
Mothman777 #racist #conspiracy #wingnut mothman777.wordpress.com

Jews In Israel invented this weapon called 5G, and it will require transmitters every 100 metres in every nation foolish enough to adopt this so-called technology to carry it, and of course, such a weapon will not affect Israeli Jews when they don’t have any 5G transmitters every 100 metres in Israel, and of course, they won’t be applying these frequencies at these amplitudes on their own people in Israel by any other means, and the Jews will sit it out there whilst all the brain-damaged Gentiles sterilize themselves, get cancer and go mental with this weapon, as the Gentiles have been conned into trusting their genocidally-minded fake government leaders, who should all be ousted, to say the least. This, of course, is rather like the plot in the film ‘Kingsman’ with the satellite-enabled mobile phone frequencies that compel people to kill each other.

The Jews will be controlling this 5G rollout with the use of supercomputers though whilst they employ its potential for psychotronic warfare purposes against the ‘goyim’. The Israeli Jewish Talpiot Program is a military program that can already infiltrate all computers and mobile phones in all nations of the world.
Judaism is not a religion, it is a precise military agenda for multi-dimensional supremacy over all other peoples, fully intent on the eventual elimination of all Gentiles, and even the Jewish ‘scriptures’ and their already UN-approved worldwide Noahide Laws, which are yet to be put on statute in most nations in the world, before physically enforced, literally state that all members of what the Jews term idolatrous religions must all be killed. What kind of government heads in the UN approved this? THE ANSWER IS; INFILTRATED CRYPTO-JEWISH ENEMY AGENTS DEVELOPING A PLAN TO ENSLAVE AND THEN EXTERMINATE BILLIONS OF US.

Mothman777 #racist #conspiracy mothman777.wordpress.com

Comment by Mothman777;

This is exactly what the Muslims said they would be doing, destroying democracy by simply breeding enough Muslims to literally vote democracy out of existence and then impose a caliphate.

And NOTHING, besides the British army and armed police, is standing in their way to stop the Muslims from accomplishing that objective as they are pursuing exactly that line of action, in passive aggressive manner at present, but the Jews in power in the UK will do exactly the opposite of what a British government should be doing on behalf of their captive Gentile population, they will simply hand over the British flag on behalf of the dumbed-down and increasingly bewildered British electorate, UNLESS the remaining white British people are encouraged to wake up and deport all Muslims and Jews, and ensure that only Caucasian Gentile politicians are put into power in future, with the slightest evidence of any traitorous leanings towards the objectives of Judaism or Israel an instant sackable offence and grounds for loss of citizenship and deportation.

This is the choice, or people can just wait for the obvious to happen so that their children or grandchildren eventually end up getting killed in a bloody purge of non-Muslims for insulting Mohammed by not becoming Muslims, unless they pay the jizya tax that non-Muslims are obliged to pay to keep their heads on their shoulders, and live a slave-like existence.

The British people must see and understand that the Jews worming heir way into power with their 80% Friends of Israel MP’s in both main parties are deliberately intending just for this to happen, as it would be a little too difficult for the Jews to maintain a military dictatorship as nasty as they really wish to impose over the whites in England under their own name, so first they will enable a crypto-Jewish controlled Muslim caliphate as a front, which will also happen in France, to keep the populations ground down under a terrorist system, a lot like the Saudi Arabian terror state, they don’t want JEWISH terrorist dictatorship stamped over their creation, people might actually start to think.

Then, when enough damage has been done by the draconian crypto-Jewish fake Muslim state systems, and the surviving whites are crushed, an openly declared one world Jewish government will be more easily declared, with many other agendas running in different parts of the world to coincide, with the means to inflict the intended results through many back-up plans also set in place, when even all the Muslims will be slaughtered.

Consider the threat of, or the actual use of the demonic threat of the already available Jewish option of either worldwide or limited use of Cobalt 60 nuclear bombs to totally purge all forms of life in any area of the world that might attempt to break free from Jewish subJEWgation. And of course, the Jews will not leave a single Muslim alive then in any case.

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