Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are fighting for humanity.

To defend and most importantly, preserve it.

Are YOU a “humanity?”

Then they are fighting for you, me and everyone who still believes in the sanctity of the individual, good hearted Soul.

Because a SICKNESS is beginning overtake humanity.

A SOUL SICKNESS that is rapidly infecting humanity’s most precious gift and future: our children.
The summation is that the American People are a captured population who have been relentlessly abused, robbed and most subtly attacked by our own government since 1975.

Indeed, since that time, their one caveat when silently and diabolically harming us via science, medicine and regulation has been “DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO REALIZE WHAT WE ARE DOING TO THEM.

In 1975, under President Gerald Ford and the vile Henry Kissinger suborned the United State’s sovereignty **IN SECRET** by adopting a UN proposal that would ultimately become what we know as #AGENDA2030.
This is literally WHY everything we have been experiencing for the last 5 decades seems “off.”

There was something wrong.

We could sense it, we could certainly FEEL it, but we couldn’t put our finger directly on the what, where, why and most importantly WHO it was originating from.

NO sugar coating.

NO punches pulled.

We are still fighting the NAZIS.

We defeated the German STATE that spawned Nazism.

We did NOT defeat the ideology.

I call the hidden enemy that is currently destroying our Nation before our eyes THE FOURTH REICH.

Am I doing that to be hyperbolic?


Hell to the FUCK NO!
You MUST grasp this.

It’s revenge.


Revenge for denying them their insane dream in 1945 with our might, comprised of RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, LOGISTICS AND FAITH.

Our resources lie fallow in the ground. We are at a massive energy/resource deficit that is being artificially manifested because our Nation has been hijacked.

What happened to our infrastructure the last five decades?




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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