Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com

Funny to watch CNN try to use Bob Woodward to try to torpedo Trump. CNN will be the end of the reputations of both Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. They are both puff journalists. They were both lionized by the Hollywood, the same myth factory that gave us Harvey Slimestain, Meryl Creep, Leonardo Di Crapio, Brad Twit and terrorist white helmet supporter George Looney.

Robert Redford, who is more famous for introducing junk jargon into the English language than acting, by using words like “Grizz,” “horse whisperer” and “investigative reporter” put Hollywood’s flatulent hot air into the sails of Woodward and Bernstein. Woodward and Bernstein are stenograpehrs. The only thing they ever did was answer the telephone and a Jew boy nicknamed “Deep Throat” told them what was going on. They dug up nothing. Nothing!

They are simple hacks carried aloft by The Jewish hot air balloon. I see where another Jew boy admitted to pinching a memo off Trump’s desk in the interset of National Security. Charge the SOB with theft.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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