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Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

It’s the voice that drives me crazy. The drawl, the self-satisfied well-fed glottal stop, layers of expensive fat choking the windpipe, I can even hear that. Even the quickness of speech annoys me. So certain, no pause for reflection, just words unfurling from a 3 Sigma intelligence. Never missed a meal, anxiety curbed by privilege so entrenched they can’t even imagine. Thin, carefully enhanced thirty year old women, the cynicism of a bored aristocrat bleeding from their voices, that vocal fry drawling, knowing it all, having seen it all, never having left their Ivy colleges, their leafy suburbs, never going without anything, much less a desperately needed holiday, rent money, food. My fingers itch to slap them.

They bankrupted us. They ruined the lives of the bottom 70%. They spent ALL the money. They then proceeded to bankrupt the world. Realizing the money was all gone, their gamemasters tried to kill us off, first with an engineered virus that failed, then with a vaccine that didn’t. Then they ran up $10 trillion in four years trying to keep the vegetable in power, to get to that point where the Green New Deal paid off in torrents of lovely other people’s money.
But we lasted 400 years. They lasted 50. We will see their death, their gasping flapping on the dock, their floundering around for wreckage to cling to, their slinking over to the side of the people they called garbage. Their attempt to find a berth using ideas they have been trained to loathe. They won’t come back. It’s over for them. They have failed. Wednesday’s Continuing Resolution illustrates their retreat pattern.

The deplorables rose up in a great wave and defeated it. Oh I know the blithering morons think it was Trump and Musk, but trust me on this, Trump and Musk are a symptom, not a cause. The blowback, the underlying thinking had been developing for forty years among the garbage people. Trump is our weapon. So is Musk. They. Follow. Us. They are using our ideas. We are the brains trust.

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Like everyone I am horrified by the devastation in Los Angeles. The scale is beyond imagining, and the incompetence of city and state government so blatant, they will all need close security for the rest of their lives. Of course people are pointing to the Olympics in ‘28, and the inclusion of Los Angeles in the Smart Cities transition which basically means monitoring your very outbreath. Easier to do with fewer residents. Just build thirty-thousand high-rises, and house the cattle to be monitored and monetized.

Still, if I were God, I would want retribution. As actor and Christian Steven Baldwin says, “It’s all of them”. He is referring, of course, to the Luciferian or Satanist use of migrant and foster children and babies in the tunnels and party houses of Los Angeles. I’ve done enough research to know a) this is pervasive and b) nothing is stopping it. I also had/have friends in the business, scriptwriters, who were highly paid and one of whom was award-winning. So I know how fast and deep gossip in the business runs. <...> It might not be “all of them”, but certainly they all knew.
What has happened in Los Angeles can happen in almost every city vulnerable to the elements. We have been starved of water and in fact there is enough water for several hundred million more of us on this continent alone, all of us using the earth’s resources, building healthy effulgent lives and businesses as was intended by the divine.

Our water was taken from us by a combination of vicious, stupid bureaucrats and politicians, and conscienceless oligarchs. Or, as we are coming to know them, the usual suspects.
Why the Trump revolution? It started here, in America’s vast Edenic middle, where criminals dressed in Patagonia and Mountain Equipment with degrees from once respectable universities, decided to destroy the ground and being of America’s wealth.

The fires in L.A.? They voted for them. In all kinds of ways.