Kanye West is not a true born-again Christian! Where is his testimony? I mean, I haven't been able to find anything that shows what he actually believes. Even the demons believe in God. Notice that in the preceding quote that Albert Pike also says Adonay (Jesus) is God! James 2:19, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” Anybody can say that they believe in Jesus, to deceive naive and gullible people to follow them (as millions of fools are following Kanye West), but that is merely “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2nd Timothy 3:5).
The world needs the right Jesus! I love what Pastor Danny Castle said in his sermon, Sorry, Wrong Jesus!: “If the world loves your Jesus, you've got the wrong Jesus!” Yes Sir, that is exactly right!!! The apostle Paul warned about “ANOTHER JESUS” in 2nd Corinthians 11:3-4. Paul warned of “ANOTHER SPIRIT.” Paul also warned of “ANOTHER GOSPEL”! Kanye West does not have the Holy Spirit, he has a familiar spirit! The Bible in Psalm 119:105 is referred to as a “Lamp” to guide our path throughout life. This is why Jesus told us to “SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES” in John 5:39a, which testify to us concerning Jesus Christ. The Word of God is our Sword by which we can fight the Devil (Ephesians 6:17). Through prayer temptations can be thwarted (Matthew 26:41). Do you hear Kanye West quoting Holy Scriptures? I sure don't!
But according to you, believing that becoming a True Christian™ comes with any duties, changes in behaviour or rituals, including even speaking a phrase, is evil heretical Lordship Salvation through works and means that you are not actually Saved.
Kanye West is not a true born-again Christian! Where is his testimony?
David, David, David,
you yourself have written many times that you support one-time, unconditional salvation. All one needs to do is to say in one’s heart that they accept Jesus as their personal savior. Once that’s done, the person is saved, forever, with an absolute guarantee of admission to heaven. Those are your words. How on earth can you know that this Kanye West idiot hasn’t done that? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Now, let’s quote something else you wrote:
The Bible never tells anyone to “turn from sins” to be saved. Most pastors today fail to properly understand and teach the Gospel. The Devil has duped them with a false meaning of then word “repentance.” Instead of Biblically teaching that repentance is simply “a change of mind” that compels a man to believe the Gospel, preachers instead are errantly teaching that a man cannot believe the Gospel unless he forsakes intentional sinful behavior. This is a false plan of salvation based upon works (human effort). Reformation is not a prerequisite to saving faith. There are no conditions of salvation except to admit that one is a guilty sinner in the eyes of a holy God. …
You don't have to “invite Jesus into your life” to be saved. That is a false Gospel. Neither do you have to “ask Jesus into your heart.” That also is a false Gospel. There's nothing in the Bible about “surrendering your life to serve Christ” to be saved. These are all false teachings which are popular in the churches today. The Gospel is not merely “trusting Jesus.” Nor is it “following Christ.” Nor is it “making a commitment to Christ.” Salvation is not mending your ways, forsaking the world, turning from sin or being willing to turn from sin. None of these constitute THE GOSPEL.
Yup, that’s what you wrote, it’s right here on your website: CLICKY
Why doesn’t that apply to Kanye West too?
Gee, maybe your whole Jesus show is just a ruse to fool us all. Are you perhaps really Satan? How do we know you’re saved at all?
Through prayer temptations can be thwarted (Matthew 26:41)
After your J-boy saved a woman from those exactly like you : they fucked off because he proved them wrong , therefore they no longer had the right to think the way they did. Question: What did he say to her after he forgave her...?!
And no 'Man's Mind' BS excuse allowed, David J. Pedo .
You know what you'll be admitting - and in more ways than one - should your answer be the only one possible.
Ergo (check one):
[ ] You don't have faith in your own 'Faith': because you're not the 'Christian' you claim to be
[ ] Deep down, you know we Atheists are more than right. Just ask Jonathan Edwards
Choose wisely.
Which brings us to:
Gee, maybe your whole Jesus show is just a ruse to fool us all. Are you perhaps really Satan? How do we know you’re saved at all?
If it pleases the court, I would like to reinforce what my learned colleague says by submitting Exhibit A:
I Personally am Not a Christian
The prosecution rests.
Check and fucking Mate, Davey-boy.
@frogflayer #20468
I guess Dead Wife and Ginger Minge weren’t filming that day. And I’m pretty sure the Wetback Jesus isn’t there, but then again the rednecks at the border did kill him, and give him stigmata in the process.
Can’t wait for that show’s triumphant return!
"VKanye West is not a true born-again Christian!"
Isn't that God's call, you arrogant hate monger?
Are you really in a position theology to the guy who invented it?
What will you do if you get to Heaven, and the Gates, and are behind Kanye in line? And he gets let in?
I tend to believe that DJS is…at least partially…a very dedicated troll persona and that he exaggerates his frumminess for a weird website for fun.
* He’s basically insinuating that only he is going to heaven.
* He claims to hate a bunch of popular music but admits he actually loves it on a dating site.
* He claims to hate Hawaiian culture, The Hula, etc. yet LOVES Hawaiian steel-guitar.
* He yammers about how evil Christmas Trees and festivities are yet makes some pretty nice Christmas cookies (that are shaped like trees).
* He’s still on good terms with his kids, apparently.
* He states that deeds don’t matter when you follow Jesus but he still complains about deeds like having lots of sex, wearing slacks while female, etc.
* There seems to nothing and no one that he approves of…even if they’re just like him.
His websites are simply his life’s hobby, which is why they lasted so long. He may be a genuine religious nut but I think he exaggerates everything on his websites to the point of absurdity just because he LOVES to troll, gets lots of attention and he knows folks like us will quote him.
In real life, he’s likely just a garden-variety holy-roller who’s fine with Pop Music (if it isn’t super raunchy or hard), hula girls, Christmas stuff, etc. and his daughters would NEVER hang with him if he was exactly like the person he portrays himself online.
I’m not denying he’s a frum and a Jack Hyles fan; I’m just saying he likely isn’t Fred Phelps on steroids.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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