The DeviantART Administration doesn't like the idea of Biden losing to Trump in this prolonged election, which is why they deleted one of my journals and cited an ambiguous excuse lacking any detail as to why it was removed.
Now, did the know that the leftist/ Democrat mind set is "I don't care if I am wrong, I don't care if you are right, I don't care if my position hurts you, I don't care if my position hurts me, I will continue to support my position no matter what happens and I don't care about consequences of suffering".
There is no sense of right or wrong, there is no morality, there is no humanity home.
How these people are allow in the streets and not locked up in a mental home or executed, that's a mystery.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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