatives who have been under relentless attack from White liberals for the better part of a century, and losing nearly every battle.

Case in point: there was never a “Handmaids Tale” in America. There has been, however, a “SlutPride Tale” and gay marriage and trannyfreak singing to schoolchildren and borderline infanticide and man-hating divorce courts and toxic masculinity conspiracy theories.

White liberals have in fact never had to fear “Handmaids Tale”, but White cons have had damned good reason to fear all of the above, because those things have actually happened. And yet, White cons aren’t “outgroup favoring”, presumably, as leverage to neutralize the power of White libs. White cons have had to fear all those White lib depredations on their preferred way of life, and yet don’t have any “White guilt”.

216’s theory doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

White liberals did not live in a constant state of fear in pre-Roe v Wade America that a patriarchy was about to force women into breeding camps. Any “fear” that White liberals express about America becoming a version of, in this example, The Handmaid’s Tale is either irrational or disingenuous. The purpose of the lib fear-mongering amongst themselves is 1. to juice their virtue signaling score (the more fearful, the more valuable one’s moral posturing against the thing causing the “fear”) and 2. to provide a phony justification to ram their shitlib agenda down America’s throat.

White liberals — GoonWhites — aren’t outgroup favoring because they fear White conservatives — FreeWhites. No, White libs are outgroup favoring because

they have inherited an excessive altruistic feeling toward outsiders that is corrupted into a pathology by globalist mass migration
they get a tingle up their legs from playing the role of the beneficent enlightened betters patronizing POC lessers
they HATE HATE HATE FreeWhites for not sharing their r-selection-shaped worldview or their high disgust thresholds, and find it expedient to “adopt” nonWhites and their grievances and to use them as battering rams against FreeWhites.

For these reasons, I doubt White liberals would be more ethnocentric in their own societies. Instead, what I see happening is GoonWhites’ virtue signaling compulsion turned on each other, in the absence of FreeWhites to target, until the purity spiraling results in some sort of social breakdown or mass hysteria/mental illness.

I also foresee Bluestans eventually succumbing to their Diversity, which will eat at the White lib seed corn with increasingly ravenous disregard for the future. Remember, too, that “strong civic nationalism” and multiracialism are mutually exclusive; civic fellow-feeling is always and continually undermined by the very human and natural urge to tacitly or overtly identify with one’s own kind.

It’s possible that White libs, left to themselves, will concoct some rhetorical sophistry for keeping out the Diversity that doesn’t overload their egos, in essence creating a de facto White lib ethnocentrism, but I have a hard time envisioning a scenario in which the modren White shitlib can casually betray her ego without having an existential crisis. If FreeWhites aren’t around, maybe GoonWhites can easily and expediently dispose of every race equalism and White privilege belief they claim to cherish, just as they now easily and hypocritically contradict themselves to “score” political points against their FreeWhite enemies.

Nevertheless, this is all moot speculation because White libs would prevent any peaceful separation solution to the eternal intra-White animosity that is burning hotter now than it has since the days before Civil War I. White libs don’t want White cons to go their own way; they want to lord it over White cons, to force them to submit to White lib rule, and to rub their faces in their humiliation and despair. The totalizing authoritarian streak is a mile wide and ten miles deep in GoonWhites. For White libs to allow White cons their own nation would be, in the White lib mind, tantamount to Nazis getting their lebensraüm.

White libs don’t want to run away to build their own nation and write their own left-liberal constitution; what White libs want is to build their own nation and write their own left-liberal constitution RIGHT WHERE WHITE CONS LIVE, BECAUSE FORCING WHITE CON SUBMISSION IS HALF THE FUN.

This is why I predict that if there is a blood-drenched Civil War II, it will be the fault of White libs who won’t tolerate White cons attempting a peaceful separation from them. And, unlike Civil War I when White libs had a facsimile of moral high ground to prevent secession, this time around all the moral justification will be with the FreeWhites who just want to get out from under the yoke of White lib tyranny.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

There are three events in modren human history one may pinpoint as singularities of corruption of our women.

the vote
the Pill
social media

The first Corruption Event severed woman from husband and supplanted him with the State.

The second Corruption Event severed woman from herself and supplanted her womb with careerism and cock hopping.

The third Corruption Event severed woman from reality and supplanted her humility with self-delusion and rage.

Reversing these corruption events, in full or in part, will be necessary to save America from her destiny with collapse.


PS As if Canada couldn’t get any gayer:


[Picture of a Canadian police van with a rainbow stripe and an LGBT Hate Crime Hotline number]

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Carlson must have been reading manosphere blogs recently and swallowed a few Crimson Pills on his journey to becoming the real-est Realtalker on the TelaViv, because in his latest show he drops a truth bomb so big it caused feminists to shriek themselves to death.


No joke, I would vote for a Carlson/Coulter presidential ticket. There are few people who could trigger the shitlib gooniverse harder than does Trump, but Carlson might achieve it, and he does it with smarts and sureness of belief.

His main point — that cratering male wages in traditionally male occupations have reduced men’s marriage market value in the rural areas and small towns which voted heavily for Trump, contributing to a host of current social ills in those areas — is spot on, and something that we here at the Chateau have been banging on about for a long time.

When the State replaces men as the primary provider for women, then women, in effect, will marry the State (and fuck around with charming, undependable cads). Compassion creates more cads.

Carlson has broached the subject of female hypergamy — the third rail of sociosexual analysis — and the femcunts and soyboy lickspittles don’t like it.

In short, men date across and down, women date across and up. Men are primarily attracted to women’s looks, women are primarily attracted to men’s social and financial status (especially for long-term commitments). When men lose status, their women lose desire for them.

The beating heart of the Trump vote was a howl from men who have experienced an SMV decline — sexual and social market value declines brought upon them by anti-White pro-Diversity agitprop and nonWhite dispossession, the disappearance of male-oriented occupations that don’t require a facility with sitting still in an office chair all day, and the cheapening of their labor by foreign invaders scabs invited in at the behest of greedy corporate oligarchs.

And, as Carlson said, almost word-for-word recapping posts written at the Chateau, the female hypergamous instinct may be distasteful to contemplate, but it’s not going anywhere soon, because the sexes have innately competing reproductive goals. A smart, sane society understands this, and works to leverage the beneficial effects of that instinct rather than encourage its worst aspects.

Thankfully, Trump has managed to turn it around, a little. The manufacturing industry posted the biggest job gains in twenty years in 2018.


On the downside, there are still too many gains in education, health services, and hospitality, which translates to dead weight gibs for women and migrants, which ultimately has a corrosive effect on the marriage market for White men.

I would have to see the percentage gains for each occupational group over the last few years to determine if this is a blip or a real and lasting course correction. It’s great that manufacturing jobs have increased, but if the increase in Shrike Jobs is larger then the gains in manufacturing, than the benefits from the latter will be swamped by the negative consequences of the former.

A successful realization of MAGA means the top two occupation groups are at the bottom, and at least six of the bottom eleven occupation groups storm the top of the jobs gain chart.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

PS Men generally don’t rebel against abject thottery if there is an element of sexual egalitarianism from societal oversight. In other words, if the majority of men sexually (read: reproductively) benefit from loosened female sexual mores, then men won’t look a gift ho in the mouth. But that’s never what happens; loose women who have sexualized themselves are no more giving up the real goods to the mass of mediocre beta males than are more modest women. Thottery undermines civilization through multiple pathways, and one of those is the in-your-face sexual disenfranchisement of beta males that the camwhore lifestyle brings to the fore. Once the initial wave of beta male thirst has receded, a bone-deep feeling of disgust rises in its wake. It’s the disgust of knowing that sexually unconstrained women egged on by globalist elites are acid to the social fabric, and that these women toy with the desires of men they will never give the time to in real life.

Possibly there is some resentment, too, that hot women can easily rake in six figures doing nothing but exhibiting their half-naked bodies on social media, while men don’t have that option and must instead work a hundred times harder to make a fraction of what slattern thots have been pulling in tax-free. This is a fundamental reality of biological and psychological sex differences; women may enjoy looking at a fit male physique, but they aren’t aroused to fapping themselves sweaty staring at naked men every day. Therefore there isn’t a viable market for the male version of thots. This massive economic, social, and sexual discrepancy illuminated in bright screen light and transmitted to billions across the internet ultimately corrupts relations between the sexes with all the downstream attendant effects of that corruption, including cock carouseling, late age marriage, low fertility, single mommery, male suicide, and cat collecting.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com


Birth control allows millions of women to:

* Participate in society and in the economy
* Lead healthy lives
* Form intimate relationships
* Decide whether and when to have children

Now, the Trump administration wants to make it less accessible.

Contra the ACLU, the Pill did none of those things. What it DID do was enable women to fuck around indiscriminately while pursuing a useless paper pushing career and putting off marriage and childbirth until it was too late and then bitching and moaning about “the patriarchy” in online femcunt ghettoes.

The Pill was really nothing more than a means for women to ignore beta males during their prime vagina years, which meant it was nothing less than a cataclysmic rupture of the sexual market with evolutionary consequences we are only just beginning to understand.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Commenter PA once had a suggestion that you should only tip young White men, reasoning that economically self-sufficient White men are more critical to healthy sexual and marriage market functioning than are young women with spending cash (who are liable to ride the cock carousel with their economic freedom and liberation from needing beta male provisioning). Not to mention, young women can spread their legs for the easy life, which is an option unavailable to men.

I think that’s a good rule of life, and if you balk in the manner of a purs’d-lip white knight or quivering mangina, maybe you should remind yourself that tipping, however generous, never got a man laid.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

I believe that NW European White Gentiles are nearly alone in the world for having inherited a genetic racial predisposition to a guilt-based, rather than shame-based, moral sense. And all the shame-based races take advantage of that White Gentile character trait when they are within subverting distance.


COTW runner-up is PA with a briskly arresting truth about blacks and their relationship to Whites and Fellow Whites.

