
Caamib #psycho incelsandmalesexualists.com


Dragan (born 1980)

his "victim"/rape slave, Tijana (1999-2014)






A video taken in a summer camp during what is likely June or July 2014. She was a very talented singer !

My opinion/explanation

It is indeed very controversial to call this man a hero. What he did seems pretty heinous and it's in our natures to be protective of young people, especially girls. When I first saw this story I genuinely teared up for Tijana. This is simply our nature.

Yet, there is more to this than the story says. While browsing the Internet looking for more info I found that he was not married at 34. Sure, he had only finished elementary school and was of a low IQ, but could you imagine some low-IQ butcher being single against his will in something like 1914 Serbia? Yeah, me neither.
I found one article (that I can't find now for the life of me) where I read that his aunt asked him when is he finally going to marry and he sadly replied that he will never marry, which shocked her. I will put the article (though it's in Serbian) the moment I find it.

This guy was incel, and it was society that made him incel. I have little doubt that this was why he killed her.

Serbia is within the femisphere and is a feminist country where bad boys are highly sought after. Material wealth is also sought after, but, again, like in most feminist countries, that wealth is not the wealth of some normal worker but huge wealth. Look at this video

A pathetic country that deserves things everything it has coming to it.

Who, on the other hand, was Tijana? Well she seems to be a talented young singer who attended a music school parallel to her main education. But, honestly, what were the chances of her remaining a decent woman in 5 to 10 years?

Caamib #psycho incelsandmalesexualists.com

[Do you disagree that it's sometimes the logical action for an individual to take?]

I don't disagree that it's sometimes a logical action to take. This is more of a rule to ban those "Kill yourself" assholes, but then again they could be banned by some other rules for saying that. That being said, I think there's always at least a small degree of hope in your life. Take yourself for example. Most people would say you're living a failed life and in some sense you are. But at the same time you've made more difference than most morons who work 9-5 jobs do.

There's another reason. I'd much prefer people who wanna commit suicide going ER. It would kill some Western scum and give more attention to the site. Them offing themselves in empty rooms, not so much. But I can't put that into rules.

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