Tom Minderle/ #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Positive forces are intervening but only in proportion to the violation.

Because we could equally ask, why didn’t STS forces (negative aliens) just show up with shock troops and mind control implants ready to go centuries ago when we didn’t have advanced weapons and take over the world then?

Why this slow process of infiltration, deception, programming the masses, etc. Well it’s because there are rules in place, just like a sports game. There are referees. Just because one side is getting beat in the game doesn’t mean the referees step in. They only step in when the rules are violated.

So the STO (positive) forces use proportional countermeasures. Therefore if the threat so far has been done via infiltration, deception, and programming and working through people in power to implement certain things by force, they have to use tactics like truth, awakening, proof, majority backlash, and anyone in power that aligns with that.
You may have individual personal protection that gets you through it, but what happens to the majority collectively tends to be what it is. History shows how bad things can get sometimes. Miracles occur more on the individual level than the collective level. Why does one person seem to have divine protection, while another dies in an accident or gets sacrificed as a baby? There are complicated factors involved like being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or soul contracts and agreements, or self-imposed karmic patterns, and so on.

But sure, the more the negative forces ramp up their control, the greater the intervention will be. Positive only do what they need to do, no more. Any more and they interfere with our learning process.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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