Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia
{from 2016}
Riley Dennis accuses those who disagree with him/“her” of “reducing people to their genitals” — you’re guilty of an ignorant prejudice if you don’t want to date a “woman” with XY chromosomes and a penis, you see. Perhaps the best reply to such an accusation is, “So what?”
How is your “transphobic” prejudice different from, or worse than, Riley J. Dennis’s blatant prejudice against normal people? Riley J. Dennis is abnormal, and expects the rest of us to tolerate his/“her” preference for female clothing and effeminate mannerisms. Most of us do grant such tolerance, so long as these weirdos stay away from our children. If you want to live your life like an extra from the cast of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, you are free to move to San Francisco and let your freak flag fly. And I’ll keep my kids 2,500 miles away from San Francisco.
Under the First Amendment of the Constitution, I have the right to say that Riley J. Dennis is crazy, and I also have the right to tell you that Riley J. Dennis is a selfish liar, promoting a false concept of “discrimination” for his/“her” personal gain. Riley J. Dennis hopes to get rich selling “intersectional feminism” like Colonel Sanders got rich selling fried chicken. Feminism is being sold as a commodity, and these ideological vendors do not work for free. Riley J. Dennis claims to be an atheist, but he/“she” is in fact a fanatical member of a quasi-religious cult.