Whites have the tendency to idealize blacks as beloved pets such as faithful dogs. Jews have a proclivity for idealizing blacks as their reciprocal. “Everything that they are not” vigor-wise. They also feel a kinship with them as fellow Resources Extraction Algorithm.

The biggest slavering sportscucks I know are Fellow Whites. It almost carries an undertone of vicarious sexuality. I think a part of it too is that FWs can say, “Look at all this previously untapped greatness you racist Gentile goyium stupidly discriminated against”, while conveniently ignoring the unleashed dystopian nightmares that past discriminations had helped to put a lid on.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

America has become a hyper-sexualized yet aggressively anti-sex nation. A worse combination I couldn’t imagine.

A healthy nation would be the opposite of the above configuration: retaining taboos on slutty displays of sexuality, sexualizing children, and poz indoctrination in the schools, while accepting and welcoming the erotic frisson that naturally emerges between vigorously dimorphic sexes.

A patriarchy, in other words.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Unfortunately, the Creepy Left’s plan is working. Women really are more gullible than men, and they fall harder for the disingenuously weepy-alternating-with-angry pleas of The Fuggernaut to help them remake America in the image of a thousand dreary, violent, corrupt nonWhite shitholes. You can see the results of their plan here. The trend is bad: 43% of White women voted for Dem House candidates in 2016. 49% of White women voted for Dem House candidates in 2018.

White women have been abandoning their White men for a while, but it really picked up pace with Trump’s election. Their abandonment is reflected in every facet of our degrading culture: from increases in mixed-race dating, to miscegenation, to voting, to pussyhat mass hysteria, to PoundMeToo, to anti-White protesting.

But The White Woman Wedge isn’t yet big enough to assure the Left electoral dominance for generations and beyond. The Left is nothing if not impatient, so they’re hastening the arrival of Post-America by browning the country as fast as they’re brainwashing White women.

Which tactic will win permanent rule for the Leftoid Equalism Fuggernaut? Browning, or Brainwashing?

Traitorous Anti-White shitlib judges are doing their job to support the Browning. Divorce, childlessness, the cock carousel, later age of first marriage, and declines in the marriage rate are accelerating the results of the Brainwashing.

It will be both tactics that “win” it for the Left, and maybe that’s a blessing in disguise. The transformation to Post-America will happen so fast and unequivocally that currently slumbering and cucked Whites will be shocked into a Real Resistance that washes all the scum off the streets.

If you were wondering where all the Left’s hate for masculine White men was coming from, this post explains it.


Facecock is all-in on the Brainwashing part of the Left’s plan to terrorform America:

FACEBOOK DELIVERS FOR DEMOCRATS: Erased 2 Billion GOP Page Views in Purge, Eliminated Conservative Content to Suburban Females

“What big tech has done to conservative and other undesirable publishers is nothing short of a digital Kristallnacht.”
— Andrew Marchs, filmmaker

The Left actively targets the weakest links in their natural enemies, and right now that means suburban White women. Faceborg does its part for the Party by censoring dissident political opinions that could influence White women to vote against Democreeps.

If it means dropping a giant deuce on the 1st Amendment, then FaceZOG will do that, safe in the knowledge that their Democortez clients will protect them from civil rights lawsuits.

“Build your own internet backbone and social media company” is sounding more like a rationalization of banana republicanism instead of a libertardian snark about first principles.

All right, then, shitlibs. Kill 1A, and then 2A. And then rule over the wasteland you’ve birthed in your short-sighted idiocy.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Single moms produce soyboys and pussyhat sluts.

Single fathers produce warriors and tradwombs for the West.

Don’t you love when science affirms your gut instinct? It’s like, why bother with painstaking methodology and securing grant money when you can just open your door and step outside for a front row view of the world?

THAT MEN HAVE HIGHER AVERAGE LEVELS of social dominance orientation and group-based anti-egalitarianism than women is one of the most thoroughly and consistently validated research findings in contemporary social and political psychology—

—the relative influence of male and female parental figures should influence the general group-based anti-egalitarianism of their children. Specifically, because of the relatively higher level of social dominance orientation and group-based anti-egalitarianism found among men, the greater the overall relative influences of male versus female parental figures, the higher the average level of group-based anti-egalitarianism children would have.

“Social dominance orientation” = a great trait for players and pappies alike.

But how exactly was social dominance orientation measured in this study? This way (fyi left unmentioned but safe to assume: most of the test subjects were White):

This [anti-egalitarian/social dominance orietnation] scale assesses the degree to which one supports or rejects social equality. Because two of these four items specifically refer to race and were also embedded in a series of other questions referring to race and social class (see Sidanius, 1976), this scale has a distinctly group-based flavor. The respondents were asked to indicate the degree to which they agreed or disagreed with each of the following four stimuli: (a) White superiority, (b) racial equality, (c) increased social equality, and (d) social equality. Each response was given on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 7 (strongly disagree). All responses were then coded into the direction of anti-egalitarianism.

That first stimuli goes right for the id, eh? I’ll guess that, paraphrasing, the responses broke down to “men invade, women invite“.


Will it be single fatherhood that saves European Christendom? Or will it be single mommyhood that destroys it? The race, so far, is a losing one for Team Patriarchy, but that last lap is where the warriors show their mettle.

Naturally, this paper being the product of social scientists, genetic influence is given no quarter. It could simply be that the issue of single moms inherit their pathological pussyhattery, while the issue of single fathers inherit their tribal protective instincts, and these inheritances get confused for attitudes resulting from the “gendered nature of the family in which one is raised”. Nevertheless, it confirms for everyone who doesn’t have their senses numbed by SJW screeching that there is something intuitively dangerous about ordering one’s society around matriarchy at the expense of patriarchy. You simply can’t entrust your nation and its posterity to the political preferences of women or feminized men.


How about we play it safe and orient our society around discouraging single mommery and encouraging Father Knows Best?

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

This is exactly right. GoodWhites who think they can escape to coastal shitlibopolises and live a charmed life in perpetuity free from the “irredeemably foul“* BadWhites are fooling themselves. The bill for replacing White America with Third World America will come due, and it will be enormous. Payment will be made in one form or another, whether in higher taxes, safety, mental health, freedom of mobility, cost of living, lineage continuity, cultural familiarity, social trust, shared values, basic livability, or aesthetic pleasures.


That’s why it is always a laugh to me that there are SWPL shitlibs who enjoy stupidly snarking that BadWhites are paranoid for believing minorities are “coming for them”. Yes, they are. Maybe not with guns a-blazing (although they do that, too, disproportionately), but they come for us in myriad ways that make life less enjoyable. They come for our welfare, paid with our taxes. They come for our hospital services, paid with our insurance premiums. They come for our peace of mind, paid for with exorbitant housing costs, home security, and expensive school districts. They come for our vote, by diluting our political voice and forcing us to live under a government that only marginally, if at all, addresses our concerns, and is more often actively hostile to them. They come for our culture, corrupting it to suit their lowbrow preferences.

NonWhite Diversity costs Whites A LOT, and in my book that means they are, indeed, coming for us. They are coming for our way of life and twisting it, unconsciously, into a facsimile of the shitholes they left behind. And yet evil, hateful bitches like Michelle Goldberg express glee at the prospect! Love wins!

Likewise, the above empty-headed shitlib sarcasm is why I have no patience for that other trope shitlibs weakly trot out when the debate has taken a turn away from their control: “You’re just being played by rich White people who use divide and conquer to keep you focused on irrelevant issues like mass immigration and away from their greed”. Funny, they are always circumspect about exactly WHO comprises a healthy share of those “rich White people”. That aside, rich White people don’t have to play divide and conquer; the Diversity™ brings the divide and conquer on its own. All the rich White people have to do is make sure the Diversity™ can storm our borders. As for rich White person greed, it’s not a mutually exclusive concern; we can oppose both a greedy elite and open borders.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

LOL this is Clarence Thomas after a fellow falsely accused man survives a high tech lynching.


Is it possible to trigger shitlibs so hard they self-shoah? I hope this post does it!

PS stray thought of the day: intra-ethnic White animus is paradoxically made worse by nonWhite presence, because the cratering trust engendered by racial diversity has the knock off effect of lowering trust between Whites.

PPS Our Chemical Romance:

Antidepressant and antianxiety medications are found everywhere, in sewage, drinking water, soil — Wildlife are bathed in drugs for their entire lifecycle.

Don’t forget the Pill. Thanks, Western sluts!

It’s a fine line between unintended consequence of decades of dismissive ignorance and deliberate poisoning. When will Western Man wake up to his ZOGification?

PPPS Guess who’s back, exposing her hatred on a platter for all to see:

Hillary Clinton: “Civility can start again once Dems are in power.”

Yes, that’s quite the revealing soundbite from thecunt. There will be no civility as long as Americans aren’t under the jackboot of the Anti-White Dem hate machine.

I guess it’ll be scorched earth war then. Remind me again, which side needs safe spaces?

Grandpa Lampshade elucidates,

This could be the mantra of the Marxist left period.

They are like the rapist who tells you that the reason you have a broken jaw is because you kept insisting on fighting back. “See? You’re the one who made me hurt you.”

Never forget, with the left civility and getting along always = you must submit.

No more submission. We stand now in defiance. #TheDefiance.

And the Leftoid Equalism Fuggernaut hates us for our insolence.


PPPPPS More than 75% of Americans Think Women Are Making False PoundMeToo Claims.

Everyone eventually comes round to the Chateau and imbibes deeply of the wisdom herein.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The quimdoctrination has rapidly intensified of late. What’s next? Freak trannies reading pozzed children’s books to toddlers?

It looks like shitlibs need a lesson in basic human biology:

There are two sexes, male and female.

There is no such thing as “gender”, except as a grammatical term.

There is a male and female brain structure that affects our outlooks and preferences, and is responsible for our sex stereotyped behaviors. Our brains are biological and, along with our bodies, form our self-conception as man or woman. Our heart supplies blood to our brains and bodies; it isn’t the seat of “orientation”.

Trannies are mentally ill lsmv rejects.

A small minority of men are homosexual. A smaller minority of women are obligate lesbians. Likely the source of their miswired direction of desire is biological in nature.

