Believe what you will The sad thing is there are two places that are inclusive irregardless of who you are or what you have said or done. One of those is prison, and the other is Hell.
Is that even a word?
Irregardless is not a word.
I admit, I've seen the inside of a jail cell several times. But I was a reserve deputy at the time, and it was from the outside looking in.
Hell, not so much. Unless you can count being a moderate-to-liberal atheist living in a conservative Republican red state.
Which is why the percentage of POC is higher than the percentage of white people in prison in the US, right?
Besides, it's usually what you either said or did that landed you in prison, dolt!
What's with the many girls in the strange painted-on-looking old-guy's undershirt?
This is mostly how we are used to see that kind of garment:
It's getting boring much quicker, funnily enough...
@ Wanderer
I guess so.
"Oh noes! Pornography! How horrible!"
Yawn... Isn't Sport's Illustrated Swimsuit Issue pretty fashionable, as in people WANT to be in it? I.e. they don't have to exploit poor women wanting to feed their kids, or something.
two places that are inclusive
Well, a few more if you count in earthquakes, traffic jams, blackouts, the plague, the floor of the Atlantic Ocean after the sinking of the Titanic, and the line at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Two things here that is factually wrong.
1. Not everyone in prison is guilty.
2. There is no evidence that Hell exists.
But it's exactly "what you have said or done" that would get you in prison, or supposedly get you in Hell. So, it's hardly "irregardless" of that. There are places that are definitely more inclusive.
And that IS a word....just not a "proper" one.
Whatever you say. It is well known that prisons exist, and that's a deterrent to many people, not all of course. As for Hell...there's no proof that exists {only a story to scare children and gullible adults}.
Some Christian Anon
Wasn't God explicitly saying that he accepts everyone regardless of who they are or what they've done (as long as they repent and seek him, of course)? Isn't that the main selling point the Church rode on until the middle ages? So you're equating God with Hell. Well done, idiot.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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