I love how everyone here doesn't trust prayer. Pray damnit and see what things you get.
besides, if you don't pray, then you're a failure of a person.
But according to your username, I'm winner number 66. How can I be a failure if I'm a winner?
Or do I win at failing? That would be a real accomplishment.
You fucking sicken me. My mother recently died of oral cancer. I prayed for her every goddamn night, and she got worse and worse. She was the most honest, kind, and loving person I've ever known.
Her death is what pushed me over the edge from agnosticism to full-blown atheism.
I've never prayed or believed (almost no religious indoctrination, saw more of it in cartoons and Christmas specials then was taught)
As it turns out, my life is better than many Christian stories I've heard. Hmmm
Dear Lord, please save our friends in Darfur. Anytime soon works, dear Lord. Or, Lord, you can stop spending so much time with rich Americans.
oh, right, totally working!
I've heard that prayer (meditation, focusing the mind) may actually be able to influence reality in some ways. There are studies being done using into random number generators that are apparently influenced.
This does not mean "God" is involved in any way, it means the collapse of quantum waveforms within the mind could have an impact on other's reality.
Maybe. The Quantum world is fkn crazy. And not much is known about what thought really is.
When I was a child, whatever I'd pray for, the exact opposite would happen. When I stopped praying, the odds of me getting what I wanted improved to 50/50.
Moral: Prayer and a buck-fifty will get you a lousy cup of coffee.
"I love how everyone here doesn't trust prayer. Pray damnit and see what things you get. "
Well, except for the part where it's been scientifically proven to DO NOTHING AT ALL..
"besides, if you don't pray, then you're a failure of a person. "
...says the person calling himself "You Are Winnar."
besides, if you don't pray, then you're a failure of a person.
I don't know why, but I find this hilarious. I can't stop laughing...
A person who tries to accomplish things on his own -- such as finish school, start a career, get married, etc., without blindly praying to a sky daddy -- is a failure? What kind of logic is that?
Pray, and mundane things will happen that you can interpret to be a fulfillment of those prayers! Otherwise, you will be brutally disappointed!! Come on, give it a try!
"Pray damnit"
Pray, for fuck sakes! Pray you spotty malodorous snotty-nosed pervert! Pray!
"besides, if you don't pray, then you're a failure of a person"
That's very profound, but I prefer the Deserada.
[...if you don't pray, then you're a failure of a person.]
Judging by your post, it takes more than prayer.
Wow...what a load of hysteria inciting tripe. The bible isn't banned...not in the slightest. It is legeslation to protect people form hate speech, which, at worst, protects people from God-Botherers screeching about how vile and reprehensible they are. They can still pray, they can still worship, they can still believe what they will. but when someone tells them to back off, they are obliged to listen.
"Pray damnit and see what things you get."
Okay. Please, God, shut this fundtard up.
I doesn't work. I prayed as a young man, with all the fervour I could muster that I might change from being gay to straight. It was too difficult a life I knew instictively, what with all the prejudice that was around then. 40 years on I am still gay. I learnt a lesson, that I needed to get used to the idea of accepting myself as who I am or become a nutcase. I chose to accept myself and remain sane. I had no choice about being gay, and your god, if he exists, ignored my unending and most devout prayers. Now how do you explain that failure on your god's part?
Okay, I'll play your silly game.
I prayed for god to fix my car. It still ran like shit.
I prayed for god to pay the bill for the fuel pump. The mechanic is still standing there with his hand out.
Now I'm praying that my pay that I get today will cover it. If it doesn't, STRIKE THREE!
I'll just wait for God to snarl at such ones who think they have to pray to get something to happen, "Don't you think I'm ALREADY working on it?"
They need to stop taking the "omni-" in "omnipotence" so literally. The original meaning would be better encapsulated as "suprapotence" nowadays.
God grants prayers exactly according to the probability of them happening if He didn't exist. He's right on with granting every prayer "Please God let this horrible day end", but He never, ever grants the prayer "please God don't let today end."
And the things He does grant, happen to the prayers and non-prayers alike.
As a control, try picking up dropped pins, tossing coins in wishing wells, wishing on a star, wishing on a broken wishbone....
I remember little Bobby who went to the preacher man and asked an important question.
Bobby: Preacher, every night I prayed for a bike but I still haven't gotten one. Why hasn't god given me a bike?
Preacher: Let me tell you a story, Bobby. I prayed for a bike when I was a kid, too, and I had a crisis of faith when I didn't get one. Do you know what solution I came up wit?
Bobby: No.
Preacher: I stole a bike and asked god for forgiveness.
Bobby: *face lights up* Thanks for the advice, Preacher! *runs off*
Preacher: Hmm, I hate to see that boy go but I love to watch him leave.
The End.
“I love how everyone here doesn't trust prayer. Pray damnit and see what things you get.”
Um, why do you think no one trusts prayer? They DID pray, and the results were very similar to letters to Santa… Either bupkes, or clearly the work of mortals like parents, grandparents, and the janitorial staff.
“besides, if you don't pray, then you're a failure of a person.”
Really striking a blow for the superiority of Christain love, there, aint’cha?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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