Homosexuality is not the biological, social, nor Darwinian equal of heterosexuality. A simple “equivalency swap” thought experiment shows this: if we were all homosexuals, the human species would go extinct.

There is no such thing as social construction of sex. “Social construction” means we humans assign words to describe aspects of observable reality, so that we can effectively communicate with each other instead of speaking a language of one that no one else understands.

On average, men are masculine and women are feminine. Some men are less masculine; some women are less feminine, but the average sex-based differential remains.

Poopytalk won’t assuage the primal pain of raising a butch daughter or an effete son.

Bestiality is “natural”. So is the rare case of hermaphroditism. That doesn’t mean either should be taught to children as a social norm of equal validity to normal heterosexual mating and biology.

On that note, there really is a valid distinction between normal and abnormal.

Hope This Hurts.


I dunno, readers, how does a parent of sane mind get confronted with this vile freak agitprop and not head down to their kids’ school’s administrative offices and turn the inhabitants into thunderdome chattel?

PS Shekels to bagels, Soros agents have their crabbed fingerprints all over whatever front group is pushing this Satanic trash on American children.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Women will be led. It’s in their nature. They will be led by their husbands, by the government, or by the media.

Only one of those three will provide benevolent leadership.

In 2018 America, there is more government, more media, and fewer husbands. How’s this working out for us?

CH #conspiracy heartiste.wordpress.com

This is interesting. In 1969, Planned Parenthood had a planned population control agenda waiting to be implemented in the West.


From reader JR (livelihood-saving anonymity provided courtesy of blog owner(s)),

the document appears to be real

the defense is that they were just, you know, discussing possible proposals and ideas for limiting population, not necessarily endorsing them

of course, literally all of them were done and are now celebrated – except for the water supply one*

at least, as far as we know

so what have the Media and Establishment done since 1969:

– encouraged women to work

– portrayed the ideal family size as being only 1-2 children – or even none

– portrayed the time to start a family as being in your 30s

– encouraged and celebrated homosexuality

– extended mandatory education to high school and even college for most jobs


*The water supply suggestion has been implemented, (accidentally if not intentionally). Our waters now teem with the effluvia of plastics, estrogens, birth control pills, fluoride, and innumerable endocrine disruptors.

It’s funny that humans thought they could mess with the primal forces of nature (reproduction) and not incur any civilizational-sized blowback.

At least now we have proof (as if it was needed) that foreign-led organizations like Planned Parenthood actively and strategically pushed Poz down the collective throat of America for decades, in an attempt to weaken the spirit of Heritage Americans and quash their desire for posterity and their ability to achieve it.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

When plain jane women misremember the details of an alleged sexual assault against them from decades ago, they will tend to fill in the perp blank with an hsmv chad lacrossist, because this satisfies their desire to be desired by high value men, aka “I’m so hot I made an alpha man lose control”.


The woman cries out that you’re victimizing her as she victimizes you.

ps I see Ace has been hanging around this blawg.

pps reminder from williamk that women aren’t constitutionally wired for higher order morality:

Women’s instincts are suited for status jockeying in 200 person tribes. Expecting higher ideals from them like truth and justice is a great folly of our age. Notice why she recanted: she realized peddling these lies beyond her dried up yoga foodie clique might make her look bad.

Serious question: how much better off would America be today if the 19th Amendment never existed?

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

FYI, Creepy Joe Biden is now calling Trump supporters “dregs of society“. A bit more bite to it than thecunt’s “deplorables”, but the intended message is the same: “we don’t reason with those we consider our inferiors”. These are fighting words, dripping with dehumanizing bile. When the elites use terms like this to describe regular working stiff Americans, it is proof their hearts are blackened and they would laugh if you were killed, your children raped, and everything you hold dear reduced to ashes.

How would you compromise in good faith with enemies like that? You wouldn’t. The time for op-eds and lecterns and agitprop would end and give way to the clarifying battlefield.


The key will be just how disloyal White women are to their White men, which is equivalent to asking how disloyal White women will be to their nation, for a nation is the sum total of men’s collective purpose and ambition, and America is the sum total of White men’s collective vision.

If our women embrace pussyhat careerist shrike catladydom, their loyalty will evaporate, and America’s end is fated. If somehow they return to the fold, it buys their men time to rescue America from an Abattoir of Babel demise.

I thought Trump would buy us that time, and he still may, but with each day and each new low the Media-Deep State-Democortez Axis of Annihilation plumb my doubt grows that Trump can prevail. He has done much; it may not be enough. From where I stand, I don’t see White shitlibs coming around to reason any time soon, maybe not even when the rivers of blood flow. I see flickers of hope, of delayed realization from a few, but they won’t make the difference. We need an awakening that shakes the foundations of our institutions, rends post-WW2 orthodoxy, and shatters the neoliberal belief in Globohomo.

Pray for it, because what will emerge from a thwarted awakening is the stuff of nightmares.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

GOP will hold the Senate.

House race too close to call. Newly elected reps will be either Fuggernaut Freakazoids from the coasts or pro-Trump Dems.

If the House flips, blame suburban married White women and urban single White women. These dumb traitorous broads can’t resist the siren song of the lying scumbag Fake News media. The ZOGbeat of anti-Trump hysteria is taking its toll on the weaker sex.

As I’ve been saying for a while, our unregulated womenfolk will be the end of our nation. 2018 may seal the deal.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The pill has repeatedly been called the greatest invention of the 20th Century and is said to be responsible for a third of the increase in women’s wages since the 1960s.

Coincidentally, it’s also been responsible for a third of the decrease in women’s lifetime fertility and lovability.

But contraceptive pills may have a darker side. As Pletzer wrote in 2014, when athletes take steroids we call it ‘doping’ – it’s considered abuse and strongly condemned by society. But we’re happy for millions of women to take these hormones every day, sometimes right through from puberty to menopause.

When you fuck with the laws of Nature, don’t be surprised when Nature fucks you back. The God of Biomechanics will not be denied for long.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

If I had been in charge of Unite The Right (the group which planned the C’ville debacle, assuming they weren’t all FBI plants), no way would people be out there marching with nazi paraphernalia to play right into the media’s preconstructed narrative. First, I’d have focused the message on defending free speech/assembly. Second, I’d have created new symbols to rally around, symbols the media was unfamiliar with and couldn’t pigeonhole.

This was a big reason why the 2016 Pepe the frog meme was so successful; the media didn’t know what to do with it and were caught flat-footed, unable to mount an effective defense. A cute frog is the symbol of White awareness? Oy vey it’s all so strange! Pepe is overused now, but his lesson remains: defy the expectations of your enemies.

Two of the 48 Laws of Power apply.

Law 17: Cultivate an air of Unpredictability.

Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off- balance and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.

Law 48: Assume Formlessness.

By taking a shape, by having a visible plan, you open yourself to attack. Instead of taking a form for your enemy to grasp keep yourself adaptable and on the move. Accept the fact that nothing is certain and no law is fixed. The best way to protect yourself is to be as fluid and formless as water; never bet on stability or lasting order. Everything changes.

And yes I know the 48 Laws of Power was written by an international frugalist. Perfect. You take the useful stuff they create and use it against them.

When you have power, you can bulldoze your opposition.

When powerless, you have to find different paths to victory. Bulldozing will only incite a more powerful counterattack; that’s what happened to UTR. Instead, the powerless must rely on insinuation, guile, cleverness, misdirection, and subversion, confusing and demoralizing their enemies.

So if I were Head of Counter-Narrative Activism, where would I start?

I’d start with a protest at the foot of the Yarrabee Farms property, owned and operated by CEO and Boomercuck Craig Lang. That’s his company which illegally employed the churlish chalupa Cristhian Rivera (undocumented immigrant née foreign invader) who murdered American White Girl Mollie Tibbetts. Banner? NO CHEAP LABOR NO CHEAP VOTES GOP CUCKS GET THE R0PE

Shame these traitorous BigAg Midlands cucks into joining Team Trump with everything they’ve got. Cucks still do feel shame, right? Or is that another virtue cucks lost on the way to rationalizing the annihilation of Heritage America for a fatter loan on home equity?

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The InfoWars saga (and Daily Stormer before it) are meant to be object lessons to discourage the others. The swarm-like nature of the operation by leftoids, against a readily identifiable and personalized crimethinker, betrays its real purpose: to silence an entire segment of the population.

Active censorship is just the tip of the speech-chilling iceberg. Like I wrote, leftoids are playing with a super-weapon which in their hubris think they can control without blowback. They will overreach, as they’re doing now, and the weapon will turn on its wielder.

There is only one way this super-weapon remains in the control of one faction for a sufficient length of time to generationally entrench its power: by ratcheting up the lethality and area of effect of its payload. Mass censorship requires increasingly totalitarian suppressions to prevent its use from provoking an even more righteous counter-attack.

Mass murderers like Stalin knew this. And here we go again.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The cock carousel has a rich Crimson Pill history.

The seeds of America’s decline were already evident in the sexual abandon of women unleashed by mid-20th Century. What we’re dealing with now is a post-patriarchal culture set in motion many decades ago.


As with all post-patriarchal cultures, demise is guaranteed because abandoning benevolent patriarchy violates fundamental sexual polarity rules which govern relational dynamics between the sexes.

As a reader put it, “Men adapt to nature. Women adapt to man.”

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

One of my realest of realtalk posts — women are LESS cooperative than are men — contributed a new aphorism to the national discourse:

Men compete, then cooperate.
Women compete, then cast out.

The post inspired this perceptive comment from a Gabber,

Vertical male hierarchy ensures a place for everyone. Order is kept via rules-based discipline and the threat of demotion. Allows for graceful losing and peaceful surrender. Stable.

Horizontal female hierarchy causes massive churn, clique formation, uncertain and shifting status and frequent change of allegiance. Zero sum. Highly unstable.

There’s a good reason why ascending civilizations and female disempowerment are mutually inclusive and why declining civilizations are associated with female empowerment. The system becomes unstable under female deference and rule (hence the term I coined: gynarcho-tyranny).


