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Robin #fundie

For hundreds of years, fairies have been prevalent in fantasy literature and folklore. In the last twenty years, they are becoming more and more popular and even appear in Bible journaling. I've had concerns about seeing fairies on Bible journal pages. Call me overzealous. I don't see how this kind of folklore is of representative of God's Word.
What is even more concerning to me is when I questioned why we would want to merge God's Word with fairy creatures I was met with an amazing amount of resistance, justification, and eye-rolling. It is concerning when one is so in tune and defending using the "world's creatures" as representative of than God-given Scriptures there is a problem.

What Does the Bible Say?
Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7

"Silly myths" are false beliefs and practices. These concepts are not supported by Scripture; in fact, they contradict God's Word. They are the kinds of teachings that foolish people would debate, not devout Christians. Titus was likewise warned by Paul regarding "Jewish fables" (Titus 1:14). In his second letter to Timothy, Paul warned him about the same "fables" (2 Tim. 4:4).

Paul advised Timothy to stick to "the sound doctrine that you have closely followed up to this point" (1 Tim. 4:6b). He cautioned him not to "pay attention to falsehoods and lengthy genealogies" (1 Tim. 1:4).
According to the Bible, they (the fairies) are silly. Just as the easter bunny, mermaids, and Santa Clause are silly and not worth or time.