Theeohn Megistus #conspiracy

In the beginning of this universe Divine Creator created “Games”. The Game for this Universe was called Polarity Integration. The goal was simple: experience polarity and integrate it; once achieved, reunite with Divine Creator. The players of this game would be the Humanoids and the Reptilians. The Humanoids were given a creation myth which stated that the Humans could colonize any planet they chose, but if they find another race on the planet, they must negotiate a peace treaty and strive for harmony. The Reptilians were given a creation myth that stated that they owned the Galaxy and had the right to colonize any planet they chose. If a non-reptilian race is present, they could and should destroy it. Humans were created right-brain dominant (or feminine polarized), Reptilians left-brain dominant (or masculine polarized).

The Reptiles were given a head start so that their technology would start out superior to the Humans. Their home world was called Aln and was located in the Orion Constellation. The Reptiles already attained space travel when the humans were still swimming in the oceans. The humanoid home world was Avyon in the Vegan star system and existed initially as aquatic primates (the Cetaceans).

When humanoids became advanced enough for space travel about 22 million years ago, they colonized another planet called Avalon. Soon the reptiles arrived and a conflict resulted. They infiltrated the colony with their advanced technology and while courting friendship and trust, sowed the seeds of discord between those that wished to grow spiritually and those that wanted to grow technologically. A civil war ensued and the reptiles supplied both sides with sufficient technology to annihilate themselves. This was round one. The reptiles won.

The Founders of the Game moved some of the humanoids to Sirius B so they could be away from the reptilian interference. Over a very long period of time two groups emerged called the “Etherics” (non- physicals) and the “Physicals.” The Etherics were feminine polarized and the Physicals were male polarized. The Founders then moved the Physicals to Aln, the Reptilians home world and the Etherics were moved to Tiamat, the primordial Earth.

The Reptilians weren’t real happy about the Physical Humanoids showing up on their planet and soon the battles began and the colony was nearly destroyed. Some of the humans were forced into slavery and others went underground and formed the Black League. The Black League managed to escape Aln for Tiamat to join the Etherics.

The Reptilians eventually found out about Tiamat and decided to colonize it. When they arrived, there was a proto-humanoid civilization and the Etherics. The Etherics sent positive energy to the Reptiles in an effort to create a peaceful coexistence and get them to let go of their Creation Myth. It worked well for a very long while. It almost looked like integration had already occurred. There were snake reptiles on one side, dinoid reptiles on the other and the humanoids in the middle. The humanoids had learned farming and were growing enough food to feed the whole planet. This was subsequently called the Great Experiment, the forerunner of planet Earth. This was the first time Etherics had been used to obtain a peaceful coexistence and it was amazingly successful.

However, word got out that a planet existed that was living in peace and harmony and the ruling Orion Reptilians decided to pay a visit. This was, of course, in violation of the Creation Myth and they immediately started sowing the seeds of discord among the Reptiles in an attempt to convince them that the Humanoids were secretly planning their destruction. It took a very long time for the ruling Reptilians to work this plan through because the Etherics kept sending thoughts of love and harmony and the physical humanoids kept sending them food. But ultimately the Creation Myth won out and the Reptiles developed a plan to destroy the humanoids through germ warfare.

The proto-humanoids understood what was happening and decided that they would leave the planet and go to the Pleiades aboard the starship Pegasus and the Etherics would mutate back into the aquatic primates (whales and dolphins) and maintain the biosphere. A plan was devised to rid the planet of the Reptiles through implosions of the underground fusion generators. About 98% of the Reptiles were destroyed in the ensuing world-wide cataclysm but a few survived and were present when the remaining planet was repopulated as Earth. Another small group was given sanctuary aboard the Pegasus and went to the Pleiades. Another group fled to the planet Maldek. This all happened about 8 million years ago.

A long period of peace existed after these events. The land guardianship role was vacant so the cetaceans and spiritual hierarchy began searching for a replacement which they eventually found on the fourth planet of the Vega system, the birthplace of present-day humans. They were aquatic primates at that time but through assistance of the Galactic Guardians their evolution was allowed to jump forward to become the Vegan Humans and subsequently created a new galactic guardian group. This was about 4.5 million years ago. A Galactic Federation was created and in the ensuing migration over 2.5 million years, the Galactic Federation agreed to colonize Earth again. The Earth Colony Hybornea was created in the northern lands near present day Florida (the Earth axis has shifted since then). It was a civilization that existed for nearly a million years beginning two million years ago.

The Lyrans decided that, in order to live in complete harmony, they would eliminate the self-defense function. They did this through genetic engineering. However, it left them defenseless so they developed a warrior race which lived separate from their civilization. They were genetically engineered with enhanced adrenaline output to react more aggressively than natural. However, this change caused an imbalance which limited the ability of this altered being to connect to its creator. These new helpers were unstable and threatening to the civilization that created it. As a solution to the problem the Lyrans exiled the whole population of altered beings to a sparsely inhabited planet in a far-off corner of the galaxy. To ensure this would never be revealed to anyone, they altered all memory of this experience and no records were allowed to be taken. This new planet was called Earth. Humanity was left on this “prison planet” to work out the genetic imbalance through adaptation.

Sometime after humans were marooned on Earth, a different extraterrestrial race arrived and attempted to enslave them. However, they did not comprehend human warlike capabilities and were repulsed. They have been planning retribution ever since and now confer with the present-day hierarchy at the top of the secret societies. The planetary awareness of these beings has been in the form of the beast or Satan or the devil. If their plan is allowed to be completed, the planet could be destroyed. They don’t care, they only want revenge.

A war of liberation broke out on Lyra about 360,000 years ago during which the terrorizing army fled to the Pleiades and took possession of the Hesperides system. The name was changed to the Pleja system in honor of their leader. She led an expedition to the SOL system and took control of Mars, Earth and Malona. Conflict broke out on Malona over control of the planetary government. Earth was evacuated back to Lyra-Vega. The war on Malona ultimately pulverized the planet and caused significant destructions on Mars, Venus and Earth.

A peaceful group of Lyran-Vegans migrated back to Earth many years later and developed a high civilization of Hybornea which lasted 6000 years and was again destroyed by wars. About 53,000 years ago wars again broke out in the Lyran system and a leader named Pelegon came to Earth with 70,000 men to establish another civilization which lasted 10,000 years and ultimately was again destroyed by wars. About 100,000 people fled to the Barnard Star (Beta Centaurus) while Earth was thrown back to the Stone Age.

They returned after 7000 years under the leadership of Atlant to create the great Atlantian civilization. His wife Karyatide created Lesser Atlantis and her father Muras created the great civilization of Mu. These blossomed into a planetary civilization which lasted 18,000 years until, in 13,000 B.C., a group of scientists tried seizing power. They were trying to again create a race to support their violent tendencies. Before the scientists were subdued and escaped back to Beta Centaurus, much of the continent of Atlantis was destroyed.

Two thousand years later this same group returned for revenge under the leadership of Arus (the Barbarian) and his 200 sub-leaders. He conquered Hybornea and began to systematically subjugate the rest of the world by attacking India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and surrounding areas. It was Arus and his men who were the “Sons of Heaven” that bred with the Earth females called the “Evas” to create the biblical Adam and Eve,the ancestors of many present-day humans. The descendants of Arus left the planet in 26 A.D. after creating Jmmanuel and implanting the Galactic laws and philosophies in humanity.

The origins of Lemuria began on a continent in what is now the Pacific Ocean around 900,000 B.C. and lasted until 26,000 B.C. It was a Lyrian/Sirian styled civilization with democratic principles of governance. It created a number of daughter empires during its existence; the most important of those was Atlantis (which existed in part, on a huge island-continent in the center of the Atlantic Ocean), the Libyan/Egyptian Empire in Africa and the Yü Empire of central China and Tibet.

Due to the influence of renegade Pleiadians / Centurians (Anunnaki), the Atlanteans began developing a hierarchical society which led to feelings of separateness and superiority. After they were granted equal guardianship of the planet 26,000 years ago by the Lemurians, they began plotting ways to grab the sole guardianship. They found allies in the colonies of Alpha Centauri and the Pleiades mostly through the Galactic Federation outpost colonies that shared the concept of a hierarchical society. They and various Pleiadian and Centaurian rebel-renegades plotted the destruction of Lemuria. Their plan was a technical success; however it resulted in the destruction of one of the Earth’s moons, the entire continent of Lemuria, cataclysmic events over the entire earth and a mini-ice-age.

The Atlantians (with the assistance of the Pleiadian and Centurian Rebels) used space ships with force fields to cause one of the Earths moon’s to spiral inward and just as the moon reached the ‘LaGrange Point’, they blasted it with particle beam weaponry. This resulted in a massive meteor shower over Lemuria with the resulting rupture of its subterranean gas chambers and the sinking of the entire continent. The physical destruction of Lemuria was so complete that nothing remained except legends. This was Great Flood #1.

Atlantis had its beginnings about 100,000 years ago. It was destroyed three times; the last time was coincident with Great Flood #3. In the second incarnation, which began 25,000 years ago, they had made great technological progress which was far greater that anything man has attained today however, it lacked sufficient spiritual development and became locked into materialistic endeavors. They wished to replace the clan structure of Lemurian society with an elite structure. This concept of governance was not well received and resulted in a series of costly civil wars across the entire planet. The clan structure is based on groups of people who all shared the same vision and goals about what should be accomplished in their respective fields. It was similar to our present-day scientist and technical trade-groups, except that these trade-groups also had limited governing authority. It meant that the most knowledgeable people were the ones in charge. It has been the elite form of governance that has been in place on this planet ever since Atlantis came to power 25,000 years ago.

They brought in one of the artificial Maldek moons to help balance the planet. The destruction of one of Earth’s two moons caused an unstable wobble in the Earth. This artificial moon was, in fact, a fully armed battle station. It was also an attempt to signal to the rebellious holdouts that military superiority was at hand which was ready and able to end all civil wars and rebellions. The rebellions instead continued over the entire 10,000 year period of this Middle Empire. There was a period of terrorism, torture and inquisitions. They created a superior ruling class which was sustained by the myth of a god-king. A single supreme god-king ruled over all.

Following the destruction of Lemuria, the Libyan/Egyptian Empire negotiated an understanding that allowed them to maintain some autonomy over their own affairs; however they did have to make some concessions to do this. The only other Empire of significance was the Yü, which refused to bow down to the Atlanteans. They even issued several decrees demanding an apology to the other empires for their careless and inhumane destruction of Lemuria and the subsequent cataclysms.

The Atlanteans, jointly with the Egyptians, countered with demands to rescind the decrees. The Yü Empire refused. The combined forces of the Atlantians, the Egyptians and the renegade Pleiadian Centurian allies forced the remnants of the Yü Empire underground. They still exist today as the Kingdom of Agharta in deep underground caverns beneath the Himalayan Mountains and under present day Tibet. The entrances from Tibet were all closed after China invaded in 1949. It is not clear, but is believed that they were searching for the entrances. Attempts to find it using modern day tunneling equipment have been unsuccessful.

Towards the end of the second Empire, autocratic rule was in full force and the remaining rebel alliance was exiled to southern Europe, to a place called Ionia (Greece) and there they would stay until they renounced their ways and complied with the ruling authority. This rebel alliance consisted of the former ruling elite as well as leading scientists. They decided instead to create a Lemurian style governance with plans to ultimately bring their government back to Atlantis. In other words, they became even more organized and dangerous than before they were exiled.

This did not sit well with the ruling authority of Atlantis. The rebels had defied them at every turn and now they were a greater threat than before. A plan was devised to end the problem by destroying Ionia by a method similar to the way they destroyed Lemuria. The plan required the assistance of the rebel Pleiadians and Centurians. This plot was discovered by the Ionians. The result was that the Ionians were able to counter the attack by interrupting their energy beam from Nibiru and the moon exploded over Atlantis instead. Atlantis therefore was destroyed in much the same manner as it had destroyed Lemuria. The Atlantean subcontinent was reduced to a few scattered islands. One of the two Firmament layers was destroyed as well. This was Great Flood #2. This happened 13,000 years ago.

This event did not completely destroy Atlantis however and attempts were made to reconstitute the civilization with what remained. They developed a crystal technology that was capable of transmitting energy wirelessly over great distances. They used the device to propel and guide airplanes, surface vehicles and submarines. They tapped solar energy and also found a way to tap the collective consciousness of the human mind. They eventually found a way to use the collective mind in harmony with the crystals and the Earth as a power source. The people became subservient to this system of mind and power control against their will (ala “The Matrix”). They also found a way to harness the power of the crystal to rejuvenate a person endlessly. One of the crystals is in the Biblical Ark.

Several thousand years before the first flood, the Anunnaki showed up in a ceremonious fashion and presented themselves as gods from heaven to the Atlantians. They started plugging into the ego-consciousness of the leaders by stimulating and fueling their base desires. New technologies were offered as gifts and in return they would do their bidding in holding influence over their subjects in rather depraved ways. They were instrumental in creating mind-Earth resonance devices and even came up with a way to alter the mind of the people to obey their wishes through a slow-pitched electro-magnetic pulse transmitted through the crystal generator network. This sound, which was inaudible to the human ear, caused a release of neurochemicals (the peptides that influence behavior) that caused irrational emotional states and submission to authority. They began attacking lesser civilizations to conquer and take their resources. Through genetic engineering they also helped develop a mutant human who was disconnected from his higher self. These humans would be unaware of their spirituality and would be much easier to control. These evolved into present-day humans.

The final destruction of Atlantis occurred sometime around 10,000 years ago. There was a conflict in the Middle East between the Rama Empire, the Egyptian Empire and the Sumerian Empire. In an attempt to end the conflict they destroyed some of the crystal temples that held up the Firmament. The idea was to open a hole just big enough to flood the enemy out of their positions. However, there was a simultaneous destruction of multiple temples on both sides which destroyed a sufficient number to cause the entire Firmament to collapse. This caused all of the water ice suspended in the atmosphere to come crashing down in a cascade effect over the entire planet. What remained of Atlantis was gone forever beneath the waves. A significant portion of Atlantis still exists at the bottom of the ocean in the Central Atlantic, off the coast of the Carolinas, the Bahamas and the south-western coast of Cuba. This was Great Flood #3.

The Firmament was created before humans existed. They were placed here by the Game Lords to allow for the development of sentient life approximately thirty-five million years ago. It has been destroyed and repaired many times. It consisted of two layers of water ice that acted as a shield against harmful radiation and caused there to be a uniform climate across the entire Earth surface. The temperature was in the high 70’s near the equator and the low 70’s at the poles. The winds were a modest 5 mph, the skies were always sunny, and there were few clouds, no hard rain, no significant winds and no storms. The ice in the Firmament created a lensing effect which made the Moon, Sun and stars all look bigger than they otherwise appear. The Firmament held about as much water as all the oceans rivers and streams on the planet, so when it came down, it would appear as though the sky was literally falling down.

Of course, the empires of Sumeria, Rama and Egypt were all destroyed in the subsequent flood. This flood spread world-wide to encompass the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. Every indigenous culture has a flood story. It rained for 40 days and in that time an entire world civilization was destroyed. What were left were legends and myths of gods and goddesses from an age which was completely erased from the earth. Approximately two million people survived the event on the surface. The Agharta (Lemurian) Empire also survived as they were already protected underground.

The Atlantean rulers and their associates fled to the star system of Hadar (a.k.a. Beta Centauri). The people of Hadar insisted that nothing should be done to save what was left of the human race. An argument ensued with the Pleiadians over the issue but the renegade Pleiadians won out. They intervened and restored many areas including the Middle East (Sumeria), the central valley in Mexico (Maya and other Mesoamerican civilizations), the Indus valley area of India and in North Central China near the city of Xian, and the entire Nile river basin in the land of the Egyptians.

So the restoration of life on this planet was once again in the hands of the same people who caused the problem in the first place. It was their intervention that triggered the destruction of Lemuria, the destruction of Atlantis and the entire world civilization. Through it all, it still didn’t sink into the Pleiadian rebels what they were doing to mankind. In the period 1500 B.C. through 1200 B.C. the renegade Pleiadians were forced to withdraw from direct intervention by the main defense forces of the Pleiadian Star League. This finally brought the “reign of terror” to an end.

The Spiritual Hierarchy was responsible for sending the Christ, Budda, Mohammed, Ahkenaton and other ascended masters to show us “the way the truth and the light”. This planted the seeds of spiritual consciousness. Other attempts to bring back the Sirian/Lemurian style governance included Noah and the Hebrews. Noah didn’t get very far and after the Exodus; the Hebrews instituted the concept of Judges to bring the people a concept of a society led by spiritual beings. However, these attempts failed because the human psyche was not ready for it and it was decided that planting the idea of a Christ consciousness would grow into the human psyche over thousands of years and be ultimately successful. Emperor Constantine modified these teachings in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea.

Because of the destruction of the Firmament, a significant amount of damaging radiation has been allowed to hit the planet surface. This causes a disastrous effect on all living things. There was no reasonable chance that humans would be able to survive over the long term independent of outside support with their spiritual selves disconnected.

Most humans don’t know that their primary mission on the planet is to be a guardian of the planet; that without their conscious support of the biosphere in concert with the cetaceans, all life on the planet falls apart, literally. The only thing that’s still holding it together right now is the cetaceans and the Spiritual Hierarchy. A guardian is one who brings in the energies of creation and regulates them for the biosphere. The Earth land guardian is man. It is a very unique process whereby the creative life energies given by the Spiritual Hierarchy are physically transmuted into maintenance life energies. Chanting, singing, dancing, ceremony and meditation are all forms of this process. A guardian must consciously and subconsciously maintain these inter-dimensional energies so that they are dispersed in a proper manner. Using Universal Law, a guardian imagines, then combines this with feeling to create. Children do this instinctively when they play and sing and jump around although this is decidedly less focused.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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