Tyler Lloyd #fundie #wingnut #psycho rightwingwatch.org

(as told by Kristen Doerer)

I passed by Lloyd and his “I have a dream of a Boogaloo [civil war]” sign, perhaps an attempt to be clever on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which fell on the same day as the gun rally.

“I went to Charlottesville, and I was really hoping there would be, like, more clashing between counterprotesters, but it looks like conservatives outnumbered everyone today,” Lloyd told me.

“Yeah, I really wanted a shooting. So this is really disappointing that everyone is so peaceful and organized, and I mean nothing bad happened. I guess there’s plenty of people walking with guns outside the capitol, but I don’t know, I thought there was more statements saying we were going to go storm the capitol,” he said. “This might as well been Storm Area 51 for me. This is stupid. I don’t know what all of these people wasted all their time for.”

When asked about his sign, Lloyd said he had heard of the term two weeks ago. “But it was kind of like what will it actually do to start a, you know, civil war in America? And everyone is already so divided. It’d be nice for people to finally be able to solve those problems with violence,” he said.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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