m3Me_Magic and tchower #racist #conspiracy reddit.com

[Comment under "Based Poland"]


The nerve of that german dude to fly a flag in the Islamic State of Germany!

Reply from tchower:

Germany is so afraid of being associated with any form of racism or patriotism that they’d rather have racist, homophobic, misogynistic and bigoted Muslims rape and dominate their nation who favor their race over Germans. The interesting thing is, the US actually didn’t even want to fight Germany in world war 2. We just had to fight Japan and happened to be dragged into Europe and the Soviet Union’s problems! My grandparents fought in WW2 and have passed away, but hated Japan, and never said a word about Germany and what happened. It’s just all the Jews who run the money system in the US made a really big deal about the holocaust, even though the same thing happened in Asia to the Chinese, and whites being murdered and raped and sent to death camps in the Soviet Union by Jews. Since the Jews favor their own race over all others, the Jews ignored what the Japanese did and the white genocide organized by Jews in the Soviet Union. The Jewish role was critical for the formation of the Soviet Union and the genocide of more whites than Jews in the holocaust.



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