Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut

Interesting Observation

No one calls out black ballerinas for appropriating European/white culture. Ballet is a huge part of Russian culture with performances like swan lake. That’s the cream of Russian culture, up there with Yevgeniy Onengin and Dostoevsky’s crime and punishment. r/BALLET’s top of all time is filled with black dancers, BLM, and soyboy Reddit users sucking their dicks. When will THEY be held accountable for stealing and appropriating MY culture?

I don't think garbage rap music with stereotypical bling bling, cars, hoes and weed counts for much.

Black culture is to African culture as Chicano culture is to Hispanic culture.

Russian Ballet is the original one and only one. It is the only remnant of the old french one

We DOMINATE. It is our culture and no one else’s. Especially those who do not respect us or our ancestry.

It's the good ol' double standard. But can you blame them? Most things were made by white folk so if we were being just like them they would be approving white culture by wearing a t-shirt

All drug addicts, prostitutes, single mothers, and criminals are appropriating black culture

Why are you even trying to argue with these people? They even attacked Samoans for playing a Croatian song. Only black Americans and muslims are protected class. They happily harass Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and even Africans.

Eastern Europeans and Slavs are an easy target, because we are "white". They think all Europeans benefited from colonization. That's why they think it's okay to take things from European cultures.

That being said, I don't care if a black person decides to dress in Sorbian clothing or sing Sorbian songs.



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