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Dr. Joseph Sansone #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

More Americans have died from mRNA injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined.

I am not backing down! Standing alongside an Army of the Dead, I filed my Appellate Brief today. My case number is: 1D2024-3305 in the First District Court of Appeal. The Appellate Brief is below.

The background for those not familiar with my case is as follows. On February 21, 2023, I passed the first GOP Ban the Jab resolution at the Lee County Republican Party. This resolution declared COVID 19 injections biological and technological weapons of mass destruction, called on the Governor to prohibit, and the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis. In April of 2023, while in congestive heart failure, awaiting triple bypass heart surgery, I was able to get the late Dr. Francis Boyle to endorse the resolution. <...> The Republican Party of Idaho and the Arizona Republican Party also passed the resolution. The only reason it did not pass all over is because Party leadership often blocked it from the agendas and the movement was being censored.
On March 3rd, 2024 I filed a writ of mandamus in the Florida Supreme Court seeking to prohibit the mRNA nanoparticle injections because they are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. This was transferred to the Circuit Court where it was eventually dismissed. I appealed the decision and then filed my Appellate Brief on Memorial Day, May 27th. The Appeal was denied on October 12th, 2024. Subsequent motions for rehearing were also denied.

On December 1, 2024 I filed a New Complaint seeking an injunction to prohibit the Governor and Attorney General from continuing to allow the distribution of mRNA nanoparticle injection because they violate F.S. 790.166, Weapons of Mass Destruction, along with the State’s Fraud and Informed Consent laws, as well as Constitutional Rights violations and FCRA violations. It also sought Declaratory Judgements on these laws.