Swedish problem glasses. You can practically smell the cat piss through the photo. How many White women are suffering from undiagnosed Williams Syndrome like this hysterical broad? Millions? (apparently)

White women really need to be brought under the White man’s whip hand again. It’s obvious they’re craving the whip hand, and they’ll take it from swarthy invaders if they can’t find it among their own men. It used to be the sensible cure for female hysteria was—

[Gif of woman being spanked]

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com


This is what runaway credentialism does to our naturally suck-up White women: turns them into Gay Mulatto adoring, poz-pushing, miscegenating White man-haters willing to trash their nation and turn it into a gibs depot for the world’s filth just to get a virtue sniveling tingle in their cooches.

Thankfully, this mental illness is largely confined to over-credentialed White women (I wish this data had been further broken down by marital status). If Trump is to keep winning, he needs a message that appeals to working class women as well as to men. The credentialed battlecunt vote is lost to him; best we can do on Trumperica’s behalf is mock these cat ladies in waiting, shame them for their vapid beliefs, and ridicule their sanctimony. Women do feel the hot burn of shame far more powerfully than do men; a shaming campaign can pay big dividends.

Why do credentialed White broads hate Trump? An MPCer thinks media capture is primarily to blame.

This is the media capture effect. 100% of mainstream political media is anti-Trump, and it hits women hardest.

College educated women listen to NPR and read the NYT. If they’re Republican-leaning they may possibly watch Fox News instead of CNN, but more likely neither. Even the Republican-leaning women still listen to NPR. The Anti-Trump message on all of this media is that supporting Trump is not even something that needs to be rationally considered. Only damaged people like Trump.

This tells on normal women. Plenty of these women would like to support Trump and not vote to sell out their country, but they need social cover for it. There need to be more normal women on TV and the media talking about the bread and butter reasons to support Trump. Jobs, the economy, and protecting what we’ve got from foreign competition are all things to emphasize. Some way, some how, we have to get images of normal women supporting Trump onto the television.

Also, while banging hot women on the side may have helped JFK/Clinton with the average single unmarried Democrat woman, it doesn’t help Trump so much with the average married Republican woman.

Credentialed White Women (CWW) need to be weaned off the Talmudvision. Ripples in their comfortable conformism can eventually effect sea changes in attitude. For instance, ask a CWW at your local airport to remove CNN from the TVs; tell her you don’t want to hear “Fake News”. If she objects, laugh in her face and snort “typical”.

Media capture includes social expectation bias. Some, maybe 5 or 10%, of these CWWs telling survey takers they are voting Democreep are lying to avoid social ostracism from the spinsterhood. I doubt that explains all of the trend, though.

A more potent explanation is that CWWs have come to despise their available White men. These cunts are surrounded on their college campuses by squadrons of soyboys. They resent these un-men and transfer their resentment onto Trump and the shitlord men who support him.

Some of (((their))) resentment is aimed at married White women and popular “Beckys” (a generic term for a psychologically and physically attractive White woman who supports Trump and loves masculine men).

Adding fuel to the CWW rush to anti-Trump and anti-White conformism is the fact that US colleges have become far less discriminatory over the last two decades. Admissions standards have been lowered to accommodate Diversity™ and incoming hordes of White women who want to major in Gender Fluidity and Whorenalism. Colleges are 60+% female, and the sex skew is getting worse, stoking a bitterness in female students who want to nuptially land an educated Chad but find they have to compete with prettier girls just to get a one night stand. Romantic frustration is another culprit pushing CWWs away from sanity and toward Globohomoism.

Which leads to a point I’ve made many times on this blog: when women remain unmarried but economically self-sufficient, they vote for anyone who will strengthen the power of Sugar Daddy Government at the expense of White beta male providers. Government becomes not only a beta provider substitute, but also an outlet for CWWs to vent their spite and signal their loyalty to the gynarcho-tyranny.

The loss of the early-wedded homemaker, in both numbers and status, has created a perverse economic incentive for the CWW who wants cheap consumer products and indentured servants to release her from labor-intensive routine household chores and child-rearing that used to fill a big part of the day of un-credentialed White women, before the DEGREE UP AND LEAN IN, YASS QUEENS ideology took a hold of their imaginations. Throwing more government money at these CWWs isn’t going to solve the problem of them aligning with Globohomo; in the long term it will only intensify their disloyalty to their White men.

The CWW problem isn’t fixed until women have “skin in the game” again. Women have to feel like they are in this together with their men, and that any President and any policies which benefit their men also benefits the women. This means a return to the benevolent patriarchy of America at her height, when sex roles and sex differences were celebrated instead of bitterly cursed like they are today.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com


Amazon applauds @KevinYoder on the passage of his amendment to the @DHSgov appropriations bill, H.R. 392, that would remove the per-country limit on green cards. This is an important step towards green card reform, and Amazonians thank you for your leadership on this issue.

There is no European Christendom. There is only one genderfluid system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dildos. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, bitcoin, dickcoin, clitcoin, and shekels. It is the international system of cashless transaction which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU — pro-America dissident — have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU— WILL— ATONE! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Trump? You get up on your little hundred-and-twenty-one inch screen and howl about America First. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only Facecock, and Twatter, and Amazonia, and Clitflix, HBOrifice, Goolag, and Gamergate. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their two bit phishing scams and Facecock ad investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Trump. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of gaysex. The world is a business, Mr. Trump. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our genitally malformed anti-social autistic children will live, Mr. Trump, to see that— perfect world— in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of clit ticklers. All hormone replacements provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Trump, to KNEEL BEFORE ZOG.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

I’ve run out of facepalms to express Western Man’s exasperation with his unregulated womanfolk. Suffice to say, this runaway maternalism — a virulent, gynocentric form of pathological altruism — is indistinguishable from female narcissism. Women get a thrill up their egos when they can cast themselves as saviors of putatively downtrodden foreigners oppressed by the Bad Beta Males who forgot how to hold the whip hand.

It’s no coincidence that every civilization collapse in history was preceded by female social, sexual, and political empowerment.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Was it the (((propaganda)))? The Pill? The refined factory-made carbs? The SCALE? The sexual market chaos? The enabling thirsty betas? The Diversity™?

Maybe all of the above. Whatever the foul source, our women are flying off a cliffside with a vengeance, and taking their homelands with them. We either collar them, or allow them to continue steering the ship straight into the rocky shoals.



Anonymous probes,

Why, prey tell, Mr. Heartiste, do you think this girl on some Alpha’s boat aping him by wearing his hat flew off the cliff?

Take a few minutes and peruse your former GF’s on facebook to see what became of them.

I don’t. It hurts too much to see the wreckage wrought.

I get you. Alpha widowhood and its cuntsequences are another feature of a recklessly liberated sexual market. The detritus of damaged thots.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The Fake News Media menstruates over Trump’s “lies” but what they don’t see is that their agenda is driven by psychological projection of their own Big Lies onto Trump, who has committed the sin of telling Big Truths, which is a crucifix and garlic to the vampires of the media who traffic in pushing a decades-old Narrative that defies reality and sucks the lifeblood of healthy, humanized nationhood.

Trump’s very existence — and by extension the existence of an Army of Shitlords who voted for him — is a corporeal rebuke to the Lords of Lies. As I’ve written, Trump’s hyperbole is on the level of little fibs meant to drive his foes over the edge of sanity, exposing their inherent extremism, a provocation to which they dutifully comply. But in the world of Real News, Trump tells Big Truths, which daily reminds media whores that they sacrificed their integrity to tell Big Lies to push an agenda driven by self-fluffing fealty to their elitism.

The media are adept in telling Little Truths — adherence to semantics and trivial “fact checks” that hide more than they illuminate — to cloak themselves in the garb of trustworthiness and to conceal their real purpose as manipulators of consensus, but Big Truths like the kind Trump tells every day expose Big Lies to bleaching sunlight, which explains the incoherent rage of the media, deep state, and uniparty.

They can’t stand that Trump effortlessly and routinely belies their pretensions and exposes their malevolence simply by “telling it like it is”.

Trump tells more stone cold truth in a few days than the Globohomo Establishment — media, deep state, bureaucracy, academia, entertainment — tell in their miserable lives.

And that is why they hate him.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

I’m supposed to take it as fact from creepy FBI weirdos that some Russians, apparently doing the job the American media wouldn’t do, hacking thecunt’s & podesta’s emails and revealing their malice and corruption to a better informed citizenry is a threat to democracy? Get outta here with that gazpromming bullshit!

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

I told some of my single, beta male friends that story and they could hardly believe me. They actually thought few women are attracted to criminals and those that do have low self esteem. They were totally wrong—including the part about self esteem—these girls were filled with confidence.

After this experience I predicted our society would become soft on crime. Women dig felons and this would impact policy I figured. My top prediction was the decline of the death penalty. I nailed that one. What’s pathetic is I noticed weak males are in the group that consistently speaks out against the death penalty. These guys can’t imagine how much more attractive death row inmates are to women than they are.

My current prediction is that life in prison without parole will be considered cruel and unusual punishment. That might sound unbelievable now but watch it slowly happen. Women want these dangerous men in circulation not behind prison walls. I could even see prisons closed all together. The current hype about releasing drug offenders will lead to releasing all offenders. The coalition of women and soy boys will push for this and get it.

I, and others who have seen the light, will keep pushing these dark truths about women onto society until we execute a course correction away from glorifying women as women and return to some semblance of a benevolent patriarchy, as the Good Overlord intended.


To prevent an eventual civilizational implosion and regress to a Hobbesian dystopia, men must rein in their women, which in practice means limiting the influence women have over public policy.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Good catch. Leftoids want to disable our brains so that we can’t detect sex and race patterns or disruptions in our environment, which would make us easy prey for invading tribes. This is why I use the android-like term “leftoid” to describe people like that; they are inherently anti-human, wedded to a sick ideology that envisions utopia only when normal healthy humans have their brains zapped for reduced functionality, all in the name of an equalist compulsion to flood White countries with nonWhites until misery is equitably distributed.

