It’s been a permanent mystery to myself, and to several of my loyal and esteemed readers, why it is that the men’s rights movement, and the manosphere in general, has been so reluctant to focus upon, or even barely mention the fact, that feminists are invariably ugly, and that feminists give primacy in their lobbying campaigns to goals that invariably will in some way limit the freedoms of non-ugly women (and more importantly often criminalize or at least restrict the liberties of thousands or millions of normal heterosexual men).
This is the great Elephant in the Room when it comes to feminism and the men’s rights movement.
It is the very fact that MRAs, and men in general, ignore the fact that feminists are blatently ugly jealous women that has allowed them to pass law after law that leads to thousands of men being raped in prison while simply serving no other end but to raise their own sexual market value (and those of their supporters – the mass of women) and to soothe their insane psycho-sexual jealousies. Feminists are trampling on basic human rights because they are ugly and jealous – there is no getting around this, however crude or even comical it can sound.
A man rapes a woman, it's the woman's fault for dressing, acting or just being a woman. A man get's raped in prison, it's the woman's fault?
Does not compute!
"A man get's raped in prison, it's the woman's fault? "
On the very tired MRA idea that the woman falsely accused the man of raping her.
Looking this over, there's quite a lot of projection and avoidance:
* He seems obsessed with women's "sexual market value" and thus assumes women (feminists) think the way he does. They . . . don't.
* Prison rape is men attacking men. That seems to get oddly ignored in the MRA posts.
* The entire statement on "ugly women" is really no more than the childish 'you're ugly and thus bad' routine, and hearkens to racist defamations of the appearance of other races.
The entire MRA world seems to be a pile of contradictions, really, eradicated around a core of impotent rage and self-esteem problems.
It's not crude or comical, it's insane and pathetic. Only misogynists believe that a woman's worth is based on her looks. Only immature man-children attest that every member of a group they dislike must be ugly and so jelly. Whatever the fuck "sexual market value" is supposed to be only exists in the fucked minds of the sick in the head misogynists who live in their own little fantasy land. I'm sure this guy is a regular stud muffin there.
MRAs obviously don't give a shit about rape culture. They really have some nerve to claim that women don't care about rape. America's overcrowded prisons are the result of racism, poverty, The War on Drugs, and greed. Not women getting all the poor innocent men locked up, sorry.
I'm sorry, "manosphere"? You can't just make up words and expect them to have meaning, especially ones as dumb as this.
As for the rest of this garbage, there are plenty of real issues you could targeting, like the unhealthy stereotype that men cannot be raped. Why aren't you doing anything like that, instead of this stupid war on straw you've got going on here?
Maybe the lack of focus upon your pet peeve is because you're pretty alone holding that particular pet peeve. Most humans grow out of that kind of mindset sometime during their late teens.
How will equality between men and women limit the freedoms of non-ugly women, and criminalize the liberties of "normal heterosexual men"? Who decides who’s ugly or non-ugly? You might think I’m ugly, but my husband doesn’t agree. What if only ugly men bother about this Men’s Rights nonsense? Pleasant-looking, decent men seem to have no problem with women gaining the rights that they take for granted.
If you don't want to end up in jail for rape, just refrain from forcing yourself on unwilling women and girls. What's a "sexual market value", and what's a "psycho-sexual jealousy", and who cares about these anyway?
Feminists WANT basic human rights for all, stupid, not just for men.
@Insult to Rocks
"Manosphere" is, in fact, a term. It refers to a closely-knit bunch of misogynistic Men's Rights Activist, Men Going Their Own Way, Pick-up Artist and Nice Guy websites, including, but not limited to; A Voice For Men, The Spearhead, MGTOW Forums, Roosh V, Chateau Heartiste, Vox Popoli,, and the website this quote is from.
Have you seen some of the pictures these Tough guys post of themselves? Long greasy hair, "unfortunate" skin and, let's be frank, more belly fat than brains.
Anyone like that lecturing others on looking good ought to include a picture of themselves, just so we know whereof they speak.
This has been a very frequent claim among anti-feminists. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; people possess other attractions besides physical beauty; you haven't provided any evidence for why beauty even matters.
Evidence for how feminists got the reputation of being ugly:
"It’s been a permanent mystery to myself, and to several of my loyal and esteemed readers, why it is that the men’s rights movement, and the manosphere in general, has been so reluctant to focus upon, or even barely mention the fact, that feminists are invariably ugly, and that feminists give primacy in their lobbying campaigns to goals that invariably will in some way limit the freedoms of non-ugly women (and more importantly often criminalize or at least restrict the liberties of thousands or millions of normal heterosexual men)."
None of that is true. Mystery solved.
> It’s been a permanent mystery to myself, and to several of my loyal and esteemed readers, why it is that the men’s rights movement, and the manosphere in general, has been so reluctant to focus upon, or even barely mention the fact, that feminists are invariably ugly
Seems like the only thing you guys focus on...
"It’s been a permanent mystery to myself, and to several of my loyal and esteemed readers, why it is that the feminist movement, and the femisphere in general, has been so reluctant to focus upon, or even barely mention the fact, that MRAs are invariably ugly, and that MRAs give primacy in their lobbying campaigns to goals that invariably will in some way limit the freedoms of non-ugly, non-misogynist men (and more importantly often criminalize or at least restrict the liberties of thousands or millions of women of all sexual orientations).
This is the great Elephant in the Room when it comes to men's rights activism and the feminist movement.
It is the very fact that feminists, and women in general, ignore the fact that MRAs are blatantly ugly jealous men that has allowed them to pass law after law that leads to thousands of women being raped and blamed for it while simply serving no other end but to raise their own miniscule attractiveness (and those of their supporters the mass of misogynists) and to soothe their insane psycho-sexual jealousies. MRAs are trampling on basic human rights because they are ugly, misogynistic, and jealous there is no getting around this, however crude or even comical it can sound."
@Goomy pls:
That's actually highly accurate, in my experience. I have yet to see, read about, or meet even one MRA who wasn't hideous in every way: physically, emotionally, socially, and psychologically.
I know a few cases in point: Ted Beale, Paul E-lame, Eivind Berge, David J. Stewart (even though he isn't an MRA he hates feminists), Roosh Vorek, Roissy, Bclaym, Sinshine Gary/Larry/Marty/Mark/Marv, many Love-shy goons, Henry Mak-cow, and Matt Forney(cation).
And that's not even half of them.
Of course! Everyone against me is an ugly, jealous box of human scum that deserves no respect or empathy! Holy shit, the meaning of life is revealed before me...
You sir, are an idiot, and a shame to men everywhere.
"there is no getting around this, however crude or even comical it can sound."
"Comical", you got that right. This pseudo-intellectual rant is funny as shit.
Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others. Individuals with this personality disorder may be hypersensitive, easily feel slighted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, potentially not appreciating other evidence.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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