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John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy

One can not reason with or rehabilitate a rabid animal or a demon possessed two legged animal.

summary“Doctrine Of The Rabbinic Kabbalah” “Israel must make sacrifices to satan so that he will leave Israel unmolested (Zohar 2:33a)” “The evil impulse is good, and without the evil impulse Israel cannot prevail in the world (Zohar 1:61a)” “Research by Michael Hoffman”

John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy #crackpot

[Submitter’s Note: This man is (probably) insane. You have been warned.]
The subterfuge of the False Flag of 11 September 2001 can never be understood by sheep who still believe in National Borders and “governments” “of by and for the people” represented by those borders.
The Rothschilds control most every if not every “government” and “world organization” existing.
For the illusion of the sheep Rothschild’s minions who behind closed doors plan the shearing and slaughter of the sheep appear in videos, print and such to be at each other’s throats in false contention.
Rothschilds have been the rulers of the Uk since the Battle of Waterloo.
They have controlled America from at least 1913 when the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT which is a private Rothschild run organization which is not federal, has no reserves and is not a bank.
UK instigated both WW1 & WW2 for their Rothschild masters.
When Uk was loosing WW1 which they instigated for their Rothschild masters, Germany offered to just call the war off, everyone stop killing each other and go home.
The Rothschilds told UK, wait, we can drag America into the war so you can win and in exchange all we want is for Britain to steal Palestine and give it to us.