The question now is, do leftoids have brains which are missing some crucial functionality that non-leftoid brains possess which allows the latter to NOTICE THINGS and the former to miss clear and present dangers? Or do leftoids PRETEND (ie virtue signal) to have an inability to notice threats, and in fact they do notice but choose, for social status jockeying and perhaps to alleviate their incrementally growing fear and feeling of powerlessness, to sublimate their threat detection into a useless abstraction of poopytalk and vapid sanctimony?

The answer to these questions will help us find a solution to our leftoid problem and save European Christendom for our posterity.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The labcoats have given this a sciency name: hybristophilia, sexual arousal for and love of someone who has committed heinous crimes.

Personally, I think the term is useful only as a descriptor of the behaviors of women at the extreme right tail of normal female sexual nature; it isn’t some alien subset of women it’s describing so much as it highlights what women are like when their natural urges are amplified to the point of pathology. All chicks dig jerks, but not all chicks dig serial killers. How many women are capable of falling in love with serial killers rather than just run-of-the-mill charming jerkboys? That is the question, and if the percentage is higher than 5% of women, we have to seriously rethink the wisdom of universal suffrage.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

At the time of this post’s publication, Trump may have already announced his SCOTUS nominee to replace the center-left Kennedy. Here’s to hoping his decision was made with the spirit of this post in mind.

As of this writing, the top 3 contenders (according to Anonymous Sources, who is probably one person who went to every one of the bar mitzvahs for the kids of Carlos Slim Times and Bezos Post employees) are Amy Barrett, Raymond Kethledge, and Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is the only responsible choice.

Barrett is Justice Thinking Housewife (h/t MPC).

Barrett will be another Sandra O’Connor, except worse. Sure, she can be relied on to make pro-life (ie pro-brown and black population explosion) decisions, but on everything else the odds are good (and the goods odd) that she’ll be squishy as is the wont of her sex. Barrett’s record is slim, so we only have details from her personal life to create a picture of how she might vote on the National Question.

And boyee, those deets are the stuff of creeps. Barrett is a religious weirdo who has signed up for evangelical universalist cuckery despite herself being Catholic. (At some point, I have to write a post about how Evangelicuck and Cathocuck charities are doing the most practical damage to Heritage America through their work as middlemen resettling Dirt Worlders in red state pleasantvilles.)

Most damning, she adopted two Haitian Kisses while she was pregnant with her own White children.


[Picture of Amy Barrett with her husband and aforementioned adopted children]


Those are psychocunt eyes. Sorry, I call it as I see it.

If the choice is between an anti-abortion justice and an anti-open borders justice, the latter wins, no contest. What future is fated for us in an America overrun by swarth-hordes whose numbers can’t at least be culled at the margins by the palliative of eugenic abortion? Answer: a DARK and DREARY future.

Here come the pro-life Boomers to scold me. My only response is that some lives really are worth more than others. What good have you done to save Somali babies when your country is flooded with violent, dumb aliens imposing countless miseries on your friends and neighbors? You saved a fetus at the cost of your country. You think that’ll get you through the pearly gates?

Bottom line: you can’t trust women with the judge’s gavel. Trump best stick to nominating a based male WOP or WASP. He’d probably be on safer ground nominating a pitch black conservative like Thomas, who has really developed into a smart and based Justice in the mold of Scalia.

Universal rule of jurisprudence: Women think in feelz. It always ALWAYS comes down to that with women. Feelz > Logic, Feelz > Country. Few exceptions:


[Picture of Ann Coulter]


Kethledge is a GOPe cuckstablishment stooge. He can be counted on to “grow into” another shitlib David Souter.

The open borders billionaire Cuck Brothers support a Kethledge nomination. That’s all you need to know about him. He’s a sure thing if you want a Justice who will mature into globohomoist leftism, finding precedent for American Rights to apply to all 7 billion people in the world.

t’s no surprise to anyone paying attention that huge cucks like Mitch McConnell and Ross Douthat are pushing Kethledge on Trump. If stool sitters like those two are for one guy, choose the other guy. You’ll never go wrong.

For the truly smart and prudent justices like Gorsuch and the late Scalia, it has to gall when a shit tier president like Gay Mulatto stuffs the court full of dumbfuck wise latinas and sophistic Oyveys. It lowers the value of the smart white males to be associated with these diversity world dregs.

Which is my way of saying, for the good of the country and the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, Trump should nominate hardcore White Christian Men for every one of the five SCOTUS vacancies he will have during his three terms.


(which in practice means make SCOTUS more White, Gentile, Male, and possessing of a shitlord physiognomy.)

Barrett is a virtue signaling psychocunt who put her signaling to practice and adopted two snickers bars to preen before her neighbors at the expense of her white kids’ emotional health.

Kethledge is controlled opposition who will do the bidding of ZOG.

It will be a yuge letdown if Trump nominates either one of these losers.

NO to Kethledge
NO to Barrett

YES to Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh is /ourguy/.

I really hope Trump is listening and doesn’t cuck this up.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

The Schlomo-Shitlib Axis convulsed themselves into a heavy menstrual flow this past week over the Fake Atrocity of bawlin’ beanlets being temporarily separated from their beaner parents for processing by border control officials. The real atrocity is of course the child abuse committed by the parents for hauling their leetle darleengs across hundreds of miles of hot desert, beset by child smugglers, cartel murderers, rapists, and pedophiles at every pit stop, passing through the non-shithole country of Mexico en route to invading the oppressively racist country of America, to live la vida loco.

Naturally, Trump and his supporters are to blame for being Nazis or something. The media said so. It’s all connected. You just have to abandon your senses of sanity and hyperbole.

So many leftoid crocodile tears shed for bawlin’ beanlets dragged by their parents thousands of miles away from their homelands, while not a single tear spared for poor White kids who live a few towns over. Tears for the former are grace and empathy personified, while tears for the latter are gauche. That’s how moral enlightenment looks once refracted through the twisted shitlib mind.

“How dare you?” shrieks the anchorshitlib in high dudgeon when her Void-Cunt Conformism Test is defied by a wompin’ White man whose sympathies are more realistically and sincerely situated closer to home. “These poor (brown) children are being separated from their parents! IT’S A NATIONAL DISGRACE,” she screams through red face and eyes bulging with fire and brimstone. To which the only needed response is, “lol suk a dik, you leftoids are off your rockers. ‘Tender age’ kids are separated every day from their parents—it’s called elementary school!”


But the shitlib won’t stop her descent into infantilism. There’s too much at stake, such as the much better moral high she can get from effortlessly sympathizing with faraway people who don’t look like her. Sympathizing with kin closer to home comes with expectations of real assistance, and why work for her hit of methamphetapreen when she can emote ineffectually over illegal aliens who can only trip her guilt from a distance.

The poster beanlet for this virtue signaling mass hysteria is a toddler girl who was photographed—wait for it—crying. Yes, stop the presses, a toddler was crying. It’s the next Watergate. Or Waterworks.

The aztot immediately became iconic to one half of the country. She was even featured on a Time fagazine cover:


The suspiciously coordinated Chaimstream Media moved quickly to action to give their shitlib audience what it craved: a narrative injection about no good, very bad, horribly racist BadWhites and the evil Trump Administration tearing a little crying girl from her mother. Never mind that the separation policy is twenty years old, enforced by Gay Mulatto and Trump alike.

Yellow journalism isn’t the right term for what’s going on today with the media, which is much worse than mere sensationalism. The media is now into passing off lies and suppressing truths to whip up fervor among their remnant shitlib followers in the hopes of inciting either an impeachment or an assassination of Trump. It’s that bad.

Manufactured emotionalism is the Chaimstream Media’s sole purpose now. Truth? Objectivity? Journalistic ethics? Sanity? Toss it in the bin, because the only thing that matters is winding up a bunch of hysterical cat ladies, urban sluts, and soyboys over the phony plight of foreign invaders who use their kids as “get into the US free” props. The media’s mottos can be condensed to “Anything to Get Trump” and “No Lie Too Big”.

It only took a day of media fluffing to give Shitlib America wood. Protests erupted. Celebrities jizzed themselves in ropes of self-righteous indignation. Trump officials were hounded out of restaurants and leftists threatened ICE patriots with bodily harm on Twatter (account suspensions delayed pending review of what level of incitement to violence is permissible if the threat is carried out by a leftoid—turns out, quite a lot).

But a funny thing happened (again) during this combo platter two minutes hate + two minutes sanctimony: the central figure — the core conceit — of the shitlib narrative collapsed, and made a farce of what was already a sham.

The bawlin’ beanlet was never separated from her mother.

The morbid humor doesn’t stop there. In the midst of the anti-Trump frenzy, ethical journalists at the Daily Caller and Breitbart reported a host of details that put the lie to every cherished mythology of the Left in their manufactured crisis du jour.


Trump was right. They really aren’t sending their best.

(left unstated: the toddler grows up to be a fat waddling adult bean who gives birth to five ms-13 gang members. #GenesMatter #RaceMatters)

Even when the Left thinks they have scored a battlefield victory, their delusions are exposed by the countervailing facts that inevitably surface a few sanity-check days later to put the lie to their anti-White narrative.

It’s almost clockwork-like now:

a propaganda photo of Browns Behaving Heartwarmingly goes viral
shitlibs celebrate their good fortune at getting the chance to once again paternalistically emote over a nonWhite while denouncing Trump and TrumpWhites who insufficiently grovel before the Equalism Monolith
a disingenuous moral panic ensues, recharging shitlib batteries depleted by the Trumpening and the creeping realization that their noble savage worldview is on the verge of implosion
as shitlib menstrual cycles are synchronizing, a trickle and then a deluge of contradicting facts escapes from dissident media outlets, destroying any slim justification for the shitlib hysterics
shitlibs and their media symbiote ignore the contradicting facts, pretending their entire narrative wasn’t just discredited (but enough realtalk pierces their bubbles that another bout of cogdis pushes them one step closer to the funny farm)

That last item is important, because it’s proof that shitlibs don’t really care about the bawlin’ beanlets. If they really cared about the leetle crying beanlet, they would express relief that she wasn’t actually separated from her mother. They would be happy that their worst fear wasn’t realized. Instead, they ignore the heartening news to continue slandering Trump with the melodramatic blood libel that he’s building concentration camps for the saints.

