
Max Macro #racist ropeculture.org

[From the article "Violence" - Formatting from the original]

Within the broad circle of White Nationalism, the subject of violence is a contentious topic due to the prevalence of System informants and the unrealistic expectations that we can win by staying entirely within our own risk free comfort zones. The idea that violence is inherently a big no no misses a crucial point: simply having semitically incorrect views is inherently predicated on the threat of violence.

The Jewish System will not voluntarily relinquish power if we somehow “win” by playing by its own rules. The System has proven time and time again that its rules are devised to keep other players out of the game, and will break its own rules whenever it can to eliminate rivals it cannot control. Simply put, the law isn’t some magic force of impartiality and objective judgement that majestically swoops down and rewards people for coloring inside its lines while punishing bad guys. It’s an expression of institutionalized power, also predicated on the threat of violence. The law will break its own rules whenever it can, contradicting itself at every turn to further its own end of protecting the multinational Jewish conglomerate it serves.

If you think you’re safe because you follow the rules, you’re wrong. If you think a semitically incorrect political cause will be allowed to take power because it perfectly followed the law that somehow magically binds the Jews and their servants , you’re retarded. And if you’re one of those paranoid movement burnouts looking for informants under your bed so you can still feel relevant despite contributing jackshit, your retirement home is over here. Wow, I can hear the burnouts already! I’s gots maaah magnifyin glass! I’s founds anotha clue! Is that Matlock over there? Gramma’s eyes can’t see too good!

Of course, we’re not advocating any unlawful or criminal acts nor should any statement be taken as incitement, threat, or conspiracy to commit any illegal acts. The operative phrase here is “credible threat” after all, which doesn’t necessarily imply instigation of violent or illegal actions, nor does it condemn them should the necessary circumstances arise. Furthermore, anyone advocating any specific action against a specific place or specific person, or who is offering to procure illegal items is probably up to no good and someone who should be avoided. The case of federal operative Hal Turner, with his repeated calls to specifically murder specific individuals serves as an obvious example of the sort of individuals to avoid. The purpose of this piece will be to analyze the role violence plays both as political propaganda in radicalizing a target audience and as a deterrent to illegal state aggression.

Violence as Propaganda

The Breivik shooting was probably the most infamous example of nationalist violence in recent times, and spawned endless debates over his motives, ideology, and so forth. None of it matters, aside from the fact that the false flag camp are retards who need to be driven from our ranks. I don’t care why he did it or what his beliefs were at the time – which is a matter of debate. And no, I don’t care about your shitty youtube videos. The fact that he blew away the next generation of anti white MPs, community organizers, and street level agitators is reason enough to celebrate. And contrary to the Jew media’s lies that many White Nationalist swallowed in hopes of futilely gaining their approval, these weren’t kids, they were established activists, the majority in their 20’s.

This was really just fucking great. Breivik showed the amount of damage one man can do, the amount of power one man can have to set the stage for the whole world, even if for a day, paving the way to inspire future attacks. The shooting happened to be one of the most effective counter-terrorism operations undertaken in Europe, radicalizing more nationalists, forcing anti immigration talking points into the political mainstream where they were previously suppressed by state action up to and including incarceration, and framed the enemy/target as being internal, as being the System itself, while striking fear into the hearts of the enemy and showing them that their actions actually do have consequences.

At the end of the day, they bleed just the same.


No matter what, we apologize for absolutely nothing. We don’t answer to them, they answer to us, we retain leverage and act as out own center of gravity under all circumstances. They seek our total annihilation and will stop at nothing to attain it, they need to be met on the ground they’ve staked. That cunt was part of a larger system working for the goal of white genocide, working for the global organization Oxfam that employs people such as Guido Van Hecken, who was involved in anti-white bombing attacks that killed several innocent people in South Africa.

That shitty pig slut deserved every gunshot, every knife plunged into her now desiccated useless corpse. Her death is a reason to celebrate. As a result of her policies, who knows how many people she’s impoverished, how many children were raped as the result of pro-refugee activism and the atmosphere she contributed to preventing investigation of the arab-perpetrated organized mass rape in Rotherham. Her death was a positive achievement for our cause. To top it off, The Brexit referendum passed the popular vote (although it may very well be struck down by state action) and proved the point – violence doesn’t damage our cause. Jo Cox’s only memorable achievement is being eaten by the worms as her fellow MPs use her as prop for their own egos and careers. All the namby pamby whiners finger wagging about how violence damages our cause are proven wrong, again. Will they learn? Probably not.


The right response, the only response our camp should have to the death of an enemy is celebration and hammering home why that piece of shit deserved to die.

Even in the case of Dylann Roof, which predictably, most White Nationalists fumbled the ball on, again.

The Roof shooting sent a message to the niggers that people are tired of their shit and will start hitting them back. Nigger mob goes on rampage in Charleston, Roof shoots their enablers dead and they stop chimpin’ in that area. Niggers are basically big dumb animals (though probably more deadly). They only respond to pain and fear. Yeah, sure, there’s the element out there advocating for allying with black nationalists against the Jew and theoretically some like Tom Metzger may have a point. But for the bulk of the niggers, go ahead, just try to explain to the charging bull nigger how he’ll be better off amongst his own people without getting free shit from you, like the dumb fucking thing can even understand what you’re saying or cares.

“waah u mean go back to Africa I cnt git Jay-z on muh phon dere WHUUR MUH FRIES AT BIOTCH WHURR STARR WHURR STARR”

Niggers are actively engaging in a race war against whites enabled by the state and financed by Jewish oligarchs. Any negotiations at this point are unrealistic until they’re knocked down a few pegs and/or thrown under the bus by their Jewish masters. Even then, it’s a long shot. A race war may theoretically not be the best course of action on account of Jew-wise nationalists of different races being baited into killing each other, but ultimately, that’s the direction we’re heading and needs to be taken into account. Once that shit breaks out, it won’t stop. If it comes to that, kill ’em all.

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