dsar9013 , Tatsuhirocel & ATF #wingnut #racist #conspiracy blackpill.club

RE: seems like the russians are loosing this war for good now

Perhaps it's the justice that Adolf Hitler has been promised from beyond the grave ""It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know I was RIGHT!!!". I don't want their countries to be destroyed, but unless they realize the truth of the jewish question that is their justice, they are getting what they deserve.


well if Russia looses this war, morale will be non existent, all the sanctions combined with low morale will 100% cause Putin to be kicked out and replaced with a globo homo puppet. we will see it being filled with migrants and the LGBT just like the west has been.

Mate Russia is already filled with migranats and Putin is a globohomo puppet.This show is just Jews infighting at the cost of white men as always


Mate Russia is already filled with migranats and Putin is a globohomo puppet.This show is just Jews infighting at the cost of white men as always

Don't forget it's Russia that has been sending a lot of migrants to the rest of Europe and funding the fake climate strikes and LGBT which they then mock the West for! Their leaders are the top of globohomo.



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