The Great Bawlin’ Beanlet Hoax of 2018 was always about Trump and what he and his followers represent: a disturbing lack of faith in the value of histrionic anti-White moralism. It was, yet again, a theatrical piece of agitprop around which shitlibs could coalesce into an uptalking choir of smarmy self-righteousness revealing an increasingly fragile superiority complex over those deplorable Whites who don’t commute to work via bike lane. Every modren day madness roiling the Hajnalsphere is just another front in the IntraWhite War.

It’s virtue signaling all the way down. Don’t let the torrent of tears fool you. (For one, shitlibs cry over anything. They aren’t known for emotional continence.) The tears aren’t for the children; the tears are for other shitlibs: briny droplets of estrogen that serve as club membership dues and backstage passes to polite society. When the tears streak in unison, shitlibs experience something akin to a mass hypnotic event; their atomized striver existence is, for a brief window, mutually connected to a larger community and social purpose that evokes a feeling of religious transcendence and earthy authenticity which they commonly lack and consequently endlessly try-hard to achieve.

In truth, children have always only ever been one of two things to the typical White shitlib: inconveniences, or soldiers to recruit for the cause. Satanic, really.

The scum who pushed the Bawlin’ Beanlet blood libel on gullible Whites by exploiting a bug in their high trust, guilt-based, empathobesic code should be reminded up front and as often as possible that America is not the fucking daycare center of the world. Beanlets separated from their parents because the parents tried to invade a foreign country? PARENTS’ FAULT. Claiming anything else is simply opportunistic moralism leveraged to tactical advantage by SWPL elites and sub-elites desperate to keep out of their halls of power and striver circles any incursions by declassé Whites riding a wave of revolutionary churn.

A slim majority of Americans is sane enough to understand the moral calculus, but a disconcertingly large minority prefers moral inversion, because the goal here isn’t moral clarity. It’s battlefield advantage. Precursors to Civil War 2—

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

[On Melania Trump's "I Really Don't Care, Do U?" jacket]

Beautiful on the inside as well as the outside, Melania wore this jacket on her way to visit border babbies. She was obviously sending a message to phonyfuck virtue signaling self-righteous sanctimonious shitlibs screeching hysterically about a twenty year old border apprehension policy that temporarily separates children from parents until the parents’ fake asylum claims have been reviewed—AND FOUND WANTING.

For this epic troll, the MOAB of trolls, I award Melania the coveted Shiv of the Week.

*hands golden shiv to melania*

*melania lightly grips it in a delicate feminine hand, running the pointer finger of her other hand along the edge of the blade, the sparkles of the shiv matched in luminescence by her hot rod red fingernail polish*

“do you think i didn’t pick up a thing or two watching my husband deal with scum in rat-infested new york?” she purrs.

Melania is the only First Lady about whom I’ve wondered what she’s like in bed. Sensuous, I bet.

Between Corey Lewandowski’s WOMP WOMP and Melania’s triggerjacket, it almost feels like we’ve turned a corner in the battle between the degenerate freak mafia and the MAGAmen, and we shitlords are now on offense, beating the freaks back to their hug boxes.


FYI it’s very easy to push the already mentally ill over the edge. A WOMP WOMP here, a jacket there, and a ‘umble blog outpost of realtalk dedicated to opening hearts and minds playing the background score, and mass shitlib suicides are not far off.


White shitlibs aren’t as SMRT as they like to imagine themselves. Their abstraction-weighted intelligence leaves them vulnerable to the reality-grounded concrete intelligence of the Chad. Cucks are beginning to learn this lesson: be more like Trump and less like an insecure lackey trying to win the admiration of your enemies.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

williamk could win a Comment of the Month with this gem,

Leftism is a solitary female way to think. The physically weak must rely on deception and manipulation. This necessarily includes self-deception where necessary to ease cognitive dissonance.

Leftism appeals to soyboys and solitary females. Strong men rely on natural laws to attain power, well-adjusted women rely on the strong men and those same natural laws.

Females who are alone, or who can only attain a soyboy, will necessarily turn to leftism to navigate the world.

Very useful rules of thumb:

Weakness => Leftism
Strength => Commonsenseism

Ugliness => Leftism
Beauty => Commonsenseism

LSMV men and women => Leftism
HSMV men and women => Commonsenseism

Effeminate men and masculine women => Leftism
Masculine men and feminine women => Commonsenseism

Loveless losers => Leftism
Beloved winners => Commonsenseism

Bitter sluts and cat ladies => Leftism
Loving wives and honored mothers => Commonsenseism

Weak soyboys and the feminists who resent their company => Leftism
Strong men and the women who love them for their strength => Commonsenseism

The socially atomized => Leftism
The socially embedded => Commonsenseism

Conclusion: As a society becomes more female in nature, it becomes more leftist. A feedback loop develops so that increasing leftism pushes society further away from the life-saving masculinity it needs to correct its degenerate distaff course.

williamk, Henry Mueller, PA, among others, produce some of the finest commenting I’ve read on any blog, let alone this one blessed to have so many MAGAminds gathered at one place. I understand this outpost of Love takes some heat for having a mainly hands-off philosophy toward commenter quality control (it is a blog after all, not a forum), but if you have the patience to sift through the food fight debris you can find quite a few diamonds.

PS something I’ve noticed in my travels is that in locales where White leftoid cogdis is highest, anti-Trump fever is hottest. But where White leftoids live basically free of the need to ease any cognitive dissonance, their anti-Trump furor is muted and they tend to cleave to traditional leftist gripes with a focus on class and capitalist predation. I think this has to do with Trump being the Great Clarifier; his raw candor and no-bullshit freewheeling style exposing the lies of our currently ruling orthodoxy act as a pain amplification chamber for leftoids heavily burdened by the task of accommodating their equalist religion to the reality encroaching in every direction on them which belies their religious beliefs.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

What if Big Pharma has created this androgyne self-annihilating estrogenically virtue shrieking society we currently inhabit because the Pill causes women to prefer limp beta males and ibuprofen feminizes men to prefer manjaws, so that the two find each other compatible and work together to bring the End of the West?

From David Duke Nukem,

When you combine this with the fact that birth control stays in the water tables, the plastics, Monsanto “food”, opiate epidemics, the entertainment industry promoting dindus, and more— It’s even worse. It’s such a perfect storm to destroy the White race that it couldn’t be a conspiracy. It’s so perfect that it has to be a biological consensus. Sleep well

The biggest red pill will be when Americans are woke to the chemical warfare waged against them for at least two generations. That is, if by then they’re still capable of wokeness.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn for men who refuse the mantle of male dominance.

children –> woman –> man –> God. It’s the natural order for a reason.

Feel free to substitute Purpose for God if you’re the earthly-bound type.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Shitlibs are put on notice by this heretical street art. In this war, it’s strategically smart to let shitlibs know they don’t own the public square, especially the public squares of the big blue coastal megacities that have become their adopted hive home. We want them in fear every minute of their fappuccinoed soylives that the person standing next to them at the movie theater wine bar or sharing an uber pool ride with them could be an apostate, a VERY BAD FREETHINKER, and why is that person staring at them that way? Is he dreaming of DOTR? Oh god where did I put my inhaler?

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

An army of child soldiers groomed by their media handlers and sent into battle under the Soros banner are descending on deep blue cities today to march for their limelight. The playbill says it’s about gun control, though, so a few words of wisdom for this callow mystery meat generation:

Guns are not the problem; people, culture, and policy are the problem.


Authorities missed the warning flags cropping up like kudzu about Nikolas Cruz multiple times. The FBI got 39 tips to investigate this guy, and they followed up on ZERO. The local police called to the scene hung around outside the school browsing porn on their phones, afraid to go inside to neutralize the shooter because that’s not their job or anything. And Ann Coulter stuck the biggest shiv in this steaming pile of leftoid anti-2A agitation when she rightly noted that Gay Mulatto’s “school-to-mass-murder pipeline” policy recommendations were directly responsible for mentally unhinged killers like Cruz slipping through the gutted school and law enforcement disciplinary nets, to do as he pleased. (Coulter advises Republicans to beg the Democreeps to bring up their “school to prison” initiatives; they will not take her advice because they love the smell of losing in the morning.)

Per 100,000 US residents, the rate of mass shootings was higher in the 1920s and 1930s than it is now; yet few back then were marching to repeal the 2nd Amendment or for draconian gun restrictions. Today, the Left mounts impressive shows of noodle-armed force against the First and Second Amendments, predominately because the internet has globalized local news and because anti-Gentilic jews didn’t yet control the information gateways in the 1920s-30s. Americans had freer minds ninety years ago, unpolluted by rank innumeracy or media sensationalism and propaganda.


As America becomes more brown and black and less White, she will become more violent. Blacks and browns have violent criminality rates that range from two to eight times higher than the White American rate. FBI stats don’t lie (though give it time, I’m sure the Derp State is working on a fix to that). This will spill over into mass shootings, where the hard and fast numbers already prove that nonWhites are disproportionately represented.

Then there is the problem of broken families (Nikolas deJesus Cruz was the product of a broken family) and fatherlessness. 26 of the 27 deadliest mass shooters came from fatherless homes.

Do you want to reduce mass shootings? Ban moslem immigration. moslems commit mass murder at a rate far exceeding their share of the total US population.


We live in a Gynarcho-Tyranny. Boys aren’t properly socialized into manhood; instead, they are forced into disavowing their toxic masculinity and embracing their feminine side. This thwarts the natural male development process, producing a breeding ground at the extreme margins for psychotic boys to lash out by taking up arms. If boys aren’t allowed to compete in the natural way for dominance, their suppressed urge can explode with deadly violence. Add Big Pharma to the mix — we drug our boys because their natural boyish rambunctiousness is ill-suited for the modren prison school system run by and for women and girls — and it’s no wonder most mass shooters are later discovered to have been taking a cocktail of SSRIs.

Further, cosmopolitan and geographic rootlessness pushes some boys at the margins over the edge. Transplants are unmoored from nourishing social, familial, geographic, and yes ethnic grounding. Open borders adds a constant source of transplant churn to society that doubtless contributes to mass shooting events. But the (((media))) doesn’t want to hear about this, because they prefer their host nations shaped in the image of their diasporic rootlessness.


So there ya go. Banning bump stocks isn’t gonna stop mass shootings. All that does is whet the Left’s appetite for more restrictive bans. You will never compromise with the Left; you can in the end, only lose, unless you fight back and “turn back the clock” on their inhuman agenda.

I am a big supporter of both 1A and 2A, because without 2A we don’t have 1A (cf: Britain). I’m not a gun nut (I hunt infrequently and enjoy target shooting), but I know when the civil war SHTF (and no one can honestly guarantee it won’t—.did you predict President Trump ten years ago?) I want my kin and countrymen armed against a despotic, embrowned federal government. When you strip away the right of free citizens to own guns, you fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between government and the governed, and not in a good way.

Again, look to Britain for a vision of a disarmed citizenry future: a White British man was just thrown in jail for humorously teaching his pug to seig heil on yidtube, while pakistani moslem rape grooming gangs are permitted to operate unchecked for decades in bucolic towns throughout merry dead England.

Make no mistake, the March For Their Limelight is the first nationally organized feeler to accustom the populace to repealing the 2nd Amendment. Agitprop will be in high gear today; women will be pushed to tears with a cavalcade of sob stories. Challahwood fruitcakes are naturally attracted to a movement of narcissists, identifying strongly with stupid, pissy brats hogging the camera reciting shitlib boilerplate to a doting jewitan media, hoping to distract from their sexual perversions.

Only a nauseating little despot like David Hogg can deep six this whole operation by getting on camera and cursing and stamping his wee feet to the tune of “It’s a Soros World After All”.

What America needs isn’t guncontrol.exe, it’s Punk Control.


Speaking of twig-armed pillow biter scions of FBI hillary suckups, the real point of this post is to discuss the phenomenon of le crooked face. It’s everywhere you look.


What’s causing this efflorescence of crooked faces in Shrillennials? Theories abound. Fluoride. Soy. BPAs. Estrogens in our water supply from urinated birth control pills. Chemicals and preservatives in our packaged foods and goods.

I think it’s genetic mutational overload. Greg Cochran has talked about this, and I believe it’s related to the catastrophic drop in sperm levels and quality in men throughout the industrialized world. (I also think it’s related to the increase in manjaws and snarly attitude among Western women.) The natural culling mechanisms of unviable conceptions and infants have been thwarted by modern medicine, allowing degenerate freaks to live to reproductive age. Over generations, crooked genes proliferate, until phenotypes assume the crookedness of their underlying genetic enfeeblement.

Basically, we’re chinless-deep in the “Weak men create hard times” part of the civilizational cycle.

And David Hogg, you are one weak manlet.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

A fat tax has been seriously discussed on various platforms for years, usually supported by the premise that fat craps cost society a lot of money in higher health insurance premiums, mitigation overhead, and the daily annoyances of dealing with fatties in public spaces, making room for them, avoiding their stank, and spending mental energy looking away from their disgusting blobbiness while trying to suppress the retch reflex.

A well-meaning but nutritionally misguided fat tax (which taxed foods high in saturated fat) was even tried in Denmark, with positive results (the tax was later scrapped due to open borders—not kidding).

But what if I were to tell you that a Fat Chick Tax makes a lot more sense than a sex-blind generic fat tax? Tucked into a great post on macro-sexonomics (which reads a lot like Heartiste posts) from the blogger who calls himself Giovanni Dannato, the justification behind the Fat Chick Tax:

When most men rarely see higher than a 6.5 in public who isn’t flagrantly anti-social, their morale and motivation is sapped and the scale of sexual market value is drastically distorted in favor of those obese and plain women who stay behind.

While men will always get thirsty enough to settle for whatever they can find, they aren’t as willing to sacrifice as they would be if access to potential mates were more equitable. Once the girls they could approach are repulsive enough compared to anime porn, enthusiasm for the chase goes into a downward spiral.

For every low-status nerd who is willing to date a fat woman, there is another who ends up a celibate omega. This creates millions of bare branches with no roots or prospects in the social order, a state of affairs which makes steadily increasing agitation against the establishment inevitable.

Even those men who still succeed with women know they could be doing a lot better. Without any real status or bargaining leverage they are struggling with long term relationships and family formation. They have no more stake in the present state of affairs than do incels.

Just as illegal immigration and offshoring push down wages for everyone, most men see their sexual market payoff reduced by relentless demand inflation.
To put it in perspective, we all know how an influx of millions of pretty young women would be received by the matriarchy.

The overwhelming thirst caused by the hyper-inflationary collapse of the sexual market has played a significant role in the death of civic life. [—] Clearly, a society that wants to persist under modern conditions must acknowledge the importance of balancing the sexual market for the sake of cohesion and stability. [—]

A main point here is when we objectively rate beauty in a new inegalitarian age we can incorporate it into policy. A special tax on obese women for instance would tacitly acknowledge they are reneging on their side of the social contract by depriving society of the beauty that motivates male participation and helps sustain a workable balance of power between the sexes.

Similar penalties might apply to disfigurative piercings or tattoos.

Congregating in a few neighborhoods in a few cities could be dis-incentivized by removing feminist laws that make it easier for women to get nice white collar jobs they can’t get fired from and imposing special taxes on certain places of residence for single females.

These kinds of measures would obviously trigger massive female opposition, but if women as a whole tried living within a stable balance of power rather than an extractive matriarchy, they might actually like it.

The modren post-America sexual market is horribly skewed against men and their interests, and this as noted is a recipe for revolution. Giovanni is essentially recapitulating the same themes CH touched upon in posts like “Obesity to blame for Game“—

Game has been refined, taught and embraced by men in direct proportion to the shrinking pool of attractive thin girls. As the reduced supply of skinny chicks have seen their sexual market value skyrocket, they have adjusted by pricing their pussy out of reach for the average guy. In return, men have sought solutions to this new challenge in the rapidly advancing science of seduction. Where simple courtship worked in the past, it is no longer effective against the deep bunker defenses of the in-demand slender woman.

There has always been an evolutionary arms race between men and women in the quest for sex but now, for the first time in human history, the sheer numbers of fat chicks — in concert with the increase of financially independent women — is accelerating this arms race so fast that many people can’t cope and drop out. The tools of seduction for men become better by the day and the women counter with more impenetrable defenses. The tension is palpable. The whining and bitching is cacophonic. Distrust and dating blogs are at record highs.

If just 20% of fat chicks lost weight relations between the sexes would start to noticeably improve. And there would be more happiness in the world, because a skinny girl with hunger pangs is happier than a fat girl with a sheepdog and peanut butter.

—and in posts like “Game. obesity, and men dropping out“:

In short, no sociological theory into sex, marriage and family trends is complete without a long, hard look at female hypergamy, the one biomechanical force to rule them all, and its intersection with economic realities. The science is out there; when women become financially empowered, they begin to choose men based on criteria other than their ability to provide.

But that’s not all that Murray, et al are missing. I’m here to tell Murray and others perusing his findings that there is another, MASSIVE factor at work skewing the sexual market, and one that, just as unsurprisingly, gets almost no attention from the PC-soaked punditariat: female obesity.

Imagine you are an unmarried working class dude recently unemployed. You look around you and marvel at a sea of grotesquely misshapen fat women, rolls upon rolls of undulating flesh hiding stores of cheesy poofs, porky hellion spawn trailing their wakes, chins resting atop chins, bloated diabetic cankles stomping the Walmartian grounds like lumbering elephants. In some towns, close to 40% of the available single women are clinically OBESE.

This is obesity folks, not just overweight. Overweight women are physically repulsive, but obesity renders them monstrous. To clarify this assertion for the modern indoctrinated female reader: an obese woman is as sexually undesirable to men as a jobless, charmless, humorless, enfeebled, dull man is sexually undesirable to women.

So back to our realistic scenario: Our typical unmarried working class man surveys his cellulite-blasted kingdom (and it does not matter how fat he, himself, is, for fat men and thin men alike prefer the exquisite sight of slender female bodies), and he makes a quick hindbrain calculation. Does he bust his ass in a crappy service sector job doing women’s work for a shot at legally bound long-term commitment to a shuffling shoggoth dragging the bastard spawn of a hundred alpha males in tow, or does he say “fuck it” and turn to video games and porn featuring hot, thin chicks for his status and dopamine fix?

You see where this is heading. It’s entirely reasonable, and expected, that a lot of men would drop out of the intensified competition for the few remaining childless slender babes in a world full of fat asses, single moms, and fat assed single moms. And even among the small contingent of sexually appealing women, they make enough in government and HR paychecks to cover expenses plus gifts for their Skittles Men. What working stiff beta provider can compete on those terms?

A Fat Chick Tax would go a long way to bringing balance back to the force — bringing Truth & Beauty to a swellscape scarred by Lies & Ugliness — and in so doing return to White Men, the creators and maintainers of civilization, the motivation to keep sacrificing for the Good.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

[Just declare women to be sex slaves and be done with the whole Vaginal-American Labor Embargo dance already]

I added this earlier to a recently published post, but I figured it deserved its own headlining.


A big reason why we have an epidemic of overeducated women tragically delaying marriage and childbirth until it’s too late is because of the reality of female hypergamy. When women gain economic, occupational and social status, their mate criteria rise commensurate to the rise in their self-perceived (or more precisely, their self-wished) SMV. The tragedy is that their high SMV left them in their youth.

Female hypergamy, economic empowerment, credentialism, and psychological projection are a toxic anti-natal stew.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Captain Obvious draws the obvious parallel between masculinizing women and a culture’s operative sexual market.

R-Selection necessarily MASCULINIZES women, because under R-Selection, women have to FIGHT their way into an Alpha’s harem.

You could pretty much state it as a foundational premise of Evopsych that you have “Femininity if and only if K-Selection” [i.e. monogamy].

r-selection is the term to describe a sexual market dominated by polygyny, high fertility, lower paternal certainty (and thus lower paternal investment), and usually the sexual or marital disenfranchisement of beta males. Africa is a prime example.

K-selection is the opposite: a term to describe a sexual market dominated by monogamy, lower fertility, higher paternal certainty (and thus higher paternal investment), and usually the sexual or marital enfranchisement of beta males. Northern Europe is a prime example.

C.O. is right that masculinized women — in appearance and personality — are a feature of r-selected societies, because women fight for a few alpha men, toil for their bread, and generally put less effort into behaving or looking womanly because their men are pump and dumpers who won’t stick around for the duration and are just looking for an ass to hump.

In contrast, the men of K-selected societies are romantically inclined to long term monogamy, and seek women with very feminine attributes. If a man is in it for the long haul, he’ll want a woman who herself brings a lot to the bargaining table, and her number one asset is her loveliness and femininity.

[You just stated that it's the other system where women have to work, and you're very eager to talk about how poorly women age ("The Wall"), what the fuck are they bringing to the bargaining table in your K-selection?]

If a nation’s women are masculinizing, that is a portent of civilizational collapse, because r-selected societies are backward, violent societies filled with bitter beta males and bastard children. The masculinizing women are biologically responding and adapting to a change in sexual market norms and functioning, that requires of women a willingness to compete more forcefully with other women for the honor to be part of an alpha’s de jure or de facto, concomitant or serial, concubinage. As a culture’s women become more or less masculine, that culture is likewise becoming more or less r-selected.

Slut walks?


Studies in Patriarchal White Male Privilege?

Bitter spinsters typing Feedbuzz agitprop encouraging younger women to follow their EatPrayCarousel lifestyle?

Preteen glam mags offering tips to younger and younger women how to sexually satisfy themselves and their boyfriends using a variety of sex toy implements?

[There's a lot you could say about that last one, but Cosmo being masculinizing is a new one.]

These and more are the cultural hallmarks of masculinizing women. The West is becoming Africa (minus the cannibalism, but give it time).

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Hot off the presses, a criminally patriarchal research paper has concluded that men with higher income and status have more reproductive success than women with high income and status have in industrialized nations. First, to set the table, an excerpt from the abstract:

It is concluded that an evolutionary perspective helps explain reproductive patterns in modern humans and may thus make a valuable contribution in the assessment of urgent contemporary problems.

The sexual market is the one market to rule them all, across space and time.
– Le 156% Heartiste

[Tweet by Rolf Degen]

Contrary to women, men still convert higher income and status into greater reproductive success in industrialized nations.

Female hypergamy, female education, female economic self-sufficiency, low female fertility—choose any four.

In terms of social and economic status, men date across and down, women date across and up. Industrialized societies filled with overeducated careerist shrikes make it more difficult for both men and women to find long-term reproductive partners. What the West has done is weaponize female hypergamy, so that the only winner in this zero sum mating game are the HSMV alpha males who can serially date and marry increasingly younger women.

In the modren West, overeducated, careerist women are DARWINIAN LOSERS. They now join the lonesome ranks of fat women, ugly women, and old spinsters. Lean in? Try barren quim.

Low status beta and omega males are bigger losers in this new world order than they were before under the rock solid pre-femcunt patriarchal system, because the women who would be theirs under the old rules have decided to skip past them for a shot at 1. the high status alpha or 2. a tub of ben and jerrys.

The biggest DARWINIAN WINNERS are the charming jerkboy cads and the sociopath hedge funders.


Potential fertility — that’s a nerdy way to say “sexiness”. Men with high social and economic status in industrialized and primitive nations alike — HSMV alphas — monopolize the hottest babes, and probably more than their fair share of the plain janes too. The Pill and condom don’t thwart the sex act; those things just thwart the consequence of the sex act, and incentivize women to liberate their sexuality (which in practice means liberating themselves from beta males). Imagine how many little snot-nosed Heartistes (heartots?) would be running around creating kindergarten mayhem if the Industrial Contraception Complex didn’t exist.

How unequally is sex distributed in industrialized jizztopias? Very:

[image taken from a tweet by Rolf Degen]


There are interesting eugenic/dysgenic possibilities to ponder from this knowledge. There is dysgenic selection pressure on high status women — at least as measured by income, social status, and their proxy, IQ — but eugenic selection pressure on their male counterparts, the HSMV alphas who are having more kids.

This isn’t a complete picture, though, because female mate worth is so much more tied into their physical beauty. Those HSMV alpha males are choosing less educated, less wealthy, lower SES “status” women who are younger, hotter, tighter, so by Darwinian calculation the end result is very eugenic: capable sons and pretty daughters. This is evidence that the West is beginning to pursue the patented CH BOSSS strategy of sexual market health and societal reinvigoration.

I’ve been warning about this stuff for a while, and I’m glad to see ¡SCIENCE! finally catching up with Heartistian observations. There was only ever going to be one effective response by men to the emergence of weaponized female hypergamy (and it wasn’t cuddly beta supplication).

Game will save the West—.in one respect, by heightening its late stage contradictions and encouraging a change in course.


On the silliness of the “wage gap”:

[Tweets in quotes blocks, each line by a different account]

"On the next edition of "Who Gives A Shit"..."

A lot of people apparently, because that could be a component of the so called "wage gap", ie men have very important reasons to make more money/status.]

—and the silliness of the feminist narrative about the “patriarchy”:

Science is descriptive, not prescriptive. It also goes against the feminist narrative that the patriarchy stops women from succeeding. No, men simply have more incentive to work high effort/high status jobs. Therefore the priorities of women and men are different.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

I prefer the more accurate term of art “countersemitic”. (The ADL, unsurprisingly, does not.) We are countering the malicious agenda of a hostile minority intent on drowning us in foreign invaders, trite consumerism, backbreaking debt, endless interventionist wars, and basically anything that destroys the historical and cultural bonds of the majority’s community, neighborhood, town, and nation.

Free Trade is practically a euphemism for Open Borders. The underlying motivation of the neocons and their useful signalers is One World Deracination. Neocon Globalists love free trade because they love open borders, cheap dispensable labor, and a terrorformed society that restricts the ability of Whites to act as a bloc and petition for their own interests. Arguing from the relatively benign premise of free trade allows the shift to “free movement of labor” rhetoric, which is the real goal of the Nation Wreckers.

Most fortunately for the Nation Saviors, “free trade” has become justifiably saddled with negative connotations, so this neocon sleight of rhetoric no longer works as well as it once did (there are still GOPe cuck hold-outs, but they’ll bend the knee to Trumpism in due time). Tariffs, for example, are immensely popular, and support cuts across voter demos. The latest poll has 80% of Americans supporting Trump’s tariffs.

Neocon Globalists pull more than their weight, but they aren’t acting alone. The universalist strain runs deep in neoliberal Gentile Whites.

Ovidiu Stoica notices,

It is a continuation of the liberal project of modernity which started in the 18th century but got trapped inside the national state because of nationalism. The goal is universal individualism and contractual only relations between individuals- no non-commercial (not chosen) community ties&bonds which would limit the individual.

Pure transactionalism is, ironically, dehumanizing of the individual, because we didn’t evolve in a social vacuum. There are those who would like us atomized and vacuum-sealed, but they don’t have the majority’s interests at heart, so it’s smart to dismiss their agitations as the effluvium of tribal spite, and to stop pretending they are worth heeding and that they know what’s best for us.


Why? is a great question, and “social status striving” left to stew in a cauldron of envy and in-group favoritism is the answer. Status striving to feed an insatiable ego is a powerful force, powerful enough in some successful but implacably resentful minority groups to convince them to destroy the country they live in to spite the majority. As well, this particular group (and others who have evolved a similar temperament) may be better able to handle the societal instability their spite creates, and so for them the increase in their relative power vis-à-vis the shrinking majority is worth the comparatively smaller decrease in their well-being caused by the consequences of their monstrous Babelic creation.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

“Unwanted sexual advance” is an oxymoron. How’s a man supposed to know he’s sexually unwanted if he doesn’t advance? The advancing is necessary to find out if it’s unwanted. PoundMeToo

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Physiognomy is roaring back as a legitimate field of research. Will phrenology soon follow a similar path to realtalk respectability?

We CAN judge a book by its cover. We can tell with a quick glance at a person’s face who is prone to criminality, who is stupid or smart, who is a cad or a slut, and who is rich or poor.


Surprisingly, researchers co-discovered people can tell which Whites live around blacks; they never look relaxed.


We age into the face we deserve — a fairly conventional bit of wisdom that has a big kernel of scientific validity. Related, it’s the reason why successful womanizers have that “unperturbed and in charge look” which seems to exert a preternatural pull on women, and why incels aging into bottled up, scrunched up, constipated faces push women away, regardless of baseline facial attractiveness. A satiated cad walks into a roomful of Betties pre-radiating a glow of unflappable confidence and libidinal fulfillment, and it’s all the women can do to control their curiosity. I.e., the hungry dog is the last to get fed.

CNBC, like most leftoid outfits, chooses to interpret the findings of this Narrative-exploding research with a rhetorical dissembling that would spare their blank slate-committed egos.

“That’s a reminder that snap judgments can have real consequences, and contribute to the cycle of poverty” — CNBC, dribbling typical shitlib boilerplate.

Realtruth: “That’s a reminder that snap judgments are based on concrete biological cues of human worth, and can contribute to efficiently filtering people for purposes of association.”

Physiognomy doesn’t create poor people, shitlibs. Physiognomy notices who is likely to have the inherent characteristics that predispose to poverty.

It’s that NOTICING which really bugs shitlibs. They hate that a reality exists that constantly makes mockery of their antiquated religious orthodoxy.

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