“I suggest that”
You spell ‘fantasize’ badly.
“the recent rise of homosexuality”
Did the number of homosexuals change? At all? Or just the media mention of them.
In the 70s, a WHOLE BUNCH of men came out of the closet, but that didn’t change the number of gay men, just the number in the closet.
“is a reaction made by a patriarchical culture to the movement to give women equal rights.”
The woman i want to have sex with wants a career… Imma go suck some dick! THAT’LL learn her!
“Homosexuals are trying to derive women even of the status in human relationships.”
I hope you mean deprive.
But the women in the workforce are competing for higher jobs in the workforce.
When mon asks, “When do we see grandkids?” you buy her a 48 inch TV to watch cooking shows on. You got the status.
“A homosexual is effectively saying "I can go ahead and have a sexual relationship without including women,”
Yes, that’s why the plot in Lysistrata failed so miserably, men would fuck anything before they reward uppity bitches.
"without having the consent of a woman."
Bad news, Bubbles, the women would have given you consent. shout “Quit your job or i’ll turn gay!”, she’s going to say, “The mailman’s gay, the kid’s principal is gay, your golf partner is closeted, I’m pretty sure Buddy at the gas station is bi… Knock yourself out, honey.”
"Homosexuality seems to be all about reducing the power and status of women-”
Have you ever MET anyone gay?
Or a woman?
“I think, in spirit and effect, it is almost akin to rape.”
Wait, wait, wait. The PATRIARCHY is promoting men turning GAY, in order to HARM the women they’re no longer ogling, raping, cat-calling, abusing, or telling them ’i’m a feminist’ in order to get their phone number. Instead, the MEN who desperately want to fuck docile women are letting the women turn feral in order to fuck each other.
Dude, just tell your crush that your’e gay, see what he says. Don’t pretend it’s something you’re doing for the Men’s Rights Cause.