"As a Christian, I believe that if the majority says "Yes", then we have failed as a church."
And said majority have done just that. Religion isn't a democracy, I'm afraid (otherwise, we'd have the Flying Spaghetti Monster, JR 'Bob' Dobbs, or Haruhi Suzumiya as our duly elected God). Which means your so-called 'God' is a hyper-dictator, thus he is infinitely worse than Hitler, therefore he has no right to exist, never mind being believed in, worshipped or even respected. Ergo...:
QED, bitch.
Religion has had it's time. These days, religion has no right to tell people what to do; indeed, it's time people told religion what to do. Fundies - certainly their clergy - should have to worship we Atheists. Because - as far as they're concerned - we are God. Everything that is in this modern world - certainly those computers you're using, fundies - is all down to science. Religion has fuck all to do with such.
...oh, and that computer you're using 'EMP'? It's development was mainly down to this man, the father of modern computing, Alan Turing:
Yep, the very thing that has been instrumental in changing our world forever (there'd certainly be no internet without computers!) is down to a homosexual and an Atheist.
Welcome to our world, fundies. Guess who's having the last laugh - and he's dead!
Democracy brings in governments who represent the people as a whole. And if the people see nothing wrong in gay marriage, then the duly elected representatives of said electorate will vote thusly. Democracy is superior. Democracy is God.
The majority have spoken.
After all, all your 'God' has to do is actually apperar before said electorate, and run for election...!