@PvonEuropa & @MidnightShadow #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @PvonEuropa )
In praise of the English racešŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ

How have we allowed our once great people to be cowed into submission and cultural destruction?

#nationalism #englandfortheenglish #stopmassimmigration #massimmigration #thegreatreplacement #replacementtheory #england #english

( @MidnightShadow )
Degenerate minorities have insidiously infiltrated places of power. They seek to destroy our white societies, built on beauty, strength and honor. They open the doors to African migrants to dilute us, overwhelm us, eradicate us...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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