BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #dunning-kruger

Nature has a very good reason to not allow NAWALT

When I was still a human being (more or less...) my wish was not being the Chad or receive the validation of every hole. I wanted to be the cursed hideous tragic hero who somewhere in his journey found that motherly and rescuing figure capable to dismantle my cloth of hatred by being the 0,001% that for some kind of innate mental-biological predisposition would find my face and my whole being perfect while being horrified by Chads and human males in general. At that point I couldn't care less if the rest of the universe was disgusted by me. All I ever asked was something mine and mine alone where humanity had no business. Was that too much of a request? That in the entire universe I could find a sanctuary where to build my world? A house in the woods, some animals, the unicorn foid. Stop.

Yes it was too much. My request ,while appearing humble in the surface, would actually imply to rewrite the whole human nature, the geometry of beauty and the idea of happiness and companionship itself of which I am the nemesis. The order upon which the universe is built cannot allow exceptions nor has any reason to do so. If anything even allowing the smallest of "liberties" such has the existence of 0,1% non Chad only women could lead to disasters.

Because nature knows well that by allowing that 0,1% of foids to have its own criterias of mate selection little by little the subhumans would abuse that tiny little glitch until our earth becomes the planet of the mutants.

For what exactly? Since when the coldness of cosmos took consideration of the happiness of the single entity when manifestating Its order? It would be pointless and, as I explained, threatening to the health of a specie in the long run. That's why I will never talk to a woman again. It's a lost battle against forces completely beyond our conceptual horizon that existed since the birth of time and maybe beyond. It would be like fighting against the most basic principles of physics. It's like throwing an apple from a tower and then another and another hoping sooner or later instead of going down it will stand still.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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