LiterallyASoyboy #psycho
[Serious] Our actual enemy is the replication and very existence of biological life
I know that we all want societal change in one form or another, typically involving a reduction in the social power of women and their capacity for sexual selection, or perhaps the total legalization of prostitution in every country. While I'd like these things to come about, focusing on them is missing the point, and not seeing the forest for the trees.
It wasn't so long ago that I believed the 20th century was a mistake, actually I still do, however even if we were to magically revert society to the standards of 1900, this is essentially just a bandage, resolving the problem for us and putting the burden of an actual solution onto the future. When you understand that our situation is not some small oddity within the context of human history, that it's actually the other way around, in that the advent of civilization drastically repressed our natural behavior, you come to realize that simply desiring society to put the restrictions back in place would only force our descendants to eventually face the same struggles and suffer through inceldom for our benefit.
What I'm saying is that as incels, by definition, we're nature's failures and unwanted children. As such, we're in the perfect position to critically weigh the value of the natural process we've been more or less excluded from. After all, have you ever wondered why there has to be people like us, losers, why people have to suffer and die to continue a cycle of reproduction and need fulfillment? Ever wondered why people literally create problems for the purpose of mitigating their own pain, just to have somebody else go about resolving them in the same manner (or fail and suffer more for it)? The reality is that biological life and it's propagation, it's not only pointless, but unfathomably harmful. As long as this process continues, more and more people will be created, who go onto live miserable lives solely due to their genetics, to say nothing of all the other sources of unnecessary harm which existence forces upon it's captives.
Whenever I think about the idea of total victory, I don't picture myself with a foid, I imagine a cessation of and liberation from this futile cycle of pain. Every incel is a casualty of war in an unending struggle, in which organisms attempt to lessen the pain imposed solely by their own existence. Everyone who ever rejected or ostracized you did so enslaved to this cyclical exercise in pain and futility. Furthermore, as long as this continues, more incels will be created indefinitely. The problem of inceldom is not societal, it's existential, and it therefore demands an appropriate solution.