CTON #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com
RE: S. African Township Becomes ‘Racial’ Flashpoint in Rainbow Nation
Indian immigrants fight back against black marauders.
When nonwhites are attacked for their race and/or fight back in defense of their race, they are congratulated for fighting back.
When whites are attacked for their race and/or fight back in defense of their race, it is "racist, hateful" and "oh, come on! This has nothing to do with race!" "White genocide is a white conspiracy!"
Everywhere whites are at, they are humiliated, terrorized, attacked and many whites will not unite as whites.
“We are not racist,” insisted Karim Loven, the head of a local policing forum.
See non-Whites have to say it too :) Doesn't matter to blacks though everyone is racist towards them
I would advice these Indians not to start acting like the cuckolds white men have become. Even I don't want nonwhites to feel inferior, but I also do not want them thinking they have a right to attack us or dehumanize us either.
I'd say "You're only calling me racist because I'm white" or I'd say "This is another excuse for blacks to commit crimes."
Dominik Tarczinsky did just that in a famous interview, he said "call me racist or whatever you like, I only care about safety of my country.
If that were the words uttered by every white man in positions of power, our race would have a much higher chance of survival. Seems like it's only Eastern and Central European men with any racial backbone among the white race. I hope they stay prowhite, strong and traditional.
Worst case scenario this is the beginning of a total annihilation massacre of White and Indian South Africans.
But at least Indians have a continent they can flee to, people (even whites) will be sympathetic to their plight, Indian army could be sent in to rescue them, and Indians--unlike whites--will unite for their people. Whites, even when they're being targetted as whites, will not unite as whites.