All science is doing, or has ever done, is explore the mysteries of Creation. Some things they understand and others they don't.
The world at large does not believe tToE, as it stands, and the inclusion of evolution theory in the curricula of religious schools along with the believers in theistic evolution in general, will only serve to hasten the day when science will have no other recourse but to include a supernatural force as the explantion for many of their incomplete theories.
Just as your atheistic beliefs came into prominence in this century so they will be swept into the dustbin of history. Your end is near.
"The world at large does not believe tToE"
Actually, most of the world DOES believe in evolution. Even a majority of Americans believe in evolution, though it is close here.
"will only serve to hasten the day when science will have no other recourse but to include a supernatural force as the explantion for many of their incomplete theories."
You're looking at history and science totally backwards. We've slowly been eliminating supernatural force from explanations in the world.
"Just as your atheistic beliefs came into prominence in this century so they will be swept into the dustbin of history."
Neither religion nor atheism will ever be "swept into the dustbin of history." They'll always be here, but hopefully religion will be in the minority someday.
The world at large does not believe tToE,
Sure it does. Only in the US is there substantial disbelief, and only in the US are there a large number of Baptists (and their various independent offshoots) - mainly in the South - who are the main opposition to it.
The problem with your hypothesis is: every reliably recorded event in history has a natural cause while no supernatural event has been reliably recorded.
Oh wait, fundies don't Believe either of those things.
Just as your atheistic beliefs came into prominence in this century so they will be swept into the dustbin of history. Your end is near.
I think it's quite the opposite. Every generation has been stepping further and further away from religion. As we advance more in science and social equality, it will become clearer and clearer that religion is nothing but a disease to our species.
"The world at large does not believe tToE, as it stands, and the inclusion of evolution theory in the curricula of religious schools along with the believers in theistic evolution in general, will only serve to hasten the day when science will have no other recourse but to include a supernatural force as the explantion for many of their incomplete theories."
In other words, when scientist can't find the answer to something right away you guys will be there shouting "goddidit". It's called god of the gaps, it's intellectually lazy, and you lose.
[All science is doing, or has ever done, is explore the mysteries of Creation. ]
No. What about technology, space travel, and modern medicine?
[The world at large does not believe tToE]
I would like to see a source for this please.
[and the inclusion of evolution theory in the curricula of religious schools along with the believers in theistic evolution in general, will only serve to hasten the day when science will have no other recourse but to include a supernatural force as the explantion for many of their incomplete theories. ]
Er, what?
[Just as your atheistic beliefs came into prominence in this century so they will be swept into the dustbin of history. Your end is near. ]
You've been saying that for hundreds of years now. Nothing has happened to atheists or other religions for that matter.
Your end is near.
Don't think so, bud.
he may be partially right, as most people probably live in poor conditions in Africa, India and China.
So there might be a large percentage of these people who either is influenced by religious fundamentalism or be too unedicated to have heard about the ToE.
If we count only the industrialized countries it is different, of course, and the majority of the population in these countries thinks that the ToE is correct.
Such is the nature of man. We will never understand "everything". If we did we would look for stuff to understand. That is the nature of science. Even if we find "ultimate knowledge" we would keep looking since we would not know if we found ultimate knowledge or not.
The world at large DOES NOT believe in the theory of evolution. We know this. Vast quantities of africa, asia and south america are under very poor education and/or under the reins of religious fundementalists who stiffle education. And we are fighting against this every single day.
And we will win. For the sole reason as pointed out by a famous quote by a scientist who christians persecuted.
"But it does move."
"science will have no other recourse but to include a supernatural force as the explantion for many of their incomplete theories"
Science doesn't work that way, sorry. We have an "incomplete" theory (never mind that by the time it's considered a theory it is tentatively complete), we look for evidence that either completes it or proves it wrong. Appealing to the supernatural is against the rules because it accomplishes nothing and is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to test.
We would all be better with religion imho, then we wouldn't have the hundreds of years of scientific repression.
Fuck right now we could have jetpacks...
Jetpacks, hell. Starships!
The single 'supernatural' force conceded by physicists would be the Singularity. Everything since then has been natural.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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