(On Pat Robertson's 1337th prediction on nuclear armageddon)
FGsltw2009 (16 hours ago)
One day Pat may get it right and when he does, that little arrogant smirk you have will be history.
amandacosner (1 week ago)
some people think pat is nuts, but i think he is on to something. i mean that would be the perfect time to attack us. during the election time when our country is at a turning point. The bible predicts things. weather you believe or not, everyone has an opinion. and this is just mine. have a great day!
Yep.... any day now...
any day...
One day Pat may get it right and when he does, that little arrogant smirk you have will be history.
And if I keep rolling a bag full of d20s, eventually the whole bag will roll 20s. Your point?
I could start every day by saying, "It's going to rain here today," and sometimes I would be right.
According to these idiots, that makes me a prophet.
"The bible predicts things. weather"
And Gawd said unto Saint Whoever the Fuck, thou shalt be given light flurries of snow with a chance of hail! and it was done.
I've got a grand idea. I'm going to start predicting common natural disasters, and claim that they're caused by the Evil Ninja god, because he doesn't like us. Eventually, I'll get some random date correct, and claim I'm some kind of prophet of Cruptu, the god of Pointless Things. Because as you all should know, fellow believers, Cruptu is awesome.
Let's see, so far the terrorists were supposed to nuke us on New Years Day, every new years day since '02, every christmas since '02, every easter since '02, 6/6/06, etc. etc. And these were all 'prophesied' by their pathetic, ignorant leaders. So here we go again. And when it doesn't happen, they're going to say, "oh, god told me that they're going to get us at the super bowl, that's the perfect time." And yes, I do believe in weather.
Well eventually he might get it right, due to the law of averages.
But I think I will get a million bucks before that.
Law of Averages.
"weather" doesn't have an opinion, it just happens, so whether you believe it or not, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.End of line.
Well, I could write a computer program to prophecize every single day the world could end, so even though it was 'right', it wouldn't be of any value.
What i'm trying to say is, "LOL STUPID FUNDY"
"(On Pat Robertson's 1337th prediction on nuclear armageddon)"
No way is that a leet prediction =P
(Obvious joke I know, but someone had to say it)
1338th time's a charm?
Only in America, folks, could you lie constantly for years, make shit up, contribute absolutely nothing but hatred to society, and become rich and famous.
For the first quote, if you throw out enough signals you're bound to get a response. Having one "vision" come true means nothing when you have roughly two zillion that failed to pan out. Probability is a bitch, huh?
Second quote: Vague predictions that can be conveniently change back and forth between metaphorical and literal depending on the event you're applying them to do not make for compelling evidence. And election time would probably be a horrible time to launch an attack, seeing as security is vamped up in most major locations to prevent over-zealous individuals from "making a point" in order to sway the voters.
weather you believe or not, everyone has an opinion. and this is just mine.
Opinions are like assholes...
@ The L
I could start every day by saying, "It's going to rain here today," and sometimes I would be right.
According to these idiots, that makes me a prophet.
Or a standard weatherperson.
Here in Southern California, if the Weather Guessers would say "sunny and warm" each morning, they'd be right 300 times a year, but Oh, nooo... they try to make it more interesting and they fail more than 50% of the time. And as if getting it wrong for the next morning isn't enough, they predict for 5 or 10 days in advance.
Hey, Multiple Miggs, is that you?
Both arguements are basically: Shit Happens
Which it certainly does, it's the grand unifying statement. It's neither an answer or an argument when applied to the nonsense spewed by Pat Robertson, he's almost always wrong about the predictable shit so certainly wrong about any grand design or likelyhood for that matter.
His followers are like Becks: They've seen how many times they've been wrong but still look for that actual accurate prediction. Why are they so stupid, why would they expect a useful answer from these idiots after proven wrongs?
amandacosner (1 week ago)
"some people think pat is nuts, but i think he is on to something. i mean that would be the perfect time to attack us. during the election time when our country is at a turning point. The bible predicts things. weather you believe or not, everyone has an opinion. and this is just mine."
Which is why - whenever I'm in the US - I'm staying at least 100 miles away from Pat Robertson. Fundie Alzheimer's is infectious ! And I bet he has Nits, the Dreaded Lurgi & Cooties! EW ! X3
@Princess Rot
Pat Robertson's 1337th prediction
"Sorry, Pat Robertson is not leet."
A light switch would confuse that senile retard.
Look jerks, Pat Robertson said God told him Mitt Romney was going to win in a landslide. GOD TOLD HIM THIS HE SAID. In fact MANY of his false predicytions came directly from God himself according to Pat himself.
What do you do with false prophets again? All in or go home boys.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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