various commenters #transphobia

( @shakerofsalts )
If TIMs (transwomen) are, in their own words....
"More beautiful and stunning than real woman"
Then why aren't swarms of men (real men) seeking out these so called "stunning women"? Surely if #transwomen are so much better then real women then the percentile of men dating transwomen would be much higher?
Men know what they want.
And it sure as f*** isn't a "woman" with a penis.

( @CamiKarzy )
It's part of their delusional fantasy that they believe to be true. They think they are a woman and it is so. They think they are God's gift to men and it is so. Interesting that the God's gift trait usually belongs to males.

( @PhilTheGog )
They have to be ‘more beautiful than real women’. Their massive male ego insists on it.
See also, better at sport, better at taking female only jobs, etc.

( @UnaDavey11 )

( @Terfervilles )
Delusion, denial and narcissism are all part of this porn-induced mental illness.



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