I think there should be less time spent on teaching evolution anyway. It is only someones opinion on what may have happened. Unless one is planning on being an evolutionist I see no benefit of it being taught in the first place. It's not going to bring about a new vaccine for cancer or fix our social problems.
actually, it probably *will* bring about a new vaccine for cancer.
This guy sounds like my entire chem class, "why do we have to learn this I'm never going to need it its so stupid"
No, understanding and working off that understanding of evolution is "exactly" what is going to help with the development of vaccines. It "DOES" help with 'social problems' by helping us better understand how we evolved the way we did and why we do and see things the way we do. More teaching of evolution and a better understanding of its concepts are only helpful.
Only praying 16 times per day, selling your religion door-to-door, and "being saved" will produce a cure for cancer.
Sell this to your church:
But the bible stories will, I am sure, give them skills to be a productive, contributing member of society.
And why learn Algebra, don't need that in the real world. Or Physics, or Biology, or Chemistry, or Literature, or anything else not found in the Bable.
Basically why go past grade 6 at all?
"It's not going to bring about a new vaccine for cancer or fix our social problems."
Right. Until it, like, you know, DOES.
~David D.G.
"It's not going to bring about a new vaccine for cancer"
No...that's actually where stem-cell research comes in.
But, just so that you know (lol, yeah right), evolution is currently the underlying principle in many fields of psychology, sociology, and almost all fields of biology. So...keeping your kids ignorant about a well-evidenced, and important theory isn't exactly a good solution.
Wrongo! On both counts. It will most certainly be people with an understanding of evolution who produce a new vaccine for cancer. And, if there was more time spent on teaching what evolution really is, there would most certainly be fewer fundies - so that's at least one social problem fixed.
"It's not going to bring about a new vaccine for cancer "
Of course not, cancer vaccines are found in the bible.
Along with the theory of relativity and the periodic table.
Yes, on the front page of your textbook it says it is only someone's opinion...What, are you insane?? Apparently none of that "teaching" has corresponded to your "learning". If you had listened in class you would have understood the science, but you didn't, you wouldn't, you refused to listen, and will now remain as thick as a brick for the rest of your worthless life.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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