Mothman777 #racist #conspiracy #wingnut
Jews In Israel invented this weapon called 5G, and it will require transmitters every 100 metres in every nation foolish enough to adopt this so-called technology to carry it, and of course, such a weapon will not affect Israeli Jews when they don’t have any 5G transmitters every 100 metres in Israel, and of course, they won’t be applying these frequencies at these amplitudes on their own people in Israel by any other means, and the Jews will sit it out there whilst all the brain-damaged Gentiles sterilize themselves, get cancer and go mental with this weapon, as the Gentiles have been conned into trusting their genocidally-minded fake government leaders, who should all be ousted, to say the least. This, of course, is rather like the plot in the film ‘Kingsman’ with the satellite-enabled mobile phone frequencies that compel people to kill each other.
The Jews will be controlling this 5G rollout with the use of supercomputers though whilst they employ its potential for psychotronic warfare purposes against the ‘goyim’. The Israeli Jewish Talpiot Program is a military program that can already infiltrate all computers and mobile phones in all nations of the world.
Judaism is not a religion, it is a precise military agenda for multi-dimensional supremacy over all other peoples, fully intent on the eventual elimination of all Gentiles, and even the Jewish ‘scriptures’ and their already UN-approved worldwide Noahide Laws, which are yet to be put on statute in most nations in the world, before physically enforced, literally state that all members of what the Jews term idolatrous religions must all be killed. What kind of government heads in the UN approved this? THE ANSWER IS; INFILTRATED CRYPTO-JEWISH ENEMY AGENTS DEVELOPING A PLAN TO ENSLAVE AND THEN EXTERMINATE BILLIONS OF US.