epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] Classic WMAF relationship

Foid stealth bragging.


100%. This self-hating noodlewhore loves being fetishized for being Asian, especially because she's Taiwanese and wishes she were a real Asian. If this whole thing isn't a LARP, of course.

Noodlewhores love yellow fever because it makes them magically attractive to whites even if they're ugly as fuck.

Yellow fever is very exaggerated. Most WMAF is a result of white worship rather than yellow fever, since women are the selectors.

Some noodles are very into "Asianness" and constantly say that they're Asian to everybody and embrace Asian culture, except, of course, when dating and sex is involved. This applies double for half-Mexican noodles like Filippinos and half-aboriginal (basically black) noodles like Taiwanese. They don't really look Asian, but black or Mexican, so they feel the need to constantly remind everyone they're Asian. That tells me they want to be fetishized. If this story is true, she is humble-bragging about that.

For Korean, Chinese, and Japanese noodles, a lot of them try not to be Asian and dye their hair red or yellow, get various surgeries, and do their makeup in such a way as to appear Caucasian. These ones are genuinely ashamed of being Asian and might not like being fetishized. But this reddit user is Taiwanese so I doubt she's part of this group.



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