Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This the 5th comic in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, riffing on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


The scene suggests a path though a forest glade, though the background art is inconsistent between panels. Throughout, Year Person 2024, in the role of Alice, just stands around looking at the other characters.

Panel 1: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel more”

Panel 2: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel times infinity”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel times infinity plus one”

Panel 3: Tweedle-RFK jr runs to catch up with the other two, saying “Hey wait up guys, I love Israel too”

Panel 4: Tweedle-RFK jr looks at 2024 and does a bodybuilder flex pose, saying “Oh hello, check out my guns”



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