[submitted question]
Atheist do you know if the moon was a centimeter closer to Earth we would have tidal waves?
How can you not see someone put it there for a purpose?
Even athiest can understand an engineering pincipal?
A centimeter? Don't be a dick.
Fundies - did you know that the moon used to be a lot closer to Earth and that it did indeed cause tidal waves etc. but the upheaval caused also helped flush minerals out of the soil into the oceans and as the moon receded the mineral rich calmer waters gave the perfect places for life to arise and begin to evolve?
1) English, motherfucker. I'm not even english and i write better than you do.
2) and if there was none you wouldn't even know what a tide is and you wouldn't care. Tides are just a phenomenon like any other, it is US human that give it a purpose.
Obviously you never went to school otherwise you might recognise the word you should be using is 'principle'. You find principals in schools. Ar yew a home skooled fundi.?
And it is spelled 'atheist' you moron.
The Moon:
Perigee: 363,104 km
Apogee: 405,696 km
That's 42,592 km, or 4.3 billion centimetres difference between closest and furthest point.
Time it took me to "research" this: Less than 1 second.
Right, because the Moon is at a constant distance from the Earth, and not on an elliptic orbit around it.
Edit: great, crossposted with xplicit_UK
No shit!
Didn't you know that the distance between the earth and the moon varies considerably as the satellite orbits its parent. Far more than a centimetre - far more than even a metre. Far more....oh never mind.
Now about those tidal waves???? If you mean tsunamis, they have nothing to do with the moon.
Hugo, do you know that if you had one more functioning brain cell you would have exactly one.
Go away dip!@#$ comeback to society when you stop being stupid.
Do you know that the moon does not circle us at a perfect distance? That's why it looks bigger some nights and smaller on others.
@ Rat of Steel
~ Then my city was designed by God. They're right next door to each other.
Sorry guys, but Hugo's a troll, not an actual fundie.
As far as I can make out from all of his questions.
Yes, yes, and if the Sun was an inch closer to Earth, we'd all be crispy fried...of course both ignore the fact that orbits are not a standard distance, but rather, tend to vary a fair bit, but why let the facts stop you now?
"Even athiest can understand an engineering pincipal?"
Yes, but you fail to understand Astronomy and Orbital Mechanics
Atheist do you know if the moon was a centimeter closer to Earth we would have tidal waves?
Why no, I did not know this. I would be very interested to see the math. Please post at your earliest convenience. KTHXBYE.
Despite their name, tidal waves are not caused by the moon. They are caused by deep sea earthquakes.
Also you're wrong. A centimeter in space is nothing. The moon would have to be millions of miles closer before it would have an even stronger impact on the tides. But that also means nothing, because life would just adapt to the different tides, much like it already has.
Your argument fails. Life has adapted, by evolution, to the way the moon and the tides work, not the other way around.
FMG said "The moon does not orbit closer to the earth. The moon and earth orbit each other."
Well technically....
Since the Earth-Moon system's Barycenter (i.e. center of mass) is below the surface of the Earth it is quite accurate to say the Moon orbits the Earth.
Sorry... I was just feeling all science geeky and had to get that off my chest :)
I think not. We would have larger tides. Would there still be land? Yes. Can life still exist in the sea anyway? Yes. I fail to see what that has to do with atheism.
Because they didn't.
Yes, although I take extreme exception to the word "even" in that question.
Atheist do you know if the moon was a centimeter closer to Earth we would have tidal waves?
Jesus Buttfuckin' Christ! You can't possibly be that stupid can you? The moon is receding from the earth at a greater yearly rate than one centimeter. If what you claim were true then why hasn't the world been wracked by constant unending tidal waves throughout all history? This is just the most outrageous load of shite I've heard since.... well, yesterday.
How can you not see someone put it there for a purpose?
Because there is no evidence to back up that idiotic claim. If it was placed there for a purpose then why is it receding?
Even athiest can understand an engineering pincipal?
And they can obviously do it better than you, not that engineering had fuck all to do with your erroneous claims in respect to the moon.
a centimeter closer to Earth
For someone who's not Carico, you do a good impression.
How can you not see someone put it there for a purpose?
God's word to mankind states that the purpose of you is to provide a source of humor. Keep it up.
Even athiest can understand an engineering pincipal?
Not even an atheist can understand that sentence.
As the moon is far from a smooth, perfectly round ball, the exact distance between the moon and Earth differs more than a centimeter all the time.
If the conditions were different, a different kind of life would have evolved, stupid. We have the world that we have because the conditions are as they are.
Even athiest can understand an engineering pincipal?
I dunno about ATHEISTS, but i do know there’s an engineering PRINCIPLE that a designed system minimizes waste.
My fire control system sends information from the central subsystem to all the peripheral subsystems every 125 milliseconds. Every one of those messages is used. Some species on this planet have hundreds of offspring, a small fraction of which will live to adulthood. I really can’t imagine someone designing a system where there’s that much waste.
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