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When you discuss with a normie, you discover that the one that cannot cope with inceldom is he

I mean, they are the ones that always have to find a foid and live with foids and need muh meditation and muh gurus to teach them the most basilar things in life, they are the retards that have to be guided like children and cannot stay alone for 1 minute.

I don't care if a normie is 40 or 50 or 60, he is a child. And the normie is the weak one, the one that cannot cope with anything. Normies are the ones that do 99.999% of the killings, they are the ones that initiate violence for the stupidest reasons like "muh my girlfriend left me", or other irrelevant things that any incel can cope with just fine.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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