
Kristol Clear #racist #wingnut #fundie #sexist #conspiracy theuglytruth.xyz

The followers of Judah-ism, featured in this article and in many others–who are on the front lines advocating (DEMANDING) a return to the ‘good ol’ days’ of Roe V Wade aren’t being driven because of an ‘absence’ or a ‘deficiency’ of ‘Jewish ethics’, but rather BECAUSE OF THEM.

Judah-ism permits the murder of the unborn, just as it permits ALL SPECIES OF EVIL, including the sexual abuse of children, and to that particular point, we will repeat our previously-stated assertion that one of the reasons that the followers of Judah-ism HATED and CONTINUE TO HATE the person of Jesus Christ so much was/is because of His love for children and who advocated that the death penalty be applied against those who would harm them.

Having said this, the following ‘protocols’ need to be understood in the ‘Kristol-Clearest’ of terms.

The ‘institution’ of abortion on demand, brought about by Jewish activism, Jewish agitation and Jewish action, has killed more Americans than all wars combined. The Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11–perpetrated by the Jewish state in order to get the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East started–that killed 3,000 Americans, represents the number of Americans who have been killed in Jewish abortuaries on a daily basis for half a century.
Nota bene as well–it isn’t Muslims bringing this tsunami of lawsuits all across America in order to protect the business of child murder.

It is the followers of Judah-ism doing this, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just love to refer to themselves.

So, the obvious question that needs to be asked and answered is